
Well-Known Member
There is an ongoing thread on another forum where a German guy was working in Indonesia without a permit and he got caught. He was deported and blacklisted. He wants to return to see his daughter in RI and, even with a new passport, he was recently denied entry.

I'm not familiar with the details but think it is worth posting here to remind others, who may be doing something similar, of the consequences.

Edit...admin has permitted me to link......How to Check Blacklist??? Is there anybody who can do it inside Indonesia or Outside?
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What forum was that on? If you have lots invested here (family, business, property or whatever) you'd better make sure that you can't get deported.
1.What forum was that on? 2. If you have lots invested here (family, business, property or whatever) you'd better make sure that you can't get deported.

1. I think protocol doesn't permit me to link but if you search...living in Indonesia...it should pop-up and the thread is currently being debated.
2. 100% agree.
This is perfectly correct. As a foreigner you have to obey the laws of your host. If you do not...To work without a permit furthermore is unfair to all the expats who pay a lot to be allowed to work LEGALLY
There is sometimes a fine line between work and 'work' ...I am a full time author, I don't do any other work as I am an invalid, but I live in Indonesia and do all of my writing here...do I need a 'Work Permit'?
Joe I would suggest a person like yourself would not even blimp on the 'work permit req'd' radar. However, if you were publishing for profit in Indonesia, you may have a small problem.

There are many here who are quite blatant about working without a permit. I believe the German guy got 'dobbed in' by his revengeful girl friend and sometimes, circumstances similar, are the only way some are caught.

I've not heard that there are any serious raids in Bali although there have been on some school-teachers in Jakarta.

Getting caught is when they realize the work permit issue...my post was to indicate that there can be serious consequences.

fwiw. My wife has expertise in a certain job and was offered consultancy. We took legal opinion and the contract was so written that she did not earn any money. We are still not doing it until the employer provides a work permit....which is ongoing. That is why myself and others 'liked' habodi's post....which was 'right-on'!
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Point taken and appreciated Davita...I am currently resident on Batam but will be relocating to Bali when my health allows. The reason I mae the comment because there is absolutely no consistencly in the vast country regarding certain items. One deaptrment head was absoluely adamant that ALL expats must have a 'Work Permit' of some kind whilst another said more or less what you stated. Local Immigrasi are still 'confused' over children of mixed marriage ID Cards with conflicting staements issued. Anyway I obviously stay 'off the radar' as much as possible, thanks again for your response.
Wouldn't it be nice if us "poor" expats had some legal source on a retainer that would be able to advise about such issues and lobby for our interests? I figure if all of us donated our Bintang money for a week to a general fund then we could achieve a hell of a lot in the shortest time.

Of course if we all knew how we stood vis a vis the Indo law this forum would have to talk about butterfly types and recipes for Sambal.

But what do I know?
@markit post #9
I believe there is an organisation, run mainly by spouses of expats, who had legal representation. They lobbied and were instrumental to get UU 6/2011 passed.
By the time the UU was ratified it was so watered down it is almost pointless...the foreign spouses are still not automatically permitted to work and ex-Indonesian citizens are still not automatically permitted to obtain Kitaps. These were 2 main points in the original UU. Perhaps you can search for the organisation and offer to donate for future projects.

Most expats, in my opinion, have accepted their concerns are so low in the RI Gov't eyes that it is useless to do other than protect one's own interests. My view would be to use every means to embarrass them at every stage by publicising our concerns where-ever an opportunity exists. i.e. I write to the Jakpost and other publications, as I know others also do, every time I can hang my hat on something which will embarrass. RI politicians seem to only pay attention when it is in their own interest....and they don't like to be seen stupid!

Another way is to directly lobby anyone in authority. The reason I brought up Prabowo in another thread is because I have an inside way to approach him, if he gets any power.

No sooner I wrote this rant when I read in jakpost today's (your letters)..."I have been cheated in Bali"
This concerns a Spanish lady who has been with her Balinese partner for many years in Spain and now Bali. She finaced some properties here and he was nominee. He has left her and claimed the properties and used Imigrasi and then thugs to get her out. She has apparently complained to police numerous times but no action.

This is what I mean above by getting this message out via social media and embarrass officials here.
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I think politician are like donkeys and donkeys always run faster if they are chasing a carrot as opposed to being whipped.
Definitely a bad move.

You can try it for yourself but be prepared for thugs stalking you, or, a knife in the back.