yvonne norway

New Member
Never use Bali Mode!
I came to Bali in October 2011 on a social visa. (6 months visa with sponsor) I used Bali mode for the extensions. I got my extensions but every month they were delayed. But it did`nt cause me problems so ok. (my friend was not so lucky)
I was told by Bali mode that I could go to their agent in Singapore to get a new social visa.
I went to Bali Modes office with my boyfriend the month before my first social visa expired to get my passport. I asked them if we could go to the agent Saturday the 14th of april to get the new social visa because that would be the easiest day for us to go. Their answer was yes, no problem. I then asked if the agent would expect me, and they said “yes, we will call him and let him know”.
We ordered the tickets to Singapore.
1 week before departure me and my boyfriend went to Bali Mode again to get a sponsor letter to bring to the agent in Singapore. I also brought my tickets there. I asked again, just to be sure, if the Saturday was ok and if they had informed the agent that I was coming. Bali Mode answered yes.

Me and my boyfriend arrived Singapore Friday night and Saturday morning we went the the agents office. But surprise –CLOSED!!!! We tried to call the agent several times but the phones were switched off. The receptionist at the hotel on the other side of the street told me that the agents office is always closed in the weekends. I almost cried out of frustration. They also told me that the embassy is also CLOSED in the weekends!
I emailed BaliMode asking them what to do from the hotel, but they never answered.
The same night we went back to Bali, but I had to enter Indonesia on a 30 day tourist visa.
We want to Bali Modes office today. I asked them “why do you tell me that it`s ok to go to your agent in Singapore on a Saturday to get a new social visa the same day and that he`s expecting me when I asked u TWICE, when in reality they are CLOSED on Saturdays??!? EVEN the embassy are closed” They denied that they EVER told me so, because they never told anyone so... I got really upset, even my boyfriend (who was at their office with me both times when we asked) got angry –and he never gets angry! We even pointed out who told us. His answer was to scream to us that there had to be something wrong with our ears! I said that “Do you really think that we would travel to Singapore, spend a lot of money and time without making sure that I could get the visa??? I asked you TWICE the same questions!!! I don’t care what individual who are responsible for this, i`m holding the company (BaliMode) responsible” Then the boss started to speaking in Indonesian, telling his staff “don`t care about a girl like that”. I told the staff that I wanted some kind of compensation since I had wasted a lot of money, and asked them to at least extend my tourist visa for free or get me a new social visa without me have to go to Singapore again. Then the boss at the office started screaming to us too. And I mean SCREAMING! Then he said “get out of my office, report us to the police if u want, get out! I said I would report them (but for what… pff) –would just cost me even more money. He then screamed that they would report me too. I asked “FOR WHAT???” He then screamed “everybody can report”. I said “you have a really nice and professional way to treat customer here huh??!”
Then we just left.
In total we spent 3 million rp on flight tickets, 700.000 rp on hotel + taxi x 6 and food for about 1000.000rp. FOR NOTHING! –thanks to Bali Mode!
STAY AWAY FROM THIS COMPANY! Or just google them first and you will find a lot of horror stories about them! –I just wish I had done better research before doing business with them…
There should be a separate forum for warnings about Expats getting ripped off on Bali

Never use Bali Mode!
I came to Bali in October 2011 on a social visa. (6 months visa with sponsor) I used Bali mode for the extensions. I got my extensions but every month they were delayed. But it did`nt cause me problems so ok. (my friend was not so lucky)
I was told by Bali mode that I could go to their agent in Singapore to get a new social visa.
I went to Bali Modes office with my boyfriend the month before my first social visa expired to get my passport. I asked them if we could go to the agent Saturday the 14th of april to get the new social visa because that would be the easiest day for us to go. Their answer was yes, no problem. I then asked if the agent would expect me, and they said “yes, we will call him and let him know”.
We ordered the tickets to Singapore.
1 week before departure me and my boyfriend went to Bali Mode again to get a sponsor letter to bring to the agent in Singapore. I also brought my tickets there. I asked again, just to be sure, if the Saturday was ok and if they had informed the agent that I was coming. Bali Mode answered yes.

Me and my boyfriend arrived Singapore Friday night and Saturday morning we went the the agents office. But surprise –CLOSED!!!! We tried to call the agent several times but the phones were switched off. The receptionist at the hotel on the other side of the street told me that the agents office is always closed in the weekends. I almost cried out of frustration. They also told me that the embassy is also CLOSED in the weekends!
I emailed BaliMode asking them what to do from the hotel, but they never answered.
The same night we went back to Bali, but I had to enter Indonesia on a 30 day tourist visa.
We want to Bali Modes office today. I asked them “why do you tell me that it`s ok to go to your agent in Singapore on a Saturday to get a new social visa the same day and that he`s expecting me when I asked u TWICE, when in reality they are CLOSED on Saturdays??!? EVEN the embassy are closed” They denied that they EVER told me so, because they never told anyone so... I got really upset, even my boyfriend (who was at their office with me both times when we asked) got angry –and he never gets angry! We even pointed out who told us. His answer was to scream to us that there had to be something wrong with our ears! I said that “Do you really think that we would travel to Singapore, spend a lot of money and time without making sure that I could get the visa??? I asked you TWICE the same questions!!! I don’t care what individual who are responsible for this, i`m holding the company (BaliMode) responsible” Then the boss started to speaking in Indonesian, telling his staff “don`t care about a girl like that”. I told the staff that I wanted some kind of compensation since I had wasted a lot of money, and asked them to at least extend my tourist visa for free or get me a new social visa without me have to go to Singapore again. Then the boss at the office started screaming to us too. And I mean SCREAMING! Then he said “get out of my office, report us to the police if u want, get out! I said I would report them (but for what… pff) –would just cost me even more money. He then screamed that they would report me too. I asked “FOR WHAT???” He then screamed “everybody can report”. I said “you have a really nice and professional way to treat customer here huh??!”
Then we just left.
In total we spent 3 million rp on flight tickets, 700.000 rp on hotel + taxi x 6 and food for about 1000.000rp. FOR NOTHING! –thanks to Bali Mode!
STAY AWAY FROM THIS COMPANY! Or just google them first and you will find a lot of horror stories about them! –I just wish I had done better research before doing business with them…

This sort of think happens way too often to us, expats! If we do not take the time and make the effort to warn each other and make others aware of problems like this then we deserve to be ripped off. There should be a WARNING forum, and forum members should be encouraged to read and discuss the issues that effect us in a negative way. The United States is far from perfect but the word of mouth can quickly equalize the advantage that ripoff artists enjoy there. We need to be proactive to stop these low lifes from taking advantage of us!!! It's obvious that the government is so corrupt that they will do nothing to help us unless it directly effects their wallets!!

Take the time to tell you story and name, names!
Had a similar story years ago when getting our KITAS, we ended up spending 5 days in KL instead of 1 due to the agents office in Bali failing to fax to Immigration in Jakarata, then to Immigration in KL. Compensation? what's that, never heard of that here in Bali (I can feel your frustration, I remember that feeling very well, it's coming back to me and I feel for you), I was thinking like a Westerner back then, now I know that customer service, professionalism etc are the little luxuries of living in a Western world (it's wonderful when you actually get them here though, you appreciate it so much more). We do a lot ourselves now (spend time at Immigration) or ring our lawyers office everyday and step them through the processes. We can get a different answer from 5 different staff so now we know the drill, we know to wear a collar when having your photos taken on a red background (one thing no-one told us in the beginning and had to get them done again), we know when offices are open, we know the timing of processes, the amount it costs.

I think the best thing anyone can learn from the poster above is that Immigration is not open on a Saturday (also, to take that one step further, you must check each Immigration's' office times for taking applications, ie: some take only in the morning between 9am & 12am and then hand them out between 3 & 4pm, some only do Visa's in mornings so you need to stay one night (such as KL), and some like ours in Bali love you to come back 3 times, once to hand in the application, once to pay for it and once to collect, they just love to see you, that's all.
Hi Yvonne,

Up until 3 months ago, i thought Bali Mode were great.

I was using their service for many years for my 12 month business Visa's.

Apart form the usual little problems which happen anywhere, everything was pretty good.

About 3 months ago, i was at work in another part os Asia. My partner was also at work in in the same country (unrelated work though). We had organised (and paid) for our new 12 month visa's 2 months prior to this.

We were in contact with Bali mode whilst away and they re-assured several times everything was ok.

I thought something was wrong when about a week before we were both due to travel to and meet in Singapore, i got my approval sent to me, but my partner didnt.

When I emailed and asked...they said they'd sent mine, and that was the only one they were doing. When i said wtf???, we have already paid for and done the paperwork for 2 visas and have been told it was being processed also and bought tickets and made arrangements and were en route...they said oh sorry, we will try to get it done quickly and send it to you.

Not a hope in hell, it didnt happen.

We went and saw Ismael (the visa agent in Singapore), who was great as per usual, and had to settle for the 6 month single entry business visa they got rushed through instead of the 12 month multi entry. Had no choice really.

I was rather diplomatic on the phone, not much yelling, but was bioling mad.

I went to the office and asked them wtf???

They said sorry...miskommunikasi...hehe..and smiled.

Now my partner has to go back, return flights and accom (we already wasted 1 night accom last time we came to get it), a huge headache.

We also asked about compensation and got nothing.

I was amazed at the attitude who were playing dumb and saying "miskommunikasi", despite me showing them emails which they had themsleves acknowleged and replied to. I considered blowing my stack , but then realised that they still had our original money for the 12 month visa.

I asked to see the guy who we were also conversing with in person, but every time weve been there since, he's not there. I think he ducks out the back. We have emials to back all our claims up, and have asked to see the boss man several times, but always away on business.

All we ended up getting in the end was a refund for the 185$ we spent on the 6 month business visa which is useless to us (these are processed a lot faster than the 12 month multi entry business visa thats why they got that for us at the last minute)

We still have to pay for the new visa and agents fee and flights costs etc.

I told them that in any other country, they we have to pay for everything, and that with attitudes and ethic like theirs, Indonesia will always considered a third world country, and never a developing country.

They didnt seem to bothered by it all...

The biggest piss of for us is the wasted time...not the money. Cant get that time back.

Be cafeful getting on the wrong side of people who are friends with immigration people.......all it takes is a phonecall and a few Rp and you may have problems gettting back in next time.
I stopped using them after twice they said I didn't pay for extensions that I had already paid for. First time I was able to produce a receipt, second time I wasn't but I got my passport back without paying and never went back again.

In their defense with the original story, I don't think they were trying to scam you telling you the offices were open. Unless they were taking commissions at the hotels you stayed at and all the restaurants you ate at they really have nothing to gain. It was a miscommunication at best or a person who had no idea what they were talking about more likely. While I understand your frustration I don't think there was any chance of you getting your money back for expenses in Singapore not related to their company. Even a reputable company probably wouldn't reimburse you for that.
I dont think they were trying to scam me. But it just shows how you can not trust them to give you correct info (-i asked them twice, specific about that day), how they dont take any responsibility for their mistakes, how they treat customers and how unprofessional they are. I did not expect to get money back, not in this country. But i would never let them get away with this without doing or saying something. Need some peace in mind too.
I`ll have to go back to singapore next month and spend more $$$$

hinakos and georgie:I`m sorry that you had so bad experiences....! keep on posting your stories. I agree with "sugarbear", it would be nice to have a warning forum.. Not only for agents but for everything. It`s not always easy being a bule living in Indonesia, many moneysucking ........... out there
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a "warning forum" is imho not really necessary...
there's alot of info and good experiences (bad experiences also) to be found by using the searchbox...
but it's up to the reader to either follow the advice given by other members or go with their own choices/agents.
a "warning forum" is imho not really necessary...
there's alot of info and good experiences (bad experiences also) to be found by using the searchbox...
but it's up to the reader to either follow the advice given by other members or go with their own choices/agents.

Gilbert you are a tremendous resource and a great asset to this website, but I have to disagree.
By placing this information in the archives you will bury it for most readers. It deserves a permanent place for all to see upon entering the forum as suggested.
There are a couple considerations:
1. The topic can't include rants, bitches and negative material, but actual and true incidents involving scams, misdeeds, unscrupulous performance and ripoffs.
2. Obviously this involves careful handling by the administration in case of reprisals by the powers that be. However this stuff can't continue with the expats always getting fleeced w/o some publication.
I do feel sorry for the people who are involved in this expensive adventure but I must say that it is a bit naive to believe a Embassy (any Embassy) is open in weekends or special (religious) days as there are so many in Asia. A second or 2 Google will tell you the opening hours for visa etc.
I do feel sorry for the people who are involved in this expensive adventure but I must say that it is a bit naive to believe a Embassy (any Embassy) is open in weekends or special (religious) days as there are so many in Asia. A second or 2 Google will tell you the opening hours for visa etc.

Have to agree, have never thought an Embassy would be open on a Saturday.
Embassies are notorious for their holidays and short office hours. They take off all the public holidays both for their own country and the holidays for where they are located. I would check this kind of info out for myself rather than relying on an agent. Also if you want to cut down on your stay in Singapore you might want to make arrangements where and when to meet Ismail before you leave Bali.
I did not just belive that the office or the embassy would be open. I asked "professionals" about this specific day twice, just because it was a saturday.
And i relied on the information they gave me.
But lesson learned, never trust anyone is this country.
Hi everyone

There always seems to be a bad experience story in these areas for expats. Thats why I set up a company to help all of us expats. I have an Indonesian partner and 5 staff in our office. If anyone needs our service or even just addvice you can contact us or come in and see us.

Our website is Bali Expat Services - Bali Business Licenses | Property Document | Visa Extensions Consultant

Hopefully we can help yourselves and anyone else in the future.


I do feel sorry for the people who are involved in this expensive adventure but I must say that it is a bit naive to believe a Embassy (any Embassy) is open in weekends or special (religious) days as there are so many in Asia. A second or 2 Google will tell you the opening hours for visa etc.

I completely agree with you. I feel sorry for them too - what a waste of time and money, but I think when something is so time consuming and expensive, one should take a little responsibility even though an agent is being paid.