
Feb 14, 2010
KEROBOKAN may be known for hospitality of a more punitive nature, but it’s fast becoming the hot restaurant end of Jalan Petitenget in booming Bali, especially for Australians. The latest go-to diner with Australian roots is Barbacao, four months old and packing them in for its Latin American take on charcoal and wood cooking.

Three partners, all from Sydney, are behind the delicious-looking restaurant in a country where fitout fantasies can be achieved for sane budgets. Two — Kieren and Sean Prenter — run Mexicano restaurant in North Narrabeen, Sydney. Former caterer and chef Adam Dundas-Taylor is GM and hands-on partner. A fourth is Queenslander Peter Zuttion . Using a combination of charcoal and coffee wood, Barbacao is cooking Australian lamb, beef from both the US and Australia, local pork and seafood, using parilla grills, asador wood-burning pits for whole carcasses and wood ovens for their Balinese fire cooking. A little inspiration from Surry Hills Porteno?

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What the hell do Australians know about Barbecuing? All that do is torture meat on a grill!


Jan 29, 2012
What the hell does Gurkha know about Australians? Don't dare question our barby skills mate, or you might get grilled :)


Active Member
Feb 6, 2009
I've had a few barbecues in my life. The worst one was when an Australian was in charge. He couldn't even get the fire going.


Well-Known Member
Sep 3, 2007
Karangasem, Bali
I'd suggest Louisiana for the best barbecuing but really anywhere in the south part of the country has pretty good creds. As long as the guy doing it is black you won't need to worry - it's genetic.

Ozzys spend enough on the grill itself so maybe the result isn't bad and they do have some good meat to start with.

Thing about barbecuing is that you really shouldn't need such a good meat to start with to end up with a good result. In Louisiana much of the job is more smoking than grilling so good woods are a must - not sure how coffee wood matches up to that - does it taste like coffee?


Feb 2, 2014
I dont like caffeine..

I did a whole sheep not so long ago.....outstanding it was.

bbq'd it I mean.


Well-Known Member
Mar 13, 2012
I did a whole sheep not so long ago.....outstanding it was.
bbq'd it I mean.

hahaha...I wondered where you were going with that comment samsiam and beginning to think you may be a New Zealander...but realized they only BBQ ugly sheep...and you didn't comment on its attractiveness or shape...:icon_e_biggrin:

btw...our Javanese driver says that our Timorese security guy is feeding those two black puppies he happily removed from our compound a couple of weeks ago. I saw him checking out our S/S BBQ the other day so already told our driver....'tell him....ain't gonna happen...I don't lend BBQ'...:grumpy:


Feb 2, 2014
Thais are not bad.

There is a lady over by the Burmese border that bbq'd her husband and fed him to the tigers in the National Park nearby.


Jul 21, 2006
Western Australia

The only list I'd put them on the top of is loudmouths and troublemakers.

Seems to be a bit lost in translation here I think. BBQ as us Antipodeans refer to is more hot plate cooking rather than char-grill that the rest of the world refers to as BBQ. Which is great if done properly. Otherwise a great way to dry up and destroy a perfectly good piece of meat. Like a shrivelled Jimbaran prawn.....
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Active Member
Dec 3, 2011
Adam, Have you ever been to the USA ? Have you ever been to a Texas BBQ ? have you ever been to a St Louis BBQ ? How about to a Brazilian BBQ ?

if you never been to Texas how cn you comment on it ?

Joe Writeson

Jul 30, 2013
Adam, Have you ever been to the USA ? Have you ever been to a Texas BBQ ? have you ever been to a St Louis BBQ ? How about to a Brazilian BBQ ?

if you never been to Texas how cn you comment on it ?

Having been brought up in a country where the outdoor BBQ is only a fairly recent development I retain no nationalistic fervour regarding my countrymen's ability to burn dead animals...but having traveled extensively I do feel qualified to remark on, and add to, Smoke's comments.

Note these are pretty much generalisations garnered over several years and visits to various countries.

Texas BBQ ... yes, good, heavy on the red meat and low on chicken and pork, lamb chops considered gay, sauces tend to have really imaginative names like Texas BBQ
Australian BBQ ... good cross section of all meats and a propensity for prawns, but lack of imagination with the sauces.
Brasilian BBQ ... red meat invariably very very 'rare', chicken and pork usually marinated in salt water then grilled and served up on swords ... which when considering the typical Brasilian male's ability to get overexcited relatively quickly is NOT a good idea.
Arabic/Lebanese BBQ ... lots and lots and lots and lots of Lamb marinated in a variety of spices and sauces, especially limes, pepper and mint, well worth seeking out as an experience to enhance your BBQurial knowledge.
Pilipino BBQ - a penchant for whole beasts which means longer cooking times, which means that the men have more time to drink beer, which of course is NOT a problem...until they start playing with guns...sauces tend to have a Creole basis.
British BBQ - KFC or Big Macs after Dad finally gives up after five hours of trying to light his newly purchased B&Q grill and takes the starving family out to the mall. Sauces in the sachets stoopid..duhhhh.
St. Louis/Cajun BBQ - without doubt the best I personally have ever experienced, the variety, the style, the Creole sauces, the whole joy and dedication of the grill operator, all add up to make a memorable event ... RIP Big Leroy of Global Marine Services, Batam, that man KNEW his ribs and chicken like no other.

Special mentions

Indonesian mini BBQ - used in restaurants to grill your Satay under your very nose, lovely but one problem for me, portions never big enough.
Vegetarian BBQ - a total oxymoron but a quick troll through the internet will produce a shitload of 'Veggibarby' recipes, should you be accommodating enough to offer any of these at your barby, you can expect the salad botherers hanging over your shoulder at the grill making sure that their pristine courgettes don't get 'contaminated' with the fluids and juices of proper food.
If they get too annoying just announce that most of the meat being used is from endangered species and this is usually enough to send them off to the internet to write about you on
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