
Well-Known Member
Jan 12, 2009
...for Americans to give up their guns.

Or at least a ban from people with obvious mental issues from buying them.


Well-Known Member
Sep 3, 2007
Karangasem, Bali
All the pro-gun arguments will be trotted out for the umpteenth time and "prayers" will be offered up and everything will go back to the way it's always been.

My countrymen seem to be impervious to reason, sense or logic when it comes to guns. Pity they aren't equally impervious to the bullets, they do seem to think they are...

Comes from watching all those John Wayne movies where the hero always "only" gets shot in the shoulder - where it really doesn't matter (except for all the bones/breathing muscles/major blood vessels and nerves).

Until the next time...


Well-Known Member
Jan 12, 2009
It seems impossible get even the smallest changes made. How could anyone argue for allowing people on government terrorist watch list to be able to buy guns?

The Senate rejected first a Republican proposal to update the background check system for gun purchases, which would have required states to add more information on mental health records to a national database

A bill to ban gun sales to those individuals on the terror watch list failed 47-53.

Another proposal to expand the background check system for those buying guns to require checks at gun shows and for online purchases went down 44-56.

Senate rejects series of gun measures - CNNPolitics.com


Well-Known Member
Apr 19, 2004
It will never happen to the degree that it should (needs to). The NRA has fully embedded itself in American government/society and is probably the most powerful political lobby group in the world. I'm afraid that there is no end in sight to the violence and senseless death in the US as a result of guns.


Well-Known Member
Mar 13, 2012
It will never happen to the degree that it should (needs to). The NRA has fully embedded itself in American government/society and is probably the most powerful political lobby group in the world. I'm afraid that there is no end in sight to the violence and senseless death in the US as a result of guns.

I just watched a PBS Frontline documentary re-run of "Gunned Down" where this issue is addressed.
It clearly identifies the NRA lobbiests, and money. as being hugely significant in swinging votes in USA.
It appears to have been once more successful in this ploy last week and maybe PBS need to do an update to their 2015 documentary.....Frontline’s ‘Gunned Down: The Power of the NRA’ TV Review on PBS | Variety

Its succes is probably why Trump is playing this card to the fullest for November's election....remember Gore Vs Bush...:icon_e_surprised:

Steve Rossell

Apr 18, 2015
I really do hope that the American people will find peace and security. That will not come from the barrel of a gun.
There are encouraging signs coming from the U.S. . There has been noises made in America with regard to the weariness of being the 'world policeman'.
Insular pragmatic economical noises but none the less a far cry from the rhetoric of 'new world order' bravado.
Years ago after a particularly horrendous mass shooting/killing in Australia a switch was flicked.
The Government passed legislation to ban all automatic/rapid fire weapons. It was already difficult to legally own hand guns and assault rifles.
The weapons were not confiscated. There was an amnesty for turning in the weapons and a "buy back" system was created so that people were recompensed for weapons of value that were handed in. And the guns that were voluntarily handed in were crushed in thousands. We were and still have a relatively small population.
Folks that had guns of historical significance or familial ties were allowed to keep them when a more strict regime of information was supplied. i.e. Dad gave me this gun that his father was given by his father. Or simply, I'm an Australian farmer and sometimes I have to kill animal predators or put my animals out of their misery.

Automatic and semi-auto guns have no place in a civil society. Full stop.

Go buy the 'sexiest' gun you want. Go buy a gun that will use bullets that can pierce kevlar, knock yourself out I say but leave them locked up at a registered shooting range when you go home and if you're too scared to go home without your guns and bullets or you are fearful of your own government then I would suggest that you move somewhere else........like Australia. Just don't think that you can take your guns with you as a God given right.
You'll sleep better at night.

Good luck mi amigos. I wish the best for my American friends and all of your friends.

But if Trump gets into the oval office you really are all f@#ked.