
Jun 11, 2012
Moving to Bali Jan 2013...Difficult to decide on renting in Sanur or Canggu...Any suggestions or advice would be greatly appreciated...


New Member
Apr 23, 2012
Moving to Bali Jan 2013...Difficult to decide on renting in Sanur or Canggu...Any suggestions or advice would be greatly appreciated...

I have only been living in Bali couple months but chose canggu over sanur because its quieter and more scenic, ie ricefields. Less busy and less traffic.

Bruce G.

New Member
Jun 14, 2012
Lea, have you lived (or visited) here before? And where? and then said this is the PLACE. I'm looking for a 3-5 month stay, any ideas. Thanks, Bruce


Feb 22, 2011
I have live in Sanur for a number of years. I chose this over Canggu because it is quieter and more scenic, ie beach, trees and rice fields. it is a lot easier to get around the area because the roads are not as congested and in bad repair as those in Canggu.
Day trips are easy. Boats leave to Lembongan from Sanur. Candi Dasa is just over an hour away. It is simple to drive there have lunch and return. I enjoy a beer and can find a cold beer easy to get. I have trouble doing this in Canggu even though friends of mine own some of the more popular bars in that area.
There is a great variety of good restaurants. Also very important is that there is a good crew of expats and locals here.


Jun 11, 2012
Thanlyou for your help...Looks like SANUR it is...Coming over in October to find a villa and hopefully sign a lease...Have been in contact with Ray White and also a independent agent by the name of Ana..
Even if I dont know any expats its nice to know they are around in Sanur as my husband is a F/I F/O worker and I will be living in Bali with our two sons...


Jul 28, 2008
If I were making that choice, based on your family, I would lean towards Sanur. Good facilities for children and better roads.

How old are your children? You will likely meet people through them if they are schooling etc.


Lea, I have lived in Sanur for a few years, originally we leased a villa on JL Tamblingan. I would suggest you book a week of accommodation in a homestay for the first week and then simply do the rounds of Sanur on a push bike or moped. Pretty much on every lamp post you will see ads for available homes to rent etc. Going through agents, especially local ones will see you pay royally for a place to call home. We learned that very fast, some of the local fixers will lob on 50% of the annual rent fee when dealing with foreigners. The rents here sound cheap enough but when you deal direct with the owner it makes it all the more personable. Plus this way will give you an insight into the local road map and services locations etc.

Just a thought.



Active Member
May 23, 2011
Lea, I have lived in Sanur for a few years, originally we leased a villa on JL Tamblingan. I would suggest you book a week of accommodation in a homestay for the first week and then simply do the rounds of Sanur on a push bike or moped. Pretty much on every lamp post you will see ads for available homes to rent etc. Going through agents, especially local ones will see you pay royally for a place to call home. We learned that very fast, some of the local fixers will lob on 50% of the annual rent fee when dealing with foreigners. The rents here sound cheap enough but when you deal direct with the owner it makes it all the more personable. Plus this way will give you an insight into the local road map and services locations etc.

Just a thought.


Yeah i agree personally i would prefer to look around and go direct with the owner. . Just seems the best way to get the best deals. . .


Jun 11, 2012
Thankyou to all that has replied...I have a zillion questions, holidaying in Bali is one thing but making the move to live is something else...Accomodation, transport, visas, western doctors, food shopping, furniture shopping, the list goes on and on..
My son is 15 years old and will be doing correspondence as well as learning the language fluently (haha)...Hoping he will gain volunteer work to keep him busy..
As far as accomodation your suggestion ( Mark ) is fantastic..Coming over in September to find a villa...Ray White and the local agent have been giving me prices around 15 to 20,000 000 for a 3/4 bed villa with a pool..
Am I right in saying that all maintenance is completed by the tenant...??.....Do the owners want to make routinely inspections on the property..??


Jun 11, 2012
I am definately a TRUE BLONDE..!! 150 to 200, 000, 000 rupiah for a villa NOT 15 to 20,000,000 rupiah...(that was wishful thinking)


Feb 22, 2011
The missing zero in your post jumped out at me straight away. Take the advice given by Mark and also backed up by Rangi.
I talk with and assist a fair number of people who are thinking of moving to Bali.
Three months back a good friend of mine leased a two storey three bedroom, three ensuite villa. This also has a pool. The rental was 110,000,000 per year. This is quite normal on the ocean side of the bypass road in Sanur.
Away from the ocean it is possible to get places for 30,000,000. Of course these do not have a pool.
Feel free to contact me when here. It is a simple matter to slip into my car and drive around the place. As previously mentioned signs of rental villas will be on trees and gate posts.
Just the same as in the western world, people have addictions here. One of the big ones is the gambling addiction. At times some ridiculously cheap bargains come up. Some of these lead to money making opportunities that the everyday tourist will never see or believe exists.


Active Member
Nov 4, 2007
Perth W Australia
Just the same as in the western world, people have addictions here. One of the big ones is the gambling addiction. At times some ridiculously cheap bargains come up. Some of these lead to money making opportunities that the everyday tourist will never see or believe exists.

Ain't that the truth. We thought we got a good deal on some land in Bukit until we found out what the agent REALLY paid for it from a local who was in dire need of some quick cash due to the aforementioned problem.

Wished now we had bought the whole lot as the price has doubled in just over 12 months anyway....

To answer the original question from the OP I would have a leaning towards Sanur and certainly just stay in a short stay accomodation and look around. Hopefully we will have our Kost Di Exclusiv up and running on the Bukit by July 2013 which at least may give you a base to start from.

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Aug 30, 2010
The missing zero in your post jumped out at me straight away. Take the advice given by Mark and also backed up by Rangi.
I talk with and assist a fair number of people who are thinking of moving to Bali.
Three months back a good friend of mine leased a two storey three bedroom, three ensuite villa. This also has a pool. The rental was 110,000,000 per year. This is quite normal on the ocean side of the bypass road in Sanur.
Away from the ocean it is possible to get places for 30,000,000. Of course these do not have a pool.
Feel free to contact me when here. It is a simple matter to slip into my car and drive around the place. As previously mentioned signs of rental villas will be on trees and gate posts.
Just the same as in the western world, people have addictions here. One of the big ones is the gambling addiction. At times some ridiculously cheap bargains come up. Some of these lead to money making opportunities that the everyday tourist will never see or believe exists.

Hi could you please pm me. I can't say I have seen to many villas beachside for 110 juta and bypass side 30juta. Would love to catch up for a coffee n chat.


Jun 11, 2012
No.Idea....I might have to take you up on your offer of assistance....Looks like going direct with the owner is the way to go...
Do you have a email or some way I can contact you...We will be in Bali in 12 weeks....


Sep 16, 2011
bukit bali
my advice would be to stay in a losmon/hotel for a few months while you look for something ideal ..., that is unless you dont mind being hearded towards the overpriced options , and seeing your paying 1 year upfront for rent locks you in .
It will take a few months to work out that things do not run as smoothly as you had antisipated, and people here wont care about "your schedual" (ie; if you have one ) ., It will also take a few months IMHO to weed out the local priced options from the hiked up silly bule priced options, as 99% of local priced options are not ran through real estates etc . Those in a hurry will pay dearly. some may luck into a good deal early but most wont .
Jan 13, 2012
I am definately a TRUE BLONDE..!! 150 to 200, 000, 000 rupiah for a villa NOT 15 to 20,000,000 rupiah...(that was wishful thinking)

As all have said avoid agents like the plague. You will often find that even hand written signs stuck on a tree are a middle man. Be sure to only deal with the owner. Prices are getting silly but with all the new arrivals willing to pay it is what it is. Having said that for 150 - 200 juta you would wanna be getting something special. Canggu is generally a bit cheaper imo.


Well-Known Member
Apr 2, 2010
yes but the problem is EVERYBODY is an agent :-( there are 4 million agents on Bali, 4 million craftsmen, 4 million plumbers, 4 million security men, 4 million gardeners, 4 million nominees, 4 million sales men/girls....
Everybody here do evth just to "survive" (before literally now to be able to buy the new iphone)