Apr 2, 2010
My parents live in Gold Coast, my mum complains she can't by decent meat and seafood there, not like at home anyway. Bit hard to have a decent BBQ with out decent produce. I think a lot of what makes a good BBQ is what you're putting on it.


Feb 2, 2014
and the moderators are always posting shit hehe..meanwhile if I even look at a BBQ now I'll be clogged up for a week,give me tempe and chilli, but would love a decent bowl of spagbog or a good pizza,none of which exist in this neck of the woods

My missus makes awesome spagbog...and pizzas


Well-Known Member
Oct 13, 2010
My parents live in Gold Coast, my mum complains she can't by decent meat and seafood there, not like at home anyway. Bit hard to have a decent BBQ with out decent produce. I think a lot of what makes a good BBQ is what you're putting on it.

Tell your mum to buy a car, ashmore city meats or nerang fair meats, I have no problem finding a good butcher.


What the hell does Gurkha know about Australians? Don't dare question our barby skills mate, or you might get grilled :)

I lived there for 2 years and could only come to one conclusion about Australia: Brits with sunburn!


No I just thought that Ghurkas were Nepalese
Nope, Nepalese are Nepalese. Gurkhas are people who have served in the Brigade of Gurkhas (British Army), or The Gurkha Brigade (Indian Army) - and that includes the Nepalese.


Well-Known Member
Jan 10, 2009
Please can you get the spelling correct
Are Gurkhas savoury Nepalese cucumbers, then?

Note that I do know how to spell Gherkin and the difference.

I stayed with an ex-Ghurka in Pokhara once. He used to guard the Crown Jewels in London, (or so he told me). He was married to an English woman.
My bungalow had red carpets, a glorious view of the fish-tail mountain, and cannabis plants 2-3 metres high right outside the door.

Lovely couple ("Captain Mal" and I forget his wife's name).

I spent a week or two paddling a canoe on the lake trying to photograph butterflies. No idea why, even to this day.
Buffalo steaks were sort of OK, if you weren't distracted by the giant spiders crawling up your legs.
I went for a long walk one day, up and down a nearby valley (nearly killed me - trekking stoned is not a good idea).

When I got back, I was told there were still Nepalese "tigers" in them there hills and I could have been eaten.

I saw a western guy there "dressed" up/down as Jesus arrive walking bare-foot with a few hangers-on (definitely not Sherpas). Not sure how he made it from Goa.

Trying to leave Pokhara was an adventure in itself. Pack everything and go to the "airport". Cows all over the runway. "Sorry - no plane today - weather not good".
Three times!

I've thought about going back to Nepal one day for another visit. Not sure about Pokhara. I sat on a "bus" from Kathmandu to Pokhara, on the roof because you couldn't breathe inside of it.
Every now and then, people would point out where another "bus" had crashed into a ravine. The cucumbers with chilli were OK but it's not easy to light a joint on top of a bus when it's going like a Yeti out of Hell, plus worrying about how your guitar is handling being in the "baggage section" (and/or stolen at the next stop).

In the end, a plane finally landed (maybe Royal Yeti Airline - I forget). Landed in Gorahkpur, an absolutely amazing shit-hole of the first magnitude, (at least at that time).

With all the sherpas who recently died on the Let's Climb Everest expeditions, I've crossed that off my list. Not enough, if any, butterflies around Base Camp 1.



But you should review your spelling of 'GURKHA'.
And interesting trip in Nepal. I flew into Paklihawa, which was on the Terai. and then spent the next 6 months trekking around west nepal, recruiting future rifleman. did not smoke any pot as it would have been a bad career move.