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  1. T

    Favorite place to live in Bali

    Goa Gong, Ungasan and Uluwatu.. The Bukit is where I was and where I love most.. Troy F.
  2. T

    Notary Costs - the fun begins (:O)

    Waarmerking is Dutch for "Certification", fyi..
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    Notary Costs - the fun begins (:O)

    The Pelunasan fee may be some form of Release Fee or Settlement Fee. Lunas means to settle, and from that baseword is Pelunasan, which could be interpreted as "release", though not entirely so. All the best.
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    Notary Costs - the fun begins (:O)

    I interpret it as follows: Notaris Purchasing Fee = 1.5% x Rp.300,000,000 = 4,500,000 Something to do with a loan, presumably your Nominee Agreement = 1,000,000 Initial Agreement - perhaps the agreement between you and your Nominee - 500,000 NO IDEA = 500,000 The fee for the Notaris Seal =...
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    Seminyak LeaseHold

    It's quite common for females in particular, from lower economic demographics, that are dating western men to "conceal" their actual salaries. This may be done for a number of reasons, the most obvious of which I'm sure you can guess. This is not necessarily what's happening in this particular...
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    Seminyak LeaseHold

    Hi, I think you may get an unpleasant surprise with PLN - that is electicity - search this forum for "PLN" and pay attention to the minimums (if referenced). The Bali PLN site is misleading as it doesn not mention the minimums, e.g. I understand a 23kva connection will incur a minimum of at...
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    RE humor in the NYT

    Sydneymike, I think Gil's post added a whole lot more valuable content to this thread than yours. He was also able to express his views without sounding like a jealous child. Bukit, Canggu, Seminyak, Sanur, Ubud - it's all a matter of taste, each offers something different and if the Bukit...
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    Current Building Costs

    The assumption that merely making a wall thicker will make it stronger is seriously flawed. Especially the application means that Markit outlined, which would result in "indonesian" sun dried bricks having far less interlocking, as the "end" edge is barely half the length of the side edge...
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    Current Building Costs

    :roll: Such would not reflect any improvement in quality, but rather a complete misunderstanding of building fundamentals, particularly in relation to geographic considerations. Some expensive and inexpensive options that greatly improve the quality of a building in Indonesia include (but are...
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    Current Building Costs

    A very nice setting in deed, but I'm afraid the build quality for the claimed construction costs don't add up. And 60jt worth of teak for a 150m2 building? You're either paying a significant multiple of market value or attempting to reflect an unrealistic cost of construction. How many cubic...
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    Cost of Bahasa Indonesian Lesson .

    Anton wrote: "For me i dont want to learn kasar indo as learning from scratch gives you the chance to learn it as it should be spoken it may be boring to those who prefer to speak only slang but im sure many indonesians would respect a foreigner for learning their language it its correct...
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    A Very Sad, Sad Tale KKM

    At least one of Maddoffs largest investors was a fund ran for I believe (but could be wrong) the United Auto Workers Union. Whatever / whoever it was, many of the hedge funds invested with Maddoff were managing billions in peoples 401k's - normal people, because of laws in the US that relaxed...
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    A Very Sad, Sad Tale KKM

    Ron, I don't quite understand your post. You suggest it's not as widespread as I suggest but the rest of your post supports what I stated. I'm sitting in a house right now in JKT and speaking to a friend who is telling me the neighbour used to run such an operation. Thousands upon thousands of...
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    A Very Sad, Sad Tale KKM

    The likely reason it has not been mentioned is that these scams are all over Indonesia, and while illegal, many play them with full knowledge that at some point they'll go bust. But many know if they get out early enough they may get their promised returns that were som other poor sods...
  15. T

    Speaking of Balinese Art…

    <MOD EDIT> Deleted </MOD EDIT> Troy F.
  16. T

    Bali marriage...

    If you find a girl you love and wish to marry, take her abroad and marry her abroad, then return to Bali if you so wish. Why would one possibly wish to be married under such circumstances? It is a rediculous law, a primitive law and proof that the nation is unwilling to make any social...