Notary Costs - the fun begins (:O)


Well-Known Member
Sep 3, 2007
Karangasem, Bali
This is the bill I received from my notary for services rendered. Frankly (and unsurprisingly :roll: ) I'm the one that feels like he's been rendered as in "To reduce, convert, or melt down (fat) by heating".

The original quote was for 4.5 million Rupiah but as you will see the end result is about 3 times that :cry:

I would be very, very grateful for a better translation of this since the online version here in the UK is, to say the least piss-poor.

Terima dari Mark

Jasa Notaria

akta pengikatan jual beli no 4 = 1.5% x Rp.300,000,000 4,500,000
akta perjanjian pinjam pakai no 84 1,000,000
akta perjanjian pedahuluan no 52 500,000
akta pelunasan no 500,000
biaya waarmerking 100,000

Administrasi jual beli 2 x 1000
Pendaftaran 2 kavling 1,000,000
Jasa Notaris 3,500,000
Pajak pembeli 1,700,000


The last word is diambil and I think it means "taken" which at the moment seems kind of appropriate. For those not wanting or able to add it comes to the grand total of:
12,800,000 Rp.

Any help or constructive advise would be gratefully accepted. I won't be back on the island until mid July so "kicking of asses" in so far as it is called for won't happen till then.

Bert Vierstra

Active Member
Nov 5, 2002
Not sure.

The 1.5 % is for the legal paperwork, akta

His other salary maybe for other stuff he did.

I don't see so much strange things here.


New Member
Dec 25, 2008
I interpret it as follows:

Notaris Purchasing Fee = 1.5% x Rp.300,000,000 = 4,500,000
Something to do with a loan, presumably your Nominee Agreement = 1,000,000
Initial Agreement - perhaps the agreement between you and your Nominee - 500,000
NO IDEA = 500,000
The fee for the Notaris Seal = 100,000

Administration Fee for Sale / Purchase = 2 x 1000
Registration of 2 parcels of land = 1,000,000
Notary Service Fee = 3,500,000
Government Tax = 1,700,000

I would strongly question the 4,500,000 and the 3,500,000 - I would think it should be one or the other.

It's got several ambiguities in there. Clarify what the 4.5jt and the 3.5jt to figure out whether or not he's trying to milk you, which he probably is, let's face it..

Troy F.


New Member
Dec 25, 2008
The Pelunasan fee may be some form of Release Fee or Settlement Fee. Lunas means to settle, and from that baseword is Pelunasan, which could be interpreted as "release", though not entirely so.

All the best.


Well-Known Member
Sep 3, 2007
Karangasem, Bali
OK guys thanks very much. Don't mind getting screwed, kind of expected it really. It's just a matter of how deep, I guess.

From what you say it would look like he's charged me for every time I came by - just like a fecking lawyer. And thrown in a bunch of other stuff which I will question too.

What's 5000 lawyers at the bottom of the ocean?

A good start!


Mar 20, 2008
Terima dari Mark/Received from Mark

I'll try to translate it and type in bold letters as accurate as possible:

Jasa Notaria/Notary Fee

akta pengikatan jual beli no 4 = 1.5% x Rp.300,000,000 4,500,000/Certificate of Binding Agreement on Selling and Buying number 4= 4.500,000.
akta perjanjian pinjam pakai no 84 1,000,000/Certificate of Agreement on Freehold number 84= 1.000,000
akta perjanjian pedahuluan no 52 500,000/Certificate of Pre-agreement[ number 52= 500,000/b]
akta pelunasan no 500,000/Certificate of Settlement= 500,000
biaya waarmerking 100,000 Waarmerking Fee= 100,000

Administrasi jual beli 2 x 1000/Administration of Procedures 2x1000
Pendaftaran 2 kavling 1,000,000/Registration on 2 Kavlings= 1.000,000
Jasa Notaris 3,500,000/Notary Fee= 3.500,000
Pajak pembeli 1,700,000/Tax on Buyer= 1.700,000

diambil /taken (this is strange, what does this mean in the context of the above?) Doesn't it have be "received", no? Unless you haven't paid them yet.

Hope this helps.


Well-Known Member
Sep 3, 2007
Karangasem, Bali
Many thanks to all that have helped :lol:

I'm beginning to get that sinking feeling that I actually haven't been screwed and that when I think back over the time I've been dealing with this gentleman I have probably used his services in the way described.

My problem is that I probably didn't get clear up front what all the charges would be. And to be truthful he didn't go unnecessarily out of his way to inform me either - until now :cry:

As always - caveat emptor (buyer beware).


Mar 20, 2008
That's the Indonesian ways in that not everything is being expressed in precise manner especially when it comes to monetary as it's considered taboo/rather embarassing. It just should be implicitly understood more or less.
Milan's translation is IMHO very accurate. I just would like to add this:
- akta pengikatan jual beli
It seems that it is the fee the notaris charged you to conduct the sales, establish and register the "sales act" (akta jual beli), which is the first step of the transaction.
It also explain why the original quote was 4,5 millions. You certainly ask him a quotation of fees attached to a buying/selling a piece of land. He answered accurately by quoting you the 4,5 millions figure... He has just answered to the question and "forgotten" to elaborate on fees attached to the certification stuff after buying it... :)
- Jasa Notaris
It seems that it is the fee that the Notaris charged you to expeditive the procedure of changing the name of the certificate and paying the taxes on your behalf. It is also why it comes after the "pendaftaran" (registration to BPN) fee in his bill. In fact his bill makes sense (I am not discussing the figures here) because it follows the timing of the procedure to buy a land and change name of the certificate (Establishment and signature of the AJB with the previous owner, Etablishment and Signature of all the relevant acts in between nominee and new owner if necessary, Submission of the documents to BPN for change of name on the certificate, Payment of due taxes to the State)

The two above explanations are merely guesses since one would need to inspect cautiousely all contracts ad certificates you may hold to answer accurately.

- Pajak Pembeli
When one buys or sales a land, taxes are applied by the State.
A seller should pay 5% of either:
- the NJOP value of the land
- the amount of the transation
Whichever figure is the biggest is taken as a basis of calculation.
A buyer should pay the same 5% but with a basis of calculation slightly different. IDR 25.000.000 are cut from the NJOP (or the amount of the transaction) before calculating the 5%.
In your case, IDR 1.700.000 is very low and implies that th Notaris declared a very low value of transaction, certainly matching the NJOP. It's fine for you but there is pitfalls. The problem in such case is that you will have to be very careful to match the same calculation if one day you wanna sale the land, in order to avoid to have a sour surprise with the tax department. It is very hard, not to say impossible, to give you any advice on it without having a deep look at the tax documents the Notaris should remit you. However, I advise you to have the Notaris explained you what he has paid exactly.

For information, the amount of tax paid is splitted in between the regional government (80%) and the central government (20%).

On the amount paid as fees for the Notaris services, I have no clue, not living in Bali.