
Jun 7, 2008
Hi....I would like to know if anyone has a name and number of a visa agent in Singaraja (area). I want to process a working visa, so my main requirement is that the agent has processed a number of working visas so that I have confidence in them knowing exactly what is needed, the process and more importantly, the time for each step. I would prefer an agent with an office that I can visit. Confidence in it being done correctly is more important to me than the cost. I would use someone like Bali Mode, but prefer someone in Singaraja as this is where I live. Bali Mode also seems really swamped and they said the process would take 2-3 months. I've also had conflicting info about this time....(?)

Thank you in advance if anyone can steer me towards someone?

gilbert de jong

Active Member
Jan 20, 2009
Panji, Singaraja.
Bali Ide works very closely with imigrasi in Pemaron.. their agent drives uphere at least once a week.
You could give them a call, I am sure it would be no problem for him (the agent) to swing by your place
There's to my knowledge not a reliable visa agent with an office in the singaraja-area.


Jun 7, 2008
Thank you for the quick reply! I have emailed them already but will give them a call and see if I can meet the agent somewhere over here. By the way - where is Pemaron? Is that the main immigration office on the main road? If so, that's good to know!

gilbert de jong

Active Member
Jan 20, 2009
Panji, Singaraja.
no worries, you're welcome..
yeah, it might speed things up if you call them and let them know you've emailed them.
they can be pretty busy at times..but my experience is that they do a good job. (They did my KITAS with IMTA)

Yeah, Pemaron is the name of the village there, it's the office on the main road between lovina and Singaraja.


New Member
Apr 25, 2012

I´ll be staying in the Lovina area for at least 4-5 days from tomorrow May 28th. My 30 day VOA will expire on June 8th, so I think I´d better extend it while in Lovina before continuing to West Bali and to East-Jawa.

I believe I saw earlier someone mentioning in some post that they can arrange this easily. Was it you Gilbert? It seems I fail badly at finding stuff with the forum search tool. The immigration office is within reasonable walking distance from my hotel, so I might dig up my long trousers and collar shirt from the bottom of my luggage and try out the process myself. But of course I´d rather spend my time relaxing by the pool if someone else can do it for me for a reasonable price :)

gilbert de jong

Active Member
Jan 20, 2009
Panji, Singaraja.
extending a 30 day VOA in Lovina..I doubt that was me saying that.
a 60 day into a sosbud should not be so hard...but that's not helping you at the moment.

If I were you I would go to imigrasi in Pemaron first thing monday morning to see if thay can and will do the 30day extension for you, if they do not it leaves enough time for you to do it downsouth.


New Member
Apr 25, 2012
Ok, thanks for the advise.

I found the thread where I think my recollection originated: (Markit´s message at the beginning, and your reply a couple of messages later - sorry about the need to copy/paste the url and add , the forum software does not allow me to post links at this point). Probably I misunderstood the meaning there.

Unless I´m mistaken, and I often am, I have until Friday 1st of June to initiate the extension process (7 days before expiration), so if needed I can quite easily return from Lovina to South-Bali by then. So any recommendations for agents in South Bali are also welcome in addition to ones in the north.


New Member
Apr 25, 2012
I think I found where my recollection was from. In thread Bali Expatriate Forums - Bali Visa Questions and Answers - VOA Extension second page, there is Markit´s post about extending VOA and then your reply some messages afterwards. Probably I misunderstood the meaning there.

Anyway, I now arrived in Lovina, but I can still also reach southern Bali by Friday when I need to initiate the extensions. So any recommendations anyone may have on extensions agents in either Northern or Southern Bali are welcome.

(I posted this reply already a day ago, but the original one is still waiting for moderator approval due to me including a link to the other thread in this forum and due t me not yet being allowed to post links. So I take the liberty to post the reply again, as this is getting a bit time-critical)


Well-Known Member
Mar 13, 2012
I used Bali-Mode for my retirement visa and everything went smoothly. Google for their address...they have an office in Sanur and another in Legian.


New Member
Apr 25, 2012
Good, now I know my options (do-it-myself in Singaraja or back to the south for an agent). Thank you for the answers!

Although I see that not all feedback for Bali Mode has been positive, so any other agent recommendations are still welcome.
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New Member
Jan 21, 2012
Gilbert, You mentioned you used an agent for retired visa. Do you have some way of sending me the email address for this agent? I am in Canada and need to get the ball rolling so I can get the visa before I depart for Bali on 24 Sept. I can give you an email address for me in here if that works (I know it will probably put me in spam hell, but ok). Thanks

gilbert de jong

Active Member
Jan 20, 2009
Panji, Singaraja.
Bali Visa - Indonesia Visa Consultants Denpasar - PT Bali IDE, for Retirement Visa, Business, Work and Travel, expatriate,expat

a link to their website, so you can browse a bit of what they do.
if you click to the retirement page, and then at the bottom click the pricing-page/ can then click on asking information wich will give you a contact us page.

I'll try to paste the link direct to the contact page here Indonesia Retirement Visa Information Request Bali expatriate expert

hope it works and helps :)
if you want and/or need some more info feel free to contact me at [email protected]