Volunteer Tourist Police...is the answer.....works sometimes in Los....well, except for Gary,not so great for him.

Everyone thinks you're a wanker....but so what...I wouldn't do it, tis just for the wannabe's.
Volunteer Tourist Police...is the answer.....works sometimes in Los....well, except for Gary,not so great for him.

Everyone thinks you're a wanker....but so what...I wouldn't do it, tis just for the wannabe's.
Who T F is Gary?...Volunteer tourist police ..I'll be 'darned' if I want any Bule telling me what to do
Following a weekend where Bali has been horrified by news of muggings, accidents and the death of a young girl, a rash of community action is planned.

A young Korean girl was killed and her friend is in hospital with serious injuries following a mugging attempt which ended tragically in the early hours of Saturday morning.

Three friends were heading home after a night out, travelling on two motorbikes when a mugger attempted to grab the bag of the passenger causing the two to fall into the road. A large Yamaha motorbike passing them on the jail road ran over the 18-year-old passenger, while her friend lay in the road.

The accident happened close to Kerobokan prison around 2am on Saturday morning. Residents rushed to help the girls and police arrived soon after to take them to Sanglah hospital, but doctors were unable to save the 18-year-old.

News of another serious accident on Jl Raya Kerobokan has initiated a fundraiser to help popular expat, Nicholas White.

Australian Nicholas is currently in a coma following an accident on Friday morning when his bike was hit by a car in Jl. Raya Kerobokan. His family has set up a fundraising site to respond to many offers of help from the community. According to reports on the site, the car involved was driven by an Indonesian man who has no funds to contribute.

Information on the fundraising can be found at Nicho | Medical Expenses - YouCaring.com.

Meanwhile a march against violence is reportedly being organized for June 7, asking the community to help expose violence in the community. The Facebook group, “Stop attacks on women (or anyone) in Bali”, is calling on members of the community to meet at the intersection of Sunset Road and Jl Dewi Sri with banners.

“The banners will contain messages where we express how frightened and disappointed we are about the safety of people driving on motorbike these days,” says the organiser.

Crime has become an issue in Bali with a growing number of muggings, especially on motorbikes, being reported throughout the community.

A meeting of concerned citizens is being held this afternoon at 4pm at La Favela, a nightclub/restaurant in Oberoi Road to discuss the current crime wave and what steps can be taken to reduce the number of incidents.


The Media has got a hold of it.
A notice went out on FB stating after a meeting today at La Favela the organiser vowed to cancel the protest, their words not mine.

There was quite a bit of 'TFFT' sentiment shown and of course I had to have my say which consisted of :

'As an expat retired and resident in Indonesia I can only say excellent and good sense has prevailed'
'But as a cynic I think the thing was cancelled because the organiser couldn't find anyone stupid enough to sign the application form for the demonstration'

Needless to say that comment attracted about equal 'likes' and 'GFY's ... then about thirty minutes ago all of the Devil's Advocate posts, and there were a LOT more than mine, were removed ... leaving only the 'I'll be there' posts ... about 45 of them, not quite the number at the top of the page 658,

A set of posts by an Australian lady resident on Bali stating that she felt far safer on Bali than back on the Gold Coast were also removed, plus a link to an assault by two teenage girls on a old Aborigine man on a bus in Brisbane were also removed.

Lizzie Love posted some excellent comments and they were all removed.

When challenged to reveal his official status on Bali, one of of the louder 'protesters' removed all his posts as well.

I then received an anonymous email telling me I should 'watch myself' as I was upsetting some 'big powerful people on bali' their lower case not mine... I was so worried I missed my siesta and played Plants vs Zombies 2 all afternoon...phew!
Who T F is Gary?...Volunteer tourist police ..I'll be 'darned' if I want any Bule telling me what to do

I believe he is probably referring to Gary Glitter and in Laos, although quite in what context I have no idea, but then again, perhaps that IS the idea, who knows ..or cares?
A long-standing member of Ubud Community on FB posted a report of the meeting at Favela this afternoon.

Anna Inglis. This afternoon I attended a meeting hosted by Gonzalo and Gede. A formidable and impressive duo. Oberoi is busy on most afternoons at 4pm. Today was extraordinary.

The tamu showed up in their hundreds to stand as one against the escalating violent crime on this island. Members of the Balinese community were represented along with police and military.

Gonzalo spoke of Valeria who lies comatose in an Italian hospital and of Kimmy from Korea who died just a few days ago. Both victims of crime via motorcycle attacks.

Condolences were expressed to the families of the women and to all who have been violated.
Gonzalo emphasised that working hand in hand with the Balinese is the only solution to combat this problem.

There will be a ceremony to commemorate Kimmy tentatively scheduled for May 26th a Monday to be held at Batu bolong beach.
There is large parking at this beach and also because the beach and surf community wish to have a ceremony in the ocean at the same time.

In an extraordinary turn of events Freddie, the gentleman who was organising a protest March that had gathered 650 supporters took the microphone.
He apologised to the assembled crowd and stated that his actions had been from anger and frustration after receiving the news of Kimmy. He will cancel his event and instead publicise the ceremony instead.

Gede spoke with feeling and compassion and then raised his voice and fist to say "We will fight this together!" Huge round of applause.

The floor was opened with a roving mike and many spoke passionately about experience and solutions.
A petition was passed only requiring male signatures.
There will be a further meeting for men to attend and discuss outcomes such as patrols with pecalang and an escort female home service.
It's at times like this one is proud to be part of community and more importantly community in action.
Please watch Facebook for further information in all the usual places as well as the la planca page.

The original thread is here: https://www.facebook.com/groups/149393691784641/permalink/701719716552033/
Are there any theories or ideas who might be behind these attacks? Opportunistic individuals or organized gangs?
Good on them and I sincerely hope it amounts to something good. The cynic inside me fears that it wont and some of the last shreds of 'Bali magic' will fade into oblivion.

In retort to some of the usual crap like it's not your country so don't butt in or if you're out beyond 2am beware the boogey man I would like to add is that safety in the early hours of the morning is something that has made Bali desirable and unique to a lot of young people. Now I realise that a lot of people on this forum look forward to a hot toddy and a nice warm bed once the clock strikes 10 but whether you like or not, Bali is revered as a nightlife destination and I bet London to a brick that it contributes a fair chunk to the local economy. A large portion of my love for the place has been that I can have a really good late night out without too much concern for my safety, as has been the trend even in little ol' Perth which can be a very violent place after dark. All I know is that is that in my last two visits in the last 12 months I've felt more threatened (and mugged myself in January) than all of the umpteen dozen months I have spent there since my 'party' years began way back in 1998. For a few years now Saturday nights have been a little troublesome because some of the local punks have made it a sport trying to make trouble for the tourists or bules but nowadays even they scatter once it gets too late. The Kuta curfews have made things worse, not better. I sincerely do hope things improve and I commend anyone who wants to take some action.
Its good to see people actually do something....it only takes a few.....and those few have enough decency to care, unlike others that claim 'its not there problem and if you don't like it, go home'.....

...Oh for fuck's sake do have the balls to mention me by name instead of your veiled references ... I have ignored most of your snide remarks and comments but I am in a particularly snotty mood tonight so back off please ... and do yourself a favour learn the difference between 'there' and 'their' ... totally irrelevant I know, much like most of your posts.
^ oh look, the centre of attention has spoke....

Get over yourself sunshine.....not everything is about you.....cue last word...

Joe Writenotsogood likes this
Ok let's get this straight, you have crossed the line with your comedy 'Joewritesnotsogood' signature and 'writing books no one wants to read' comment.

I am pretty sure you have not read any of my books, probably too many big words anyway, but writing is my 'job' and my only income, where I come from you do not demean and belittle a man's means of feeding and clothing his family no matter what he does.

You breezed in here at first asking intelligent and relevant questions but rapidly degenerated into bleating on about blind dogs, dead monkeys and seeking confirmation that you are a compassionate caring parent...because the whole tone of your 'blind dog' series screams 'guilt' brought on by the fact you have reservations about dragging your family around SE Asia to suit your agenda ... you are obviously trying to convince yourself you are doing the 'right thing' by seeking affirmation and support from third parties...must have been a bit of a downer when people offered practical advice you didn't like.

I can take banter, personal insults, derogatory innuendo concerning myself and my football team, but leave my only means of income and what puts food on my table alone ... 'sunshine'

I look forward to your pointless and insulting response.
Well the page has only been up around 24 hours and more than 300 people are saying they are going. I hopefully there will be some good entertainment. I am looking forward to seeing it

a 18year old died in a pick-pocketing and people gonna gather to mourn the dead and show their anger about this ongoing insecurity and u look for some entertainment ?? sound weird to me mister...