
New Member
Dec 20, 2016

I’m a writer for International Living Magazine and International Living Australia. I am coming to Bali next month to research and write a series of articles about living and retiring in Bali. I’m hoping to meet up with some expats from the US, Canada, Australia or New Zealand who are either retired or self-employed and live in Canggu, Legian, Sanur, or Candi Dasa. Living here full-time is great, but regular part-timers are also fine – a love of the island and enjoying the Bali lifestyle is a must.

I would love to speak with you when I’m in the area, so if this sounds like something you would be interested in, please email me at vietnam (at) internationalliving (dot) com or contact me through this forum.

Thank you in advance and hope to hear from you.

Wendy Justice


Well-Known Member
Sep 3, 2007
Karangasem, Bali
Hi Wendy I've had a look at your website and it looks pretty positive, in contrast to most Oz publications that seem pointed at supporting Gold Coast tourism by trashing the rest of the world, and I'd be happy to meet with you when you're in Candi Dasa. You can PM me when/if you wish to chat.



New Member
Dec 20, 2016
Hi Mark, That's great, thank you - and I'd love to chat. I think that International Living is a good publication that looks at places honestly, positively, and realistically.

I got a message saying that I needed to have made at least three posts before I can use the PM feature, and this was only my first post. Can you please send an email to me? You can contact me though either vietnam(at)internationalliving(dot)com or wendyjustice23(at)gmail(dot)com.

Thanks and I'll look forward to hearing from you.

Best regards,


Well-Known Member
Mar 13, 2012
Hi Wendy and welcome to the forum.

As a subscriber to 'International Living' I support your point about articles regarding retirement havens although, in the copies I receive, they are usually slanted towards N. American retirees/tourists.
It will be refreshing if you can write a 'genuine' article regarding Bali as a retiree destination but I think you have a huge task ahead.
The Indonesian Gov't simply doesn't care to invite foreign retirees to Bali or elsewhere....and does little to help. They continuously expound their desire for tourism but then put obstacles in the way.

Also, I suggest you be careful about telling anyone in authority the real purpose for your visit or ensure your visa is in compliance. There have been many before that arrive on a Tourist or VOA and do some small acts like writing articles/making movie/modelling clothes using Bali scenery,etc.....which RI determine is working, and those people have been in trouble including jail. A couple of British journalists were recently jailed and deported for writing/filming about piracy in the Straits of Malacca.
I'm not trying to dissuade you...... just indicating what may happen should someone not like what you are doing.


New Member
Dec 20, 2016
Hi Davita,

International Living has several publications. There is indeed one, called International Living, that is mainly for readers in the U.S. and Canada. There is also International Living Australia, which has a strong focus on Southeast Asian destinations. We also have Incomes Abroad, which features stories about North American expats who are self-employed. I write for all three of these magazines, but the one that will get most of the articles from this trip will be International Living Australia.

I would love to set up a few interviews while I'm there, as Bali expats have that "insider knowledge" that I could not obtain by visiting for just a week or two. That's how we keep it genuine.

Thanks also for your advice. I live in Vietnam and it's the same story there - they have a real love-hate relationship with outsiders.

Best regards,



Well-Known Member
Mar 13, 2012
OK Thanks Wendy...I'm Canadian so probably only get the N. American version as it focuses on Mexico, Caribbean and central and south America and never mentions Bali. I've been to Panama, Costa Rica, Ajjijic, Puerto Vallarta, Cabo Sab Lucas and all those places invite foreign retirees...Panama is exceptional in that way. I also maintained, until recently an MM2H visa for Malaysia, which is also welcoming.......but Indonesia doesn't offer anything

Last week I cruised from Singapore to Hong Kong and we visited Phu My and Chan May and, although the cruise docks are container terminus', it has potential for expansion to enable more cruise ships. The weather was bad so we didn't see too much. It's also too far, and too expensive, from Ho Chi Min and Danang cities but I felt this was a work in progress for Vietnam tourism.


Nov 9, 2016
Hi Wendy,

My wife and I moved from Australia nearly 3 years ago and started a business here in Bali. We would love to help you out, I will send you an email :)


Nov 8, 2013
NE Bali
Good idea. I am Austrian have been living here for 18 years. If you want to meet, you are welcome, but be aware that I will not tell you just rosy stories.


New Member
Dec 20, 2016
Thank you, Hadodi - but for these magazines, I can't interview any expats from countries other than the ones listed in my original post. :icon_sad:


New Member
Dec 20, 2016
I wanted to post an update to say that I am still needing to find a few more folks to interview. If you are retired or own your own business, live in Canggu, Legian, Sanur, or Candi Dasa, and you are from Canada, the U.S., Australia, or New Zealand, please contact me. The interview doesn't take very long and you'll have the opportunity to tell others what makes your life in Bali so special!

Thanks so much and I hope to hear from you. :icon_smile: