Speaking of Balinese Art…

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Super Moderator
May 26, 2004
Legian, Bali
bolli said:
dilligaf :evil:

As Bert stated previously, this is not the place to discuss these issues. If members want to read about homeopathy or any other "alternative" therapies, they can search Google to find appropriate sites.:roll:

This forum was set up to discuss issues pertaining to BALI.... full stop!


Jul 16, 2005
dutch /indonesian in the usa for now
I agree.......................
So let all the "members" posting here with subtle slanderous remarks regards this subject please stop doing so!
its a two way street................................................ :evil:


Well-Known Member
Sep 13, 2005
Boston, MA, USA
...but can we still exchange ideas about Loop Quantum Cosmology (LQC), a relatively new theory, which, among other things, removes the singularity of the Big Bang, not a small achievement by all means, while at the same time integrating the inflationary phase of our universal expansion ? Since Bali was involved in the mix, I assume it is legit, bukan? :lol:


Bert Vierstra

Active Member
Nov 5, 2002
No Big Bang?

Curvature singularities?

Ah, Phantom scalar !

Something like :

At the beginning of time, only Antaboga the world snake existed. Antaboga meditated and created the world turtle Bedwang. Two snakes lie on top of the world turtle, as does the Black Stone, which forms the lid of the underworld. The underworld is ruled by the goddess Setesuyara and the god Batara Kala, who created light and the earth.

Maybe ?

Or now there was no beginning of time :shock: , so Antaboga was ever there and just wiggled a bit?

Its all beyond my event horizon, I am afraid.


Well-Known Member
Sep 13, 2005
Boston, MA, USA
Seriously, personally, I've always believed that the universe was cyclic rather than linear (although for me, a formal investigation at the time was out of the question). I started considering this fact after having become familiar with Frijof Capra's seminal book, "The Toa of Physics," back in the late 1960s. In this book, Capra relates the metaphysical Hindu concept of the universe to elements of modern physics (which, let it be known, were rather relatively primitive at the time). If nothing else, the result would imply the highest level of symmetry to the universe.

Basically, Hinduism and the heterodox Indian religions consider that existence is cyclic rather than, as in the Judeao-Christian and secular West, linear. In fact there is an endless series of cycles in the Indian cosmologies.


Well-Known Member
Sep 13, 2005
Boston, MA, USA
As a matter of fact, Bert, some consequences of the LQC will be tested using the data from the Plank Satellite.


It is most remarkable that a "far out" theory such as LQC could readily be experimentally tested. Cosmologists are still scratching their heads about testing String Theory, and many think it cannot. However, in science, there is always one person who is smarter than you, and he or she will come out with a solution. :)


I was bringing up a very interesting Hindu view of the universe (Hindu...Bali, get it?) with one of the latest (and fantastic) developments in cosmology. :)


Super Moderator
May 26, 2004
Legian, Bali
Bert Vierstra said:
At the beginning of time, only Antaboga the world snake existed. Antaboga meditated and created the world turtle Bedwang. Two snakes lie on top of the world turtle, as does the Black Stone, which forms the lid of the underworld. The underworld is ruled by the goddess Setesuyara and the god Batara Kala, who created light and the earth.
This story has similarities to an Australian Aboriginal Dreamtime story about the Rainbow Serpent and the creation of life:

In the Dreamtime all earth lay sleeping. Nothing moved. Nothing grew. One day the Rainbow Serpent awoke from her slumber and came out from under the ground.

She travelled far and wide and eventually grew tired and curled up and slept. She left marks of her sleeping body and her winding tracks. Then she returned to the place where she had first appeared, and called to the frogs, “Come out!”

The frogs came out slow because their bellies were heavy with water, which they had stored in their sleep. The Rainbow serpent tickled their stomachs and when the frogs laughed, water ran all over the earth to fill the tracks of the Rainbow serpents’ wanderings. This is how lakes and rivers were formed.
http://www.expedition360.com/australia_ ... inbow.html

And another version:

A long time ago, in the Dreamtime, before there were men or animals, plants or any other thing, there was the Rainbow Serpent which was the mother of us all.

She moved around in the darkness before there was the sun and the moon in the sky, and created mountain ranges, and deep channels where her great body wound its way.

Where she thrashed her tail great rifts appeared, and there were great hollows where her body had lain sleeping.

After a time, the Rainbow Serpent decided that it was time to create life for the world. So at the place called Uluru (Ayers Rock), she gave birth.


Apr 24, 2008
i beleive that it is a mathematical universe based on fractal codes, i also beleive in resonance theory and OM/AUM, the first sound ever made.

Git, im with you regarding the homeopathy (without question),
but its no point to try to fight, or power struggle, if one beleives, they beleive, if they do not, they do not, we each can beleive as we wish or understand.

Personally i have treated many causes with homeopathy, i am treating one right now here in bali, and IT WORKED... :)))))))))

HAPPY NEW YEAR TO EVERYBODY, IM HAPPILY IN BALI xoxoxoxoxooxox :D :lol: :idea: :idea: :idea: :idea: :wink: :wink:


Well-Known Member
Jan 10, 2009
I find warnings about children seeing examples of erotic Balinese art in Bali ridiculous. (Of course, some Western children and their parents might raise their eyebrows and ask some sticky questions.) Who is fooling who? I've seen incredible stuff all over the island, including in the village of Batuan.

I remember being shown various huge canvasses of works in progress in Batuan. The artists' children were not prevented from seeing anything. As far as I could tell, the children couldn't care less. Maybe these days with the so-called "Anti-pornography" law in place, things have changed in Bali. I haven't seen any evidence of that so far.

There are still many restaurants, etc, in Bali sporting a large carved phallus, or two, from either wood or stone, (maybe soon, from plastic).

One thing that has always bothered me personally is how come it's OK to watch images of people killing and being killed, (in both news and movies), but not tasteful images of love, love-making and pure sex? (I've never been interested in"pornography", as such.) Beats me.

I see in this particular thread a move to debating the pros and cons of homeopathy. I have never believed in it, it just doesn't make any sense. And there is no evidence, apart from anecdotal clap-trap that supports it, that I've ever been able to find. Some scientists have pointed out that some of the "dilutions" are so diluted there aren't enough atoms in the entire known Universe to produce them, let alone all the so-called "thinking water" on our planet.

I remain a skeptic to this day concerning homeopathy. Those amongst us interested in a brief run-down could do worse than reading the following article, and pursue their research further, wherever it takes them.

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