
I am hoping to move to Bali with my wife & 3 kids ,1 x14yr old,1 x 4 yr old, 1 x 1 yr old for a year,I am new to this forum & I have researched and looked through this forum so hope to reduce the re-asking or time wasting of questions previously asked, but please bear with me if I do ask questions already answered.
1.) I think I have found very close Approximate for monthly costs for us $2910 AUS to live with House/Food/Hire-car/electricity/Visa.(divided by 12 Months.)Rubbish/Maid/gas Internet? I assume we could go out for Dinner maybe twice a week. and our 14yr old kid and little ones off school for a year, the odd treat to some adventure somewhere once a week? and a house for the year at $90,000,000 RPH,Does this sound right? I will be working back in Australia and travelling back every few weeks and my wife and kids staying full-time in Bali.
2.) Are the houses with 2yr leases negotiable for a single year?,and is the price of the rent for the year negotiable? excuse my lack of knowledge here?
3.) is it acceptable to bring over a 1yr old toddler? 4 yr old? any hints? tips?
4.) Health Insurance again I see on the posts this can be quite difficult?, can we obtain this back in Australia?
5.) Any hints tips about reducing problems with mosquito bites?, ant bites?,protecting the litlte ones?
6.) the less secure the house as in gated Community,24 hour security the more of a need for full-time staff? or security guard? is this correct?
7.) Any other Aussies with their Families in Bali that the husband travels to and from Australia regularly?
8.) VISA'S ,I Gather that the recurring theme I am seeing here is that a Tourist Visa can be held for 30 days with a 30 day extension and that is it?,and then a Visa run to Singapore or back to Australia? is this correct?
9.) Matter of Opinion but worth asking ,is it better to ALot pay more for a house/Villa and enjoy this.(Chillin at Home.) and have less disposable Income or pay for a moderate House/Villa and have a higher disposable income to how can I say"Offset" this by a slightly higher lavish lifestyle? again I appreciate this is a very general and personal question to ask?

I think this is about it,I thank everyone for their time and look forward to a few responses.

Kind Regards
Welcome to the forum ibis69. Let me try a few brief answers.

1.) I think I have found very close Approximate for monthly costs for us $2910 AUS to live with House/Food/Hire-car/electricity/Visa.(divided by 12 Months.)Rubbish/Maid/gas Internet? I assume we could go out for Dinner maybe twice a week. and our 14yr old kid and little ones off school for a year, the odd treat to some adventure somewhere once a week? and a house for the year at $90,000,000 RPH,Does this sound right? I will be working back in Australia and travelling back every few weeks and my wife and kids staying full-time in Bali.

Monthly budgets vary widely depending on how lavish the lifestyle chosen. $2900/month should be able to fund a very good lifelstyle.
2.) Are the houses with 2yr leases negotiable for a single year?,and is the price of the rent for the year negotiable? excuse my lack of knowledge here?
Absolutely everything is negotiable. If you just accept a price mentioned without attempting to negotiate they will wonder where you came from.
3.) is it acceptable to bring over a 1yr old toddler? 4 yr old? any hints? tips?
Kids of any age should be OK.
4.) Health Insurance again I see on the posts this can be quite difficult?, can we obtain this back in Australia?
Yes if you have a residential address in Aust, you can get travel insurance for 12 months at a time. Look at both medibank private (you don't need to be a member) or 1cover.
5.) Any hints tips about reducing problems with mosquito bites?, ant bites?,protecting the litlte ones?
Mosquitoes - search the forum for past threads
6.) the less secure the house as in gated Community,24 hour security the more of a need for full-time staff? or security guard? is this correct?
Employing a security person is not all that expensive and they often help maintain good relationships with the local village etc. But when you find a place, chec out what others nearby are doing.

8.) VISA'S ,I Gather that the recurring theme I am seeing here is that a Tourist Visa can be held for 30 days with a 30 day extension and that is it?,and then a Visa run to Singapore or back to Australia? is this correct?
Start with a tourist visa, then on you first visa run, change to social visa - allows 6 months. Search the forum for info.
I just Noticed with a social Visa "You need a letter from your sponsor and a copy of their KTP (ID card). Your sponsor has to have an address in Bali." How can we Overcome this or make this happen? I would like to go down this route as with my wife and three kids getting Them out of the country every 60 days could be a hassle, so a Social Visa sounds great?

Further Questions:

Can I clarify a few Specific Points?
1)Rather than employing a Maid and a Babysitter can we have a single person do Both for More Money? or is this frowned upon and complicating the Process ?
2.) How much would we pay for a pool-man and chemicals per Month?
3.) How much would we pay for a Part-time Gardener?
4.)If we booked a permanenet driver could we hire him with Car for $200,000 Rph per Day every Month?
5.)Food for a family of 5 two kids under 4 years of Age and a teenager,can we feed our family with soem going out for Dinner for $550 AUS per Month?.

Thnk you all for your help and Answers
Goodness me, slow down. You are already going to run past your full budget.
Do not imagine that you are going to rent a house, hire a maid, a babysitter, a pool man, a gardener, a driver, buy pool chemicals, put the kids in school, buy visas and go out dining for the $2910 budget that you mentioned.
When Ronb answered your 10 original questions you were looking at a simple life style now you are going well beyond that.
Come for a visit to Bali, invite a number of folk from this forum to meet up on a certain date. Bring a note book and take notes. This would make your own life easier and things a lot clearer.
Yes you can spell out the house-keepers job when you are hiring. You could consider a full time gardener who would look after the pool as well. You could buy or rent the car yourselves, and then only need to consider the appropriate pay for the driver when you are hiring him.

Finally, your $550 per month for 5 people works out at $3.66 per person per day - or $1.20 per meal. This may be possible but its pretty tight.
Again thank you both for your fantastic replies,I will answer both at the same time, I am at this time just trying to Obtain a Budget/Lifestyle balance as really this is a great time to ask all the Questions and prepare my Realistic Final Budget.(I based my Figures on data from the posts on here and cost effective strategies.(One choice versus the alternative.))I am probably wrong and that's ok..., as far as the ABove Budget I am trying to Gauge whether we pay more for a Rental WIth pool& associated costs.( Pool-Guy/Chemicals.)that we can use anytime or Pay less for a Rental and reduce our Monthly expenditure but then have to head off to the beach or visit some Hotels that we could Possibly pay a Fee for to use their hotel Pool ???, AS far as The Original budget Figure of $2910 was based on what I thought was a slightly above AVerage but enjoyable Lifestyle ??? I dont Intend to sound arrogant or live a too full-on Lifestyle as with School the Kids we are Intending to Give them the Year off.(SO far ANyway.) as we have a 1Yr old/4 Yr Old,& 14 Yr Old.)so no School Fees, I have Budgeted a Driver/Car as really I again assumed this was the cheaper of the Options to arrange a set-fee.(My fee of $200,000 Rph per day.) and as far as food Goes Ronb has pointed out could be Quite hard with my $550 AUs Budget, could I ask what a budget would be for 3 kids and two adults live-in No going out for Dinners and a more realistic Budget for 3 kids and two adults if we purchased food for home and went out for dinner possibly 2 times per week. I think it is a fantastic idea to meet up with all the great people on here in the next 4-5 Months hopefully when we proceed with this to Investigate further not only for a face to face and obtain a better picture but start a great frienship possibly,Unfortunately until then I have to post my Questions and progress as I build a final and realistic Budget. I post my figures so far so I can get some constructive criticism thanks:-
1.) House $640 AUS per Month,$75,000,000 Rph
2.)Food $550 AUs,I am questioning this Now.
3.)Health .(TRavel.)Insurance with a Australian address for 320 day cover with Mbf $229 Monthly
4.)Visa $51.46 per month based on a Initial 30 day Visa cover and 2 x 6 Month Socia Visas for 5 of us.
5.)Electricity:$100 Aus
7.) Gas $10
8.) Internet $75
9.) Car hire/driver hire travel $660 Aus
10.) Miad /Nanny .$200 AUS
11.) Misc.$364
TOTAL: $2545.46 with a $364 Buffer

I understand you probably see this all the time and believe me I use this forum as my Bible so I am being pro-active as well.

Kind Regard
Ibis, I seriously think you have underestimated your visa costs.

To apply for sosial budaya in Australia, it's AU$60.00 per person for the first 60 days. Then you will need to renew 4 x times, making 6 months in total (or 180 days to be precise).

If you process the renewals/extensions yourself, it will cost you Rp250.000 per person, per month (that's about $28 per person x 4 times), but you will need to go to immigration 3 or 4 times for each extension. If you use an agent, the cost will be around Rp600.000 per person, per month and you only need to attend immigration for the first extension.

After 180 days, you and your family will then need to depart for Singapore and start the process all over again for the final 6 months.

So, by my calculations, for the first 6 months:

Initial 60 day visa x 5 people = AU$300.00
4 extensions x 5 people = AU$560.000 (if you process with immigration directly)
Trip to Singapore x 5 people = AU$1,000.00 (conservatively and only staying one night)

Then repeat the process all over again for the second 6 months:

Initial 60 day visa x 5 people = AU$650.00 (same day visa service in Singapore is SGD175 per person)
4 extensions x 5 people = AU$560.000 (if you process with immigration directly)

Totaling AU$3070.00 for one year, or AU$256.00 per month. These figures are conservative and based on applying for the extensions yourself. If you use an agent, you will need to add another AU1,550.00 annually or AU$130.00 per month.
$100 for electricity per month is a little high, I pay around $30 but we only use one AC. Rubbish per month will be 30RP not $30. Most live in maids will be happy to look after your kids so no need to pay double, how ever if you want an english speaking maid its going to cost more (thats if you can find one). Car hire with driver seems a little high. Internet, from my experience and I've tested this is that smart telecom in some places is just as fast as speedy. You may want to have smart tested in your house once you move in. Also if you want to get speedy you'll need a phone line to your house.

House: Shop around first, don't take the first thing because you like it and it fits your budget. For 75,000,000 per year you could get yourself a nice place, don't be afraid to bargain, everything is negotiable so try to screw them down as much as possible. Foreigners here are seen as walking ATM machines so depending on who you're dealing with theres a good chance you'll be getting Bule prices anyway.
I thank you for further Clarification,This is truly a work in Progress this Budget.(I love all this research and work.),and then when my wife and I make a decision on Moving the Whole family Over,My wife and I will travel over and try to meet a few people here on the Forums and talk more ,Look through Properties,do some reconnaisance etc etc.

Again Many Thanks.
Also, have you checked the prices of International Schools? (if thats where you want your kids to go) They are around $200 AUD per week per child, just for the fees :(
As mentioend Before Rasi we are toying with the idea of leaving our 14 yr -old out of School for a year and returning her to re-do her year she is finishing and the 4 yr old and 1 yr old we are not Overly concerned about as we will entertain them and possibly join some Social groups. I will add off topic here in relation to Food pricing /groceries for the Month if we currently spend Approximately $820 per Month in Australia on just Groceries to feed the 5 of us ,would it not be a fairly good guide to base on that if we only go out to Dinner 2-3 times every 7-8 days and get our Maid /Nanny to purchase groceries our previous Bali Budget for Food/Dining of $550-$600 would be on the Mark?, Just something I have been thinking about .I do have to agree with Ronb's assesment more so than mine.

Kind Regards
A lot will also depend on which area you would like to live in. A friend of mine recently leased a three bedroom home with a pool in Sanur. This is reasonably close to all amenities and a local school. However is on the opposite side of the bypass to the beach.
This was for 85,000,000.
If you go back to hiring a maid and no one else things will also become closer to your budget. You will find that your maid or her family will happily look after your children when the two of you want a night out.
Forget the gardener, forget the driver. Get a pool cleaner in on contract. This will cost you about 500,000 a month with a few chemicals.
As already suggested lease or buy a car. Drive yourself around, it ain't that hard to do. Your budget for the driver and vehicle is too low, so it will be better to get your own vehicle. You can lease a good vehicle for 4,500,000 per month.
Remember that your visa will be different to that of your wife and the children. You have missed their international flights and accommodation costs in your budget. Actually your own flights are not mentioned.
You are correct in assuming your food allowance is too low.
I have noticed there is no allowance for beer in this budget. This scares me.:icon_biggrin:
Updated budget--work in progress

thank you very Much for your time and effort ,I will provide a more .(Hopefully.) factual and specific Budget.:-(I will leave my flights out of this for me to fly back and forth from AUstralia as I book them In AUstralia.)
House: $640 Aus per Month.Paid Upfront.
Food: $800 Family of 5, and Included in this hopefully cheap eating out somewhere maybe once/Twice per week.
Health Insurance/travel Insurance: $229 sorted out in AUstralia.
Visa Run:$256. thanks to Matsaleh
Electricity: $71
Rubbish $10 AUs
TRavel car- Hire: your saying No.Idea $4,500,000 Drive Myself. or $493 AUs
Maid:$160 AUS
Pool-Guy$500,000 or $54 Aus
TOTAL:$2798 Not Including my Flights to and from Australia,

AGAIN Guys I hope you rip apart these figures and amend/correct or congratulate me on finally working this out,I will state I want to lead a Simpler life in Bali than here in Australia, as here in Australia we are blue-collar middle of the road people but want it to be comfortable and nice but Certainly not Not Excessive,, Arghh as far as Beer is concerned I hope .(as we will have to pay for the House rental Upfront to use maybe a third of that Money every Month for small Luxury Items like a little beer /SPirits/kids stuff .)

I hope this helps anyone else that reads this that has a large young family like myself.

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Your budget for the driver and vehicle is too low, so it will be better to get your own vehicle. You can lease a good vehicle for 4,500,000 per month.

Depends what you consider a good vehicle. You can pick up an Avanza or Zenia for around 3mil per month, they're good vehicles. A non english non live in driver per month will set you back 1 mil to 1.3mil. All up around 4 to 4.3 mil per month.

ibis69 it would pay to get yourself an international drivers license before you come here, just incase you can't find a driver strait away.
Just thought i would say hi,we are planning on moving over in dec,i have 2 kids 2 and 5 my husband will be doing fifo from perth,good luck with all your planning,its all fun!!!!