Matthew Timor

New Member
Feb 13, 2012
So, does this letter fro my sponsor need to be typed and official looking or can it be handwritten, scanned and emailed?
Mine is not sure what to write, is I agree to sponsor XXXX enough?



Super Moderator
May 26, 2004
Legian, Bali
Matthew, there's a previous thread with a couple of sample letters here:

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Dick Rector

Feb 26, 2011
Sanur Bali Indonesia
Kitas and what happens than?

Hello to you all,

I have just extended for the 3e time my retirement-visa (kitas) at imigrasi.
Not totally clear to me is what happens after the fifth time. Do you have to extend it every year again and again or what. You become resident and they leave you alone? You can or have to apply for a Indonesian passport (I don't want that) I am sure you have to pay trough the nose anyway. Any info is very welcome.


Well-Known Member
Aug 14, 2007
Ubud, Bali
Hello to you all,

I have just extended for the 3e time my retirement-visa (kitas) at imigrasi.
Not totally clear to me is what happens after the fifth time. Do you have to extend it every year again and again or what. You become resident and they leave you alone? You can or have to apply for a Indonesian passport (I don't want that) I am sure you have to pay trough the nose anyway. Any info is very welcome.

You don't have to wait 5 years before changing to KITAP - 3 years is enough. The process is not much different to renewing the KITAS except you pay for 5 years at once, and your passport goes to Jakarta, so it may take a bit longer. Then you have 5 years between renewals, and you can use 2-year exit permits that allow multiple re-entries. More info at Retirement in Indonesia where they seem tosay you need to wait 5 years - but you don't.

Dick Rector

Feb 26, 2011
Sanur Bali Indonesia
Hartelijk dank RonB,

You've made it clear. Any idea what the costs are for this 5 year renewal? And 2 years exit.... can I go in these 5 years in and out the country only within a period of 2 years?



Well-Known Member
Sep 13, 2005
Boston, MA, USA
So, does this letter fro my sponsor need to be typed and official looking or can it be handwritten, scanned and emailed?
Mine is not sure what to write, is I agree to sponsor XXXX enough?


Hi Matthew, Not long ago, I help someone on this very forum who was in the same predicament as you are: he did not know what the sponsor's letter should look like. I obliged him with my sample letter and he is now enjoying Bali no end. So here is the sample letter. It should work for you also

Sample letter for Sosial Budaya

This is the sponsorship letter I have been using for my Sosial Budaya, very successfully I must add, over the last ten or so years.

Dear Mr. Big Boss at Imigrasi,

How's business at the Ibu Kota imigrasi? Here, in bum-fu ck Kintamani, everything is hunky-dory. I hope that my monthly contribution for your "ceremonies," which I gave to Officer Wayan last week when he kindly visited us in the village, was large enough to satisfy your Gods.

I write this letter to ask you to review positively the application for a sosial budaya by my VERY dear cousin (insert your name here), who wishes to come and visit me and my family in this God-forsaken place, next (insert proper date).

My dear cousin (insert your name again here) is a man (or woman) of outstanding character, both moral and financial. Each time he (she) comes, he (she) brings me some good shi t from his home country which is hard to match in quality with the junk presently available on the Island. (Insert your name once more) is also very much appreciated by the people of my village, as he (she) is very generous with his (her) nose candy, which he (she) distributes freely during our weekly wild parties at the Bale Banjar, and which I know you personally would enjoy very much. Without his (her) generosity, we couldn't possibly afford these weekly gatherings, believe me.

Also, my dear cousin is an asset to the village for the sex education he (she) provides (at no cost to the village, I must add) to everyone under the age of 10. Since we don't yet have any TVs or other form of entertainment in this dog-gone f*g place of ours, these activities keep the kids off the street, thus contributing greatly to the peace in our village.

Obviously, my dear cousin (insert name once more) is a person of means, with money coming out of his (her) a as: a real walking ATM machine. (FYI, he (she) was a personal friend and associate of financial genius Bernard Madoff, now retired). So, no problem there as far as the financial support is concerned. As for his (her) whereabouts during his (her) stay in Bali, between the drunken and pot parties and busy "teaching" schedule, he (she) hardly leaves the banjar, so your colleagues wont have any problem finding him (her) for their periodic shake-downs.

I therefore hope you will view my dear cousin's request for a visit positively.

Looking forward to seeing at our next party,


Prof Dr. I.B.W.X.Y.Z Made
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