
New Member
I have this annoying problem that I feel like something is eating or biting me at nights. I know that the place where I am staying has a history of bedbugs. They first actually gave me a room where I stayed 1-2 hours until I saw 4-5 full grown bedbugs (5.5mm or something) and asked immediately for another room. They gave me another one from different portion of the hotel so while changing I packed my stuff again and just incase bought and used insect killer (pesticide) to my stuff and luggage.

In this new room it seems pretty clean, I have examined the bed, walls, closet and surroundings with flashlight and I havent seen bedbugs. But I still feel these stinging sensations like something would bite and suddently get up, put the lights on and I see nothing moving on me or on the bed. Just last night I felt a sting, looked at my hand with a flashlight, nothing. Then later I felt like some small bug would be moving on me, again with flashlight and even with stronger table light I just see absolutely nothing.
The sheets have small red dots that is a sign of bedbugs as I have understood but I assume that somebody else has been bitten by a bedbug and the blood just doest go easily off in a standard washing procedure.

Could it be that there are some other parasites here which are so small that you cannot see them at all? I mean I have for many nights tens of times in the night time put the lights on because I feel something stinging me but I don't see any bugs at all. Sometimes I see just black dots on my skin diameter of like 0.2-0.5mm so very hard to see but I don't think that they are moving... or I am not sure.. :D, Kind of paranoid, isnt it.

I have also seen a lot of pictures of bedbugs in the internet (both full grown and the small nymphs) so I assume that I would recognize them. A guy in this hotel claimed to me that they would have bedbugs so small in size that it is almost impossible to see then in bare eye but I don't find from internet any information of such miniature bedbugs.

So do you think there could still be bedbugs even if you don't see one when immediately looking at the stinging point with flashlight?-D
Sounds like bedbugs to me. I would RUN from a place that has a history of them. They aren't easy to get rid of - so every room probably has them.
could it be a case of paranoia?? You know when an ant crawls on you and then after that you can still feel it.. or like a spider web? But if the previous room had bed bugs, i wouldnt continue staying.. I dont believe fly spray works for bed bugs..
could it be a case of paranoia?? You know when an ant crawls on you and then after that you can still feel it.. or like a spider web? But if the previous room had bed bugs, i wouldnt continue staying.. I dont believe fly spray works for bed bugs..

Really...? So is there then some other spray that is for bedbugs? In the one I have the brand is Baygon and reads Anti Nyamuk, Lalat, Kecoa

Cepat, Efektiv & Tahan Lama.

It does say mosquitoes, flys and cockroaches but every single insect I have sprayed with that has died.
Does there exist any cheap hotels that don't have them? I have kind of assumed that they would be present in most of budget hotels because if they do poison the rooms and get rid of the infestation it would take at most a few weeks before somebody brings them again from somewhere?
How cheap is cheap?

I bought this japanese flyspray from Giant once, its in a yellow can and has a japanese flag on it.. it was so toxic we couldnt breathe and everything died.. except for us..
Kumala Indah II is good and about 70,000 a night
Arena Hotel Poppies 1 with AC is 500,000 a week (71k roughly a day)
Gora Inn on Poppies is 100k per night
Benesari/Poppies have some great cheap locations
Definitely bedbugs. It is extremely difficult to get rid of them. They can hide themselves in impossible to see places and come out when you are sleeping.
At this point an issue will be leaving the hotel and not taking the bedbugs along. They are almost certainly in the luggage which means that not only would Golem still have the bedbugs but would also be infesting a new location.

There is an American product called Cedarcide which is very safe and works well to kill pests and insects but I do realize that doesn’t help in this immediate situation.
To answer your question
Could it be that there are some other parasites here which are so small that you cannot see them at all?
I think the answer is "no". But maybe they are elusive - by the time you switch on a light they have moved.
Then you ask
Really...? So is there then some other spray that is for bedbugs?
You don't need anything special, any insecticide (Baygon or Hit) will kill them - the tricky bit is finding where their home base is so that you can blast them. Could be in the crease at the edge of a mattress, could be somewhere on the woodwork of the bed, or can be somewhere relatively undisturbed in the bedding - like under the cover of a bolster which is rarely changed.

Then soontobeexpat says
could it be a case of paranoia??
I know for me this is a possibility. Once I have been bitten and actually seen them, then they play on my mind, and I keep imagining them when half asleep - half dreaming.

If you decide to stay then I would strip the bed, turn the mattress over searching, spray the bed frame etc. They are easy to see if you happen on the right location.

Good luck.
This is slightly off topic but recently we stayed in a decent hotel outside of Ubud that had not done one bit of pest control. I had to kill dozens (hundreds?) of spiders in our room, most small but some quite big, which indicated a bigger insect problem since spiders feed on bugs. Wife was bitten on her arm, most likely by a spider given the bite had two puncture wounds, and she had a fever as well as red streaks running up her arm and severe pain in her wrist joint. Had to see a dermatologist back in Singapore to get antibiotics to treat it. I realize that in the tropics we need to co-habit with lots of different creatures but this was over the top. Will definitely carry Baygon next time to do a preventative spray before settling in...but not at the same place tho :)