
Super Moderator
May 26, 2004
Legian, Bali
Hi Just hoping to check these costs with someone, we are renting in Canggu for 12 months and have been quoted:

House Keeper 1,500,000 per month
Pool Cleaner inc chemicals 600,000 per month

does this sound about right?


Both sound a little expensive to me. A housekeeper/pembantu for daily cleaning (if not live-in), should be Rp1 million per month or less, depending on the amount of hours per day.

We previously had a pool cleaner who came twice a week and we paid Rp450.000 per month, including chemicals.


Jun 25, 2010
Peter, just sent you an email, basically saying the same thing. Just checked my accounts for my rental villa, and the pool man is 380,000 per month including chemicals. I pay my maid RP 800,000 4 hours x 5 days....

gilbert de jong

Active Member
Jan 20, 2009
Panji, Singaraja.
pembantu_____1jt, not living here and no meals, 5 days a week from 09.00 till 16.00.
poolcleaner____1jt, little expensive because of location and comes 3x a week, including chemicals once a week.

But this is in noman's land up the mountain in north Bali :)


Aug 19, 2010
Bona gianyar

poolcleaner____1jt, little expensive because of location and comes 3x a week, including chemicals once a week.

But this is in noman's land up the mountain in north Bali :)

If i were you i would train someone to be your poolboy/combined gardener/driver for the same amount of money.
For that money they are working about three hours a week?Ridiculous.
I clean my own pool(daily)so i know what i am talking about.It is not that complicated to learn,you just will have to stock up on chemicals if they are not te be found in Buleleng.What kind of system is your pool?If it is just chlorine it is nonsense to add that once a week,better add gradually so you will not suffer from red eyes.

gilbert de jong

Active Member
Jan 20, 2009
Panji, Singaraja.
Have you seen the size of my pool, hahaha...just joking. yeah 3 days, 2 hours a day including 15 minutes coffee/cigarette break. I hear what you're saying, but have given up to 'train' a local from my village on how to handle all the valves in the pumproom and settings on the pump and filter I have tried that and even written it down like in a sort of manual..'how to clean the pool' but to no affail. Oh yeah, and it takes about 30minutes one way travel-time to get to my place.
About the chemicals...yeah chlorine and some other stuff (forget the name, against algea), he always brings his testkit (although I have my own) to check levels and adds accordingly. Haven't had redeyes yet..wel not from the poolwater that is ;)
What do you mean with 'what kind of system is your pool'? it has 6 inlets, 2 drains on the floor, 2 in the sidewall (connection for the hose too) and infinity overflow...again not sure if you mean this..


Aug 19, 2010
Bona gianyar
What do you mean with 'what kind of system is your pool'? it has 6 inlets, 2 drains on the floor, 2 in the sidewall (connection for the hose too) and infinity overflow...again not sure if you mean this..

I mean a regular chlorine system,as opposed to saltwatersystem,ionisation, ozonisation or whatever other systems there are on the market.
I trained my (rather smart)gardener to do it,and he does a brilliant job when i am away,sometimes for months.I numbered and labeled all valves and accordingly made a written manual, with drawings where the water goes in or out of the pool.
E.G.:To clean the pump basket,switch off pump first.Close valve 1 and 2 and turn the filtertank handle to position CLOSED.Open the basket lid and clean.Put the lid back on, open valves again and put filterhandle again in position FILTER.Switch pump on again.In indonesian of course.It is hard to go wrong that way.

If you you want to pay someone 1 million for working 9 hours a week(including travel and coffee) i will not stop you,but i think it is insane.If you try to find someone with a technical background,he could double as a general maintenance man fulltime for the same money you pay now.Might come in handy with all your projects as well.

This is a link to the best site i have found so far about poolchemistry.
It is a little bit tough reading as it is really comprehensive,but very complete.
It is easier reading and comparing when printed out.
Pool Water Chemistry

Good luck

gilbert de jong

Active Member
Jan 20, 2009
Panji, Singaraja.
I just have a regular pool, no saltwater or ...sation going on.
yeah maybe it's insane, but after several problems with the filter and the pump after a local treid to clean the pool, I've choosen for the 'better safe then sorry'. I know it's expensive, hence my nickname 'gila gil' hahaha..
As for the general maintanance, painting etcetc... I can pull someone away from this or that job, so no worries there.

Thanks for the link will definitly check it out!
froendly greetings, gilbert.


New Member
Mar 3, 2011
how to find security and house keeper for brawa area

hi can anyone tell us how to hire or find to hire a security person and house keeper please.we are moving into our villa in june.


Well-Known Member
Sep 3, 2007
Karangasem, Bali
From my limited experience I would suggest that you use a local person that you have come to trust - either to do the job or to suggest someone to do it.

If you trust the person you ask that is good.

If he suggests someone it will most likely be from his family and he will have resposibility for that person. That is also good.

Down side is if you don't keep him, for whatever reason, it could get difficult.

You can go through an agency. That may be good for a start if you don't know anyone but in the long run quite expensive.