
Feb 2, 2014
Rumaging through some old boxes in storage tonight, throwing away tons of crap stored over the years and I find a receipt for a Compaq laptop I bought in Oz in 2002........I upgraded to a whopping 512mb and I got a free carry bag...all for $4100.....cannot believe I paid that for a lappy way back then.


Active Member
Dec 3, 2011
Sanur Rimo that what you mean by Computer Mall in Denpaser, or is there another, and do they sell large screen laptops with already installed OS?

Rimo is the place they sell large screen laptops yes 17 inch !! No idea if they add the OS or it preinstalled by manu.


Feb 2, 2014
I have never had a computer with original Windows in it....never.

My son has W8 in his new laptop and interesting to read it includes anti virus, so safe and no need for extra protection....2 months ago had to reinstall W8 as his puter was riddled with virus and malware crap.


Well-Known Member
Mar 13, 2012
I have never had a computer with original Windows in it....never.

My son has W8 in his new laptop and interesting to read it includes anti virus, so safe and no need for extra protection....2 months ago had to reinstall W8 as his puter was riddled with virus and malware crap.

samsiang...I don't think you should use your sons 'puter to acces those porn sites that have malware and virus'! :lemo:


Well-Known Member
Jan 10, 2009
Happy birthday, Davita

...I'm looking for one with a big screen like 17 inches and Windows 8? I'm a basic laptop user games or fancy downloads needed..... just email and surfing info and forums...I'm familiar with Rimo electronic store but worried they cheat on price and warranty. Also, they might install pirated OS and apps. Am I overworried?...

If you're a "basic laptop user", I don't think you'll like Windows 8.1 very much and would "gain" next to nothing. Many dealers cheat on price/warranty, not only those in Rimo. If you don't want a pirated OS, you can buy a real one. For example, sells Windows 7 Professional (Retail version) 32/64 bit for Rp 2,795,100. (OEM versions - "Original Equipment Manufacturer" - are cheaper but are only supposed to be installed on the "original machine", at the time you buy that machine.)

I have a high end ASUS laptop with a 15.4" screen, bought from Rimo a while ago. It has two graphics cards on-board, 8 GB of RAM, a CD/DVD writer, fast Intel i7 processor, decent-sized hard-drive, four USB ports (one is USB-3), card reader, HDMI connection, Blue-tooth...all kinds of bells 'n whistles. It all runs off a copy of Windows 7 64-bit Professional. Works great, for me, but probably over-kill for you.

I don't overly concern myself about official Windows "up-dates". My main computer runs on a fully legal version of Windows 7 64-bit Pro. Windows' "automatic" updates usually work OK, but not always. If they don't, you have to upload the relevant files and install them manually. Sometimes a pain in the arse.

Any decent laptop/notebook these days should have a HDMI port. That makes it easy to connect to a TV or bigger computer monitor that also has a HDMI port. One HDMI cable, plug it into the right holes and you're finished.
For example: I plug my laptop directly into my TV, choose the source on the TV menu and can watch whatever movies I have on the laptop. As well as being able to access all the other contents on the laptop (software, music, photos, etc).
I have a wireless router as well in my home internet set-up. That means I can access all of the contents of my main computer, including the various external hard-drives connected to it.
(I'm sorry to be so wordy - we just had some guys trimming a big mango tree and it was covered in red ants. They hurt when they bite.)

...using a laptop and hooking up different monitors/keyboards seems a complicated system to me...
It's not difficult at all. If you have large computer monitor lying around, (or a big TV screen), just plug it into the HDMI port. If you want a full-sized keyboard, get a wireless one and plug it into a USB port. Same with a mouse.

...Gurkha also said 'Get a Macbook' but didn't mention where I could get one with a big screen in Bali...

There are several Apple outlets in Bali. The main one is on Jalan Imam Bonjol, (the main road from Kuta to Denpasar). There is even one on the first floor of Rimo, (first shop on the right when you walk in). And there's Alexander, who is based in Tuban (Kuta). Friendly guy and speaks good English.

Nyama Bali SOHO
Jl. Waringin no. 1A
Banjar Tuban Griya
Denpasar, Bali. 80362
Call Alex: (0361) 743 7138
Mobile: 8311 819 816
or: 818 548 095


New Member
Mar 12, 2011
Friendly guy and speaks good English.

Thank you for recommending us, Johnnycool :)
I have 37 Johns in address book so I don't remember which one you are.

Please update phone numbers:
Office. (62 361) 743 7138
Mob. +62 818 548 095
Mob. +62 811 398 7138

+628311819816 = LOST. This operator went bankrupt. Out of business officially since early 2014.


New Member
Mar 12, 2011
I'm looking for one with a big screen like 17 inches and Windows 8? I'm a basic laptop user games or fancy downloads needed..... just email and surfing info and forums.

Not sure if you've got a computer yet by now.
There is no laptop with 17" screen size available any longer on SEA market. You will need to buy it somewhere overseas. For sure, 17" laptop is designed for power user eg. gamers and designer. It will come with very decent specification which also comes with high price regardless your basic need of computing. Expect >U$1900 price.

All computers will always be shipped pre-installed with newest Microsoft Windows version at the time they're marketed, which is Windows 8 at this moment. Some low end models, we can get a DOS or Linux pre-installed version for cheaper price. This cheap laptop is good for those who does not need to use Windows and familiar with Linux.

Based on your replies above re. budget and Windows 8, I would recommend you to get the compact Acer 23" desktop or similar product from different brands then downgrade it to Windows 7. It will cost you extra money for genuine license + labour.

I'm based in Bali covering southern area and sometimes go far up north Lovina to cover call-outs. Let me know if I can help you in any way for any computer needs.
Hope it helps.


Well-Known Member
Mar 13, 2012
Bumping this thread again...Oh! it isn't that old anymore... only me!
Anyway...I'm getting used to this Windows 8.1 although I don't like the tile system and think it's for those that use touch and not I programmed it to look like Windows 7 desktop.....
then I read today Microsoft are introducing Windows 10.
OMG Do I have to do another cruise just to get a free tutorial on this new windows?
Anyone know what this windows 10 does that is worth having?


Well-Known Member
Sep 3, 2007
Karangasem, Bali
Since Windows started doing Operating Systems I've made a rule to always jump a new edition as they always seem to try and cover up the bad bits of the last one with the new one (duuhhhh!?).

In the present case I think Windows 7 was the last good one and your comments (and those of many, many other) about "8" seem to support that. From what I've read "10" seems to be moving back towards "7" in it's non-touch leanings.

I had "95" for yonks and then again "Vista" which everyone hated (undeservedly?) equally long. I like to hang onto old, familiar things for as long as they work well (the missus?) so Davita just ignore the "new and improved" and carry on with "8" unless you are a glutton for punishment...?


Well-Known Member
Mar 13, 2012
I think you must be right Markit....coz...what happened to Windows 9. Maybe that's why Steve Ballmer left...he sold his # 9 shirt for US$2 billion to the NBA for the Clippers.

I'll wait and see if 10 is free...if it costs money then......fugetaboutit!

I read above you like to keep old familiar things.... but don't you also like to 'try' young and fresh, especially if free?....:black_eyed:


Well-Known Member
Sep 3, 2007
Karangasem, Bali
The operative phrase Davita was "for as long as they work well".

The 2 important caveats here are "long" and "well".

You gotta leave yourself some wiggle room or you just can't look at yourself in the mirror when you shave once a week or so...


Well-Known Member
Mar 13, 2012
You gotta leave yourself some wiggle room or you just can't look at yourself in the mirror when you shave once a week or so...

Agghh you're clearly responding to my avatar. It's not me.... that's an Afghan man that hasn't washed during his lifetime...I look worse...:icon_evil:


Well-Known Member
Jan 10, 2009
Since Windows started doing Operating Systems I've made a rule to always jump a new edition as they always seem to try and cover up the bad bits of the last one with the new one
I agree. But, "early adopters" are the only way we know if a new version works or not.

Windows 10 is Windows 8.1 "fixed". There will be no Windows 9 because Microsoft doesn't want itself associated with yet another dud operating system. Not unlike the Windows Vista nightmare.
Then along came Windows 7 - how Vista should have been in the first place.

Having said that, and believe it or not, I had Vista Business Edition, (not a pirate version), running on a laptop and it worked pretty good for me.
Then again, many years ago, I had Windows ME running on an ancient desktop and didn't have too many problems with it.
Windows ME replaced Windows 98 Service Pack 2, which was pretty good for the time. Many people had problems with ME.
I spent a lot of time trying to "fix" ME installations on many locals' computers (because I had mine working as good as it could).

There's an old saying: "If it ain't broke, don't fix it". Microsoft still doesn't seem to understand that.

IMHO, Windows 7 is by far the best OS Microsoft has ever come up with. Windows 8 was another giant mistake.
And where did/does Windows XP Service Pack 3 come in? If usage statistics are to be believed, around 40% of Windows users are still using it, including businesses.

Personally, I intend to stick with Windows 7x64 until I'm fully convinced that the next iteration is worth the time, effort and money to do so.



Well-Known Member
Mar 13, 2012
Thanks Johnnycool...I didn't understand most of what you said coz i'm illiterate about operating systems.....but very interested.

As I posted on another thread I had a couple of hours lessons on windows 8.1 when I was recently on a cruise ship. The lecturer seemed to like 8 but she worked for Microsoft so....biased:icon_rolleyes:
I saw a little benefit but only for those wanting touch control or had really bad eyesight. She taught us how to convert our screen to be a 7 desktop, which I've done. With a click I can get the 8 tile system and the charms...but never use them.
What I do like is no need for passwords....all openings done by identifying 3 parts of a desktop likee!:abnormal:

I'm guessing Microsoft need to continuously upgrade to sell else to make a buck? Like you 10 is probably just marketing and not that useful.....I'll also wait and see.


Well-Known Member
Jan 10, 2009

Windows 8 is quite a good operating system. Not the way it was designed to force people into a silly touch-pad experience which is fine on tablet or small laptop.
My main computer has a 27" wide-screen monitor. Windows 8 looks ridiculous on it. Free programmes to restore the Start Menu, etc, are widely available.
Windows 8.1 was supposed to address that issue, which had pissed-off so many users. I haven't tried 8.1 yet and don't intend to.

Windows 10 should be a lot better, unless Microsoft screws up again.
