
Apr 12, 2011
London (Bali in November)
Hey All,

Not posted here for a while so hope you have all been keeping well :icon_biggrin:

Does anyone know of or been to any good surfing spots in the East of Indonesia, especially around Raja Ampat?

Also any one been to north Waigeo? I would love to hear of any ones adventures to this part of Indonesia, as I will be going there in June :icon_biggrin:

Thanks in advance as always



Oct 10, 2007
I have some friends who are going to open a small hotel with 4 bungalows in Rote island (west-south of Timor) this summer, the island it seems is famous for surfing and has one especial wave (I don´t understand much about surfing), let me know, if you want I send you information about the hotel of my friends, both of them are surfers from Spain.


Apr 12, 2011
London (Bali in November)
I have some friends who are going to open a small hotel with 4 bungalows in Rote island (west-south of Timor) this summer, the island it seems is famous for surfing and has one especial wave (I don´t understand much about surfing), let me know, if you want I send you information about the hotel of my friends, both of them are surfers from Spain.

Thanks Begonia for your reply, that would be awesome if you could provide me with more information about the hotel your friends are setting up, do they have a website? I will google Rote Island to find out more info!

Thanks again :)


Apr 12, 2011
London (Bali in November)
Thanks for your links Balibule and Begoina, the island of Sumba is not to far from Bali, I am looking for surf spots much further East, like around Papua or in the Molucca Sea, Banda Sea or Ceram Sea or even further north in the Halmahera Sea
Has anyone ever been up that way and heard/seen any surf spots?


Sep 16, 2011
bukit bali
Thanks for your links Balibule and Begoina, the island of Sumba is not to far from Bali, I am looking for surf spots much further East, like around Papua or in the Molucca Sea, Banda Sea or Ceram Sea or even further north in the Halmahera Sea
Has anyone ever been up that way and heard/seen any surf spots?
Get out there , pay your dues , and put in the time Idgas ..., and if you do find somewhere Idgas ..., KEEP IT A SECRET !!!!
There is nothing worse , and no-one more "hated" than someone who goes around blabbing to the world about secret and semi secret spots.


Apr 12, 2011
London (Bali in November)
Get out there , pay your dues , and put in the time Idgas ..., and if you do find somewhere Idgas ..., KEEP IT A SECRET !!!!
There is nothing worse , and no-one more "hated" than someone who goes around blabbing to the world about secret and semi secret spots.

My flights are already booked to Sorong and local guide hired so dont you worry about me paying my dues Baldavo, and "hated" is a pretty strong word for someone who simply asked is there surfing in East Indonesia, I dont want to know peoples secret spots! Have another beer and chill!!!


Sep 16, 2011
bukit bali
Idgas , you wrongly miss-interpreted my post . Which simply asked you to keep any spots you (or anyone else) finds - a secret , and nothing else.

I myself, and many others would cringe at the thought of a secret spot being exposed on the internet merely because someone asked.

Those who wouldnt cringe - are the curious and lazy package tour tourists who wouldnt and couldnt make the effort to get off their arse and explore the the archepeligo ..., More often than not - these package tour surfers on their " hit and run " short itinerary surf trips are known for bringing aggro and hassling to spots .
Previously at these secret or semi secret spots (ie; before the blabbermouths , and those who put their surf camps all over the magazines etc, blew the lid of the once secret spot ) people would share commeraderie and waves, be respectfull of other travellers who understood what each other went to to find the spot and looked out for each other in case of medical emergencies while surfing at remote locations, and who also got on very well with locals and also gave much respect to them, and even stayed in their homes and bought meals from them.

Those too lazy to ; study maps , learn some bahasa indonesia , put up with failed missions , face the unexpected , take the good with the bad , spend a long time working our what swell directions , sizes , and tides work best at those spots they took a gamble to find .., so they can mix it with the locals , and stumble upon spots, and discover a lot of culture along the way ;-in order to find some spot away from the crowds ...., Can still find enjoyment at the big name spots .

Others who also would not cringe are those who are already "guilty" of burning all those hardened souls that travelled before them and made efforts to keep spots quiet or a secret.

Also " hated " is a stong word to use for blabbermouths or media / journalists , or business opportunists who expose secret spots, because they are
" hated " by all those who went to the effort to find the spot in the first place and who attempted to keep it a quiet spot and remembered the tranquillity .

Please dont give me the story that Uluwatu was once a secret spot ( 40 years ago) ..., What im talking about is spots in bali and the outer islands that are NOT plastered all over the media . A few spots recently should not have been exposed , and one spot recently in Bali that was exposed ( and it very rarely ever breaks decent ) had idiots turning up by the hundreds everyday during the wet season that would otherwise never heard of the joint , expecting the break to be like that one super super super rare magic day , when idiots in the media shot their mouth off about the spot and talked up the place way far beyond its inconsistant reality .
On the other hand ..., Ive also noticed that a very well known surf report website in bali has also recently resorted to Not naming the photo locations on his website ie; unless its uluwatu or kuta reef which is far from any secret , which is much to his credit :) ..., and I bet his hits do not drop one Iota from this gesture either .

There are soooooooooooooooooooo many well known spots to keep the unadventurous hordes , and "conveinience surfers happy , and soooooooooooooo little secret spots left ..., that if you do know of a secret spot , or you have been informed of one - " Then keep your traps shut about the joint . Thats the golden rule that should never be forgotten !!!!! "
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