Suggestions and ideas for the forum


Apr 6, 2009

Don't disagree with the "ain't broke don't fix it" comments but understand from an economic and adminstrative POV you want to attract advertising and simplify the adminstration of the forum. So as long as it is still user friendly I don't have a problem with you changing it. Nothing wrong with changes for the better.


Seeing as though you're thinking of attracting advertising I would re-raise the issue of allowing advertsing by members. Seperate section, You don't have to read it!!! But I see it as a benefit to members....why not give forum members 1st option on something you are selling? I have nothing to sell but always interested in looking at what others are selling :lol:

Re: blogs :roll: Eveybody wants to blog!!! But as above if it's a seperate section you don't have to read it.

Maybe archive old topics that haven't been discussed for some time...that's not happening now is it?

Markit's tick box idea is interesting but that will go either of 2 ways :lol:

I'm not sure why so many past members have left (maybe it's good some have I don't know)but attracting new ones should be one of your key areas to focus on. It seems there's many members lurking in the background that don't post. Maybe it's the attitude they see some get from a select few ????

As for another member bagging the previous owner :roll: Poor form!!!

Oh...the colour? Maybe a makeover is in order.


Active Member
Jan 11, 2005
Manchester and Makassar
Had a look at the software and it is a very common format on a number of forums I am or have used. Does not do anything or excite me but it is your choice as the owner.

There is one thing I would advise though and that you can never please all of the people all of the time.

You will get as many diverse answers as there are people so at the end of the day do what you want, it is your forum. If the members do not like it they can vote with their feet but all you will get from discussions is disagreement.

I have been in here longer than most and have seen many come and go, get upset, throw a fit or a paddy and throw their doll out of the pram. It is the same in all forums.

This had one thing different in that it was international, not full of "where is the best place to stay in Kuta" or 3 more sleeps till we leave etc and has been full of genuine information.

I have visited almost all the Bali sites but this is the one I come back to each day.


Active Member
Jan 11, 2005
Manchester and Makassar
As an aside look at all the links below. I bet most do not :D Bali Expat Pictures, Visa for Bali, Bali 3D panoramas, Bali Pictures etc. All the things you mentioned can be linked there.


Active Member
Jan 11, 2005
Manchester and Makassar
Do you really believe that to be true Jimbo?

Yep. Pretty much. Give 10 people a choice and trying to get a concensus is difficult. Just look at a lot of posts in here. Very rarely does discussion change a persons point of view.

Much easier to have a benevolent dictatorship to get things done.


Well-Known Member
Jan 12, 2009
Some people like blogs, other people don't. I can understand that. Yes, there is blogger or a dozen other sites for blogging, but if people write a blog here, they potentially have an interested audience already here. I am just hoping it will stimulate new discussions.

I actually found Jimbo's blog pretty interesting and if anyone is building a house or undertaking some kind of new project in Bali, I am sure at least some people will find it interesting.

As someone said, you don't have to read it if you are not interested. The forum will be staying much the same as it is now. I am also thinking of starting new sections if there is the demand and closing some of the not so popular areas.

I don't speak Dutch or German so I don't know if those forums are useful. Any opinions on this?

Markit suggested an idea once, that if someone found an answer to their question helpful, there people could give a donation to a charity of their choice. I have been looking at ways to implement this and found a site which might work.

Any charity registered in Europe can join the site, there is also a site for the US. Anyone have experience with this?

gilbert de jong

Active Member
Jan 20, 2009
Panji, Singaraja.
spicyayam said:
I don't speak Dutch or German so I don't know if those forums are useful. Any opinions on this?
The German forum is more of a bulletin/advertising board about Indo/Bali activities in Germany..I have never browsed through the whole thing, but so now and then there's a new post and it's always about some festival in Germany...
The dutch forum, is alo pretty much unused...thought Bert (or someone else?) had the idea to combine the two into one...

spicyayam said:
Markit suggested an idea once, that if someone found an answer to their question helpful, there people could give a donation to a charity of their choice. I have been looking at ways to implement this
I'll post my bankaccountnumbers as a signature :mrgreen: ....just joking :lol: . Sorry, ok seriously now....I think it would be more 'helpfull' to keep it to local charity's, don't know how to implement it to the forum, but by keeping it local, I think it's easier to check what is done with the money..and maybe give feedback on that, on the forum in a seperate section???I don't know, just thinking out loud...


Well-Known Member
Jan 10, 2009
I think this forum is quite OK, as it is, but it could certainly do with a bit of house-cleaning and a new coat of paint. Also a new logo and header, perhaps?

I totally agree with this comment from ronb:
...I think the assets of are the archive, which is a mine of information and entertainment, and the current posters who are the life-blood. So as long as you protect these assets through the change we should be in good shape.
You'd be mad if you didn't.

Admin says:
I am also thinking of starting new sections if there is the demand and closing some of the not so popular areas.
I see no harm in removing areas that are either useless or underutilized. Put them on the backburner for a while and see if anybody cares.

Like some others have said, I see no valid reason to support personal blogs within this forum, unless you're a masochist or hunting for links, click links, etc, (for some money). As we all know, anybody can start a blog site with little very effort.
Admin @ron I definitely agree we need more members. If anyone has any suggestions on how to promote the forum that would be much appreciated.
Spam mail. Links to porno sites. Promotion offers with real prizes. (Just joking.)

As you know, I live here. I've yet to receive my free Balipod T-shirt, for example. I've yet to see a Balipod beer coaster in any bar I've visited. Or car stickers and posters. "Word of mouth" is a pretty out-dated way of promoting a website. I know that. Still, it's something.

Get current forum members to put a link to Balipod on their e-mails.

What about this one? (Just came to me.) Start a competition amongst the current forum members to see who can attract the most new sign-ups. (Something like that.)

Balipod charity run, charity drive, 4-wheel drive, charity "drink 'til you drop", expat pool competition, live concert in Denpasar with Balawan playing with Superman Is Dead. Lots of publicity.

I have many more ideas but that's enough for the moment. I'm sure everyone will agree.'s actually raining here right now. Gotta go, find the leaks and fix them.



Active Member
Nov 4, 2003
Kuta, Lombok's actually raining here right now. Gotta go, find the leaks and fix them.

Rained here for about 5 minutes... I was relieved as I have been hearing quite a lot of crashes and bangs up in the roof and can only think it is tiles... (dont like to think what else it might be) I was hoping a decent downpour would let us see if we had any leaks or not!


Well-Known Member
Jan 10, 2009
Rained here for about 5 minutes... I was relieved as I have been hearing quite a lot of crashes and bangs up in the roof and can only think it is tiles... (dont like to think what else it might be) I was hoping a decent downpour would let us see if we had any leaks or not!
All kinds of wildlife can and do live in the ceilings. Civets, rats, lizards, cats, etc. We've got all of them where we are. Tiles, hopefully, are the least of your worries. Then again...

Back to the topic.

I forgot to mention to Admin that I see little or no point in having a "Members Only" section. Fine in "theory", whatever it is, but in practice anybody can register and have access. So what? More mouse-clicks for nothing for those registered members.

What's the point?



Well-Known Member
Jan 12, 2009
JohnnyCool, thanks for the suggestions. Maybe next time you write a letter in the BaliAdvertiser you could mention this great forum :)


Well-Known Member
Jan 10, 2009
JohnnyCool, thanks for the suggestions. Maybe next time you write a letter in the BaliAdvertiser you could mention this great forum.
Bugger! Why didn't I think of that?

I guess that means I will never, ever get a free Balipod T-shirt.
Is there one?

If it's not too rude or personal a question, what does Admin do for kicks?



Well-Known Member
Jan 12, 2009
The t-shirt idea is a good one. Anyone know someone who can help with the design?

And what do you think would be a good slogan?


Jan 4, 2009
Expand the code of conduct to prohibit racist and bigotted remarks.

Remarks like "Indonesians don't understand x, y or z" are clearly racist because they define a whole population as having the same failing. Those promoting this type of thinking on this forum are bigots because they stick to these ideas although they are indisputably wrong and offensive.


Well-Known Member
Sep 13, 2005
Boston, MA, USA

I disagree 100% with your suggestion. I agree there are always exceptions to any rules, but where then do you stop? It's called censorship, period, and you are just asking the administrator to be more than just that: he is NOT the Thought Police.

Should I be censored were I to write "Balinese drive like idiots?" Of course, there are Balinese who drive carefully, and, in general, logical people would have understood that what I really meant was "in general, Balinese drives like idiots." And if you don't believe me, just go and take a ride on the by-pass and throughout Bali...

So, your suggestion is a very bad suggestion. :evil: