doug fretty

New Member
May 2, 2005
During a recent move the file containing our IMB certificate was lost (dumb,yes). My question is,does anyone on this forum know the procedure or have a idea as to where to get to recover the record? The house is in Tabanan regency.


During a recent move the file containing our IMB certificate was lost (dumb,yes). My question is,does anyone on this forum know the procedure or have a idea as to where to get to recover the record? The house is in Tabanan regency.

Sorry to hear that. Wow. Big loss.

What about the Sertipikat? Was with the IMB?
Also, you should have that blue plate with your IMB number on it.
Make sure you have at least a photo of that.

If it was me I'd be asking an experienced Notaris how to handle this problem. They can probably get it sorted for you.

You say recent move. If you sold house A and moved to house B then the IMB for house A should have been with your Notaris to hand over at settlement time?
Just thinking out loud here.

doug fretty

New Member
May 2, 2005
Thanks for the reply Paul, no the move did not involve a sale of house and I have the sertipikat tanah. I do not have a blue plate either. So perhaps I will seek the advice of a Notaris. I would think that the Kantor Bangunan or a hall of records may have a record,but that may be stretching it?


Happy to pass along whatever I can, Doug.

If it was me, and unless you get better advice, I would go to the Dinas Pendapatan, which is the Government Revenue Office (I went there last year for a Land Tax issue) and ask them the question. Take your certificate because they have access into the database with all the sub-division details on it. If they can't help then they will definitely know where to point you and they'll probably draw you a map too.

I am in North Bali and these Government offices are not too busy for this. And being a foreigner I find I get ushered into see someone fairly quickly, which is very nice of them. Usually it is when someone becomes available that speaks enough English.

Best luck!

P.S. I am surprised none of the more experienced members here have not made a suggestion yet. Surely someone will know.


Well-Known Member
Mar 13, 2012
P.S. I am surprised none of the more experienced members here have not made a suggestion yet. Surely someone will know.

Perhaps others haven't faced the same situation and therefore can only speculate.

Taking a picture of the IMB plate is a brilliant suggestion and I'm about to do just that....thanks for the idea


Perhaps others haven't faced the same situation and therefore can only speculate.
Taking a picture of the IMB plate is a brilliant suggestion and I'm about to do just that....thanks for the idea

My logic is he takes the Sertipikat to the Dinas Pendapatan which handles Land Tax (revenue), and what else, I do not know.

I do know that when I got them to update my records on their file to reflect the correct NameHolder and land size, etc, they asked for the Sertipikat, IMB and the KTP of the NameHolder. It was the KTP that sent me to Farida Andriani.

I am assuming that on their database there is a record of the IMB info (which is married to the Sertipikat) which shouild enable a clean hook into manufacturing another one. Let's see.

As an aside, the Land maps on their system were not accurate for my area. I suppose when sales are made, all sorts of 'things' happen which leads to inaccurate data in the Government database. But that's not my problem. I am not their DBA. My little patch is all nicely squared away now. It cost me Rp2.3 jt whereas the annual Land Tax would be around Rp80.000 I asked a few people why such a big amount and they just shrugged and said you are changing names in their system - to agree with the IMB. My IMB and Sertipikat both reflect the correct data/name - it was the Government database that was wrong, and they appreciated someone helping them to 'cleanse' that part of it. Someone even came to my house to measure out the land to make sure I wasn't telling a porky.


Photo of IMB plate

Me too. Thanks PaulSeaWind and Davita.

Happy to help, DPH.

Make sure to take quite a few photocopies of the Sertipikat and the IMB and stash them somewhere, incl a printout of the IMB plate.
Also, store scanned images on your computer. Etc.

And keep the originals in a very safe place. Not the same as the building they pertain to.

Mine are in Australia.


Active Member
Aug 13, 2013
Aduh! I just realised I haven't got a sertifikat IMB, I've only got the blue metal plate on the outside of the house. I'll have to chase this up with the developer.

Also, store scanned images on your computer.

Yes, I do this. It makes it easy to print off a couple of copies whenever they're needed. I also keep a copy of everything in the cloud, which is just included with my regular backup routine.

And keep the originals in a very safe place. Not the same as the building they pertain to.

Mine are in Australia.

Not sure I really agree with this. I don't think it's worth the hassle, they can always be re-issued. It might be difficult or costly though. Indonesians sometimes act as though original certificates are irreplaceable (eg. Land, car or motorcycle) but that's not really true. No system can work like that.


Aduh! I just realised I haven't got a sertifikat IMB, I've only got the blue metal plate on the outside of the house. I'll have to chase this up with the developer.
Yes, I do this. It makes it easy to print off a couple of copies whenever they're needed. I also keep a copy of everything in the cloud, which is just included with my regular backup routine.
Not sure I really agree with this. I don't think it's worth the hassle, they can always be re-issued. It might be difficult or costly though. Indonesians sometimes act as though original certificates are irreplaceable (eg. Land, car or motorcycle) but that's not really true. No system can work like that.

OK - up to you.

DPH, there are 2 things you must have.
#1: the original Sertipikat which is for the land.
#2: the original IMB which is for the use of the land.

I have mine. Both originals.

Both are very important documents and should be cared for as such.

If you can get a 'certified original copy' issued (for example, like a Birth Certificate replacement) then Doug needs your assistance, possibly. Let's see.


Nov 28, 2011
OK - up to you.

DPH, there are 2 things you must have.
#1: the original Sertipikat which is for the land.
#2: the original IMB which is for the use of the land.

Confused.... I thought IMB was for the House or building ON the land (hence the reason you have to submit 'architect/designer' drawings) and the blue plate fixed to the house certifying that it is an 'authorised' building.

Or did I get that wrong


Confused.... I thought IMB was for the House or building ON the land (hence the reason you have to submit 'architect/designer' drawings) and the blue plate fixed to the house certifying that it is an 'authorised' building.
Or did I get that wrong

SHG, no you are right. The IMB is for the use of the land. The official permission for what you can do with that land. House. Resort. Hotel. Hospital. Bengkel. Warung. That kind of thing. Note: If buying empty land, you should ask to see an IMB for the usage otherwise your hopeful dreams might not come true when you apply and get knocked back for whatever reason.

I have not been thru the process of getting a fresh IMB so I don't know those steps but it's obvious as to what you'd have to do. A friend's sister works for the Dept that checks these things, here in the North.

IMO, the blue plate affixed to the main building (some say must be on the outside of the fence on the streetside but I haven't complied there) simply states the IMB 'number'. For example, 61/13. I'd assume that is IMB #61 in 2013. Mine is /04 being an older house here. The blue plate is a quick eye catcher to the viewer that all is kosher. And they can check it later if they want, to get their jollies.

That number is on the IMB at the top of page 1 next line under where you see SURAT - IJIN.
It all needs to match up.



all the above is WRONG INFORMATION???

Not understand.

The certificate is for the land itself in the area. Straightforward.
The IMB is the permit for the use of the land. Simple.

That's it.

What do you mean?


Well-Known Member
Sep 3, 2007
Karangasem, Bali
The certificate stipulates the boundaries of your parcel of land and where it's situated - what roads go by and the general dimensions of the land 20 x 40 meters (1 are = 100 sq. meters) for instance.

The IMB is the building permission and is general layout of the house and counter to most popular beliefs need not be an architectural drawing but just a recognizable drawing is enough for IMB purposes, showing rooms and sizes.

Just for the hell of it I would also recommend that anyone going for an IMB ask the person they are buying the land from to get it as a prerequisite to completing a purchase of the land. It's always gonna be easier for the seller of the land to get the signed agreement of his erstwhile neighbors than, for instance, your average Bule.


Nov 28, 2011
The certificate stipulates the boundaries of your parcel of land and where it's situated - what roads go by and the general dimensions of the land 20 x 40 meters (1 are = 100 sq. meters) for instance.

The IMB is the building permission and is general layout of the house and counter to most popular beliefs need not be an architectural drawing but just a recognizable drawing is enough for IMB purposes, showing rooms and sizes.

Just for the hell of it I would also recommend that anyone going for an IMB ask the person they are buying the land from to get it as a prerequisite to completing a purchase of the land. It's always gonna be easier for the seller of the land to get the signed agreement of his erstwhile neighbors than, for instance, your average Bule.

SO to clarify (the many many posts on the topic) the IMB is a certificate/permit for the physical structure (building) and NOT the land use as paulseawind states .

It is clearly important because 'land use' is a very big issue so it is important that we clarify exactly what the paperwork covers


Well-Known Member
Oct 13, 2010
Sorry can't help much as I've not misplaced documents but markit is correct and good advice about IMB before purchasing land. Sorry markit no like button on Vcrap.


Well-Known Member
Sep 3, 2007
Karangasem, Bali
SO to clarify (the many many posts on the topic) the IMB is a certificate/permit for the physical structure (building) and NOT the land use as paulseawind states .

It is clearly important because 'land use' is a very big issue so it is important that we clarify exactly what the paperwork covers

Well that's a bit confusing for me as the only use you need an IMB for is to build on your land and the only use can put to land other than farming (for which no IMB is needed) is building.

You will need a new IMB if your house usage changes ie. from purely living there to renting it out, which requires a new IMB and a Pondok Wisata. But the IMB is basically the same but with the addition of the Pondok, I think...

But what do I know?


SO to clarify (the many many posts on the topic) the IMB is a certificate/permit for the physical structure (building) and NOT the land use as paulseawind states .
It is clearly important because 'land use' is a very big issue so it is important that we clarify exactly what the paperwork covers

SHG, I don't know what is driving you here?

Get out your IMB or have a gander at someone elses if you haven't got one.

About one-third the way down page 1 you will see:


It is the Untuk part I refer to. Untuk is the Indonesian word meaning 'for' as in 'for the purpose of', but you probably already know that one. (That is actually where I learned that word years ago and I use it often when I am speaking Indonesian with whomever.)

Look to the right of Untuk:
There, you will see what the land can be used for. Mine has 'IMB Rumah Tempat Tinggal' which means I can have a house there/here for residency but I cannot rent it out because my Untuk does not say Pondok Wisata. Ergo, the IMB IS for the land use. Clearly and simply, it is. Mate, if you want the final advice go to the Government office and ask them or to an experienced Notaris.

This is about all I can say about this topic, thanks.

You need the IMB before you build, as a 'surety' your permission is already in place. To build and then apply for an IMB is fraught with possibilities, I am guessing. I wouldn't do it that way.

Markit's suggestion you need the approval of the neighbours doesn't really gel with me but he's welcome to take that approach, and he seems to take those things into account along the way. But I wouldn't. So long as I got the IMB issued to me I wouldn't give the neighbours much thought at all, other than to be a normal neighbour with them as time goes by.

I have seen developers buying large parcels of land, splitting them up, getting an IMB for each new piece, and then selling them. That's the smart thing to do, especially just before Jan 2010!
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SO to clarify (the many many posts on the topic) the IMB is a certificate/permit for the physical structure (building) and NOT the land use as paulseawind states .

It is clearly important because 'land use' is a very big issue so it is important that we clarify exactly what the paperwork covers

IMB = ijin mendirikan bangun-bangunan = wake-building permits (as per Google Translate)

Land use is not a very big issue, SHG. It is a straightforward issue. Nothing to run away from.
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