
New Member
Sep 6, 2010
any of you guys interted in long term parnership on villa business in Kuta ,South Lombok?I have 3 ha hill property with stunning ocean view ready to build.:icon_rolleyes:


New Member
Sep 6, 2010
Yes,My plan is ;i will divide the land into some plots,build some antique wooden houses from Sumatera and other islands and sell it .I already have some suppliers for the houses,just need to pay ,knock it down and send it to the location,then build it up with another facilities.any idea?


New Member
Sep 6, 2010
My land is located upon the flat hill around 100 meters on sea level,faces the southern coastline of Lombok island.
About pictures,i can send it to you via email ,if you tell me your add.
Iam Indonesian ,anda bisa cakap bahasa Indonesia?

gilbert de jong

Active Member
Jan 20, 2009
Panji, Singaraja.
took more then a month to reply? And then in Japanese...
so probably the bankloan fell through...guess why? maybe dividing the land into several certificates, would leave the bank not holding any collateral if the loan/mortgage can't be paid back?
obstacles with the titleholder? etcetc....? just asking, not judging.


New Member
Sep 6, 2010
I just wanted to say hello to toyoda 22(from his name ,i thought he`s a japanese).i live in Japan ,have a japanese wife and 3 kids,am i wrong if i speak to someone in Japanese?
Iam Indonesian ,so i have freehold certificates for that land(3 ha with 2 certificates).I don`t want to go to bank and ask for loan,i hate bank system in Indonesia.i can just sell half of the land to get fresh cash,instead of bankloan.I just want to find someone who can be my partner to start this business for mutual benefits.is it wrong?why are you such a sinical person?
We`ve just moved out to a new apartment,that`s why it took me so long to reply.It took some times for the internet line to get installed.


Well-Known Member
Jan 12, 2009
I think Toyoda is Indonesian also reading his or her posts. Where are you living in Japan? I lived there a long time and I love that you can eat some pretty good Japanese food in Bali. If you are interested in looking for a Japanese partner maybe you could try advertising in one of the many Japanese language magazines published in Bali.


New Member
Sep 6, 2010
I live in Gifu but my wife is from Nagoya.Just wonder why he/she use toyoda as his/her name.where about in Japan you used to live?i`ve been living here in Japan for almost 8 years now and got a plan to move back home to Bali around June or July.iam looking for a business partner who could be my good friend ,no matter he/she comes from.Thank`s for the infos,really appreciate that.Can`t wait for Bali "nonbiri" life style...

gilbert de jong

Active Member
Jan 20, 2009
Panji, Singaraja.
I just wanted to say hello to toyoda 22(from his name ,i thought he`s a japanese).i live in Japan ,have a japanese wife and 3 kids,am i wrong if i speak to someone in Japanese?
Iam Indonesian ,so i have freehold certificates for that land(3 ha with 2 certificates).I don`t want to go to bank and ask for loan,i hate bank system in Indonesia.i can just sell half of the land to get fresh cash,instead of bankloan.I just want to find someone who can be my partner to start this business for mutual benefits.is it wrong?why are you such a sinical person?
We`ve just moved out to a new apartment,that`s why it took me so long to reply.It took some times for the internet line to get installed.

Like I said..I was asking, not judging!
You're ofcourse not wrong writing in Japanese..but it added to my doubts by doing so.
Maybe I come across as sinical regarding this thread, that's just because I have alot of experience buying/selling land, the whole process around certificates/dividing land and construction.
But back to my doubts...maybe you should be looking for a partner closer to home, rather then on a forum. aLot of prime property is actually being bought by Japanese people so the chances would favor looking in your immediate surroundings.
Also from the info in your posts it just seems odd (to me)..you having 3 Hectare of prime land, but need to ask for a businesspartner on a forum about Bali...
You could like you say sell half the land and increase your equity, but by doing so you would actually be decimating you're (probable) future profit by 50%. Same as when taking on a partner, the difference is that with a partner the 3Hectare of land would stay in your name...know where I am getting at yet?
Hating the Indonesian bank-system? Can't see how you want to set up a legit business without having to deal with at least one Indonesian bank..
Oh and one tip...business is business, friendship is friendship don't mix the two...also from personal experience.

Again I do not want to be an ass or negative towards you, but people who read this forum.. who are thinking of living on Bali, wanting to buy property, and starting a business, just might think this is like a all in one deal..
they should look at it from another side too.


Well-Known Member
Jan 12, 2009
I was in Tokyo mostly. Living in Japan is almost completely opposite to living in Bali. I think Gilbert gives good advice in looking for a possible Japanese partner/investor. When it comes to buying property in Indonesia, I think you need to be as cynical as possible and question everything. There are so many things, if not addressed can become big problems.


New Member
Sep 6, 2010
Like I said..I was asking, not judging!
You're ofcourse not wrong writing in Japanese..but it added to my doubts by doing so.
Maybe I come across as sinical regarding this thread, that's just because I have alot of experience buying/selling land, the whole process around certificates/dividing land and construction.
But back to my doubts...maybe you should be looking for a partner closer to home, rather then on a forum. aLot of prime property is actually being bought by Japanese people so the chances would favor looking in your immediate surroundings.
Also from the info in your posts it just seems odd (to me)..you having 3 Hectare of prime land, but need to ask for a businesspartner on a forum about Bali...
You could like you say sell half the land and increase your equity, but by doing so you would actually be decimating you're (probable) future profit by 50%. Same as when taking on a partner, the difference is that with a partner the 3Hectare of land would stay in your name...know where I am getting at yet?
Hating the Indonesian bank-system? Can't see how you want to set up a legit business without having to deal with at least one Indonesian bank..
Oh and one tip...business is business, friendship is friendship don't mix the two...also from personal experience.

Again I do not want to be an ass or negative towards you, but people who read this forum.. who are thinking of living on Bali, wanting to buy property, and starting a business, just might think this is like a all in one deal..
they should look at it from another side too.

Thank`s for the "judging"..from your words ,it seems to me that you are just one of those bules who have been cheated here and there by locals...
about that 3 ha land,like i said ,i will devide the land into smaller lots ,build someting on it and sell the land and the building as 1 unit,how come it will remain mine ?again another sinical thought...
I hate bank system when you try to get the loan,you should pay some under table fees to make it smooth or else you won`t get anything and it doesn`t mean that i hate the whole system,we`re talking about the bank-loan,remember?
Maybe you`re right, but i don`t agree about business is business,friendship is friendship.For us Indonesian ,in good relationship with your friends you might get a good business chance..it sound naive for you as a western but not for us .
a tip for you ,you won`t have any "healthy" and peaceful life with sinical and negative thoughts toward people.my friend said,give people pineapples,you won`t get in trouble...


Well-Known Member
Jan 10, 2009
Please excuse me for not judging anything (unimportant). I'm just confused reading this thread - sorry to sound "negative", but it definitely sounds like a bullshit scam of some kind.

Still, I got a few laughs (giggles)...

...Just wonder why he/she use toyoda as his/her name.
Maybe he/she can't spell Toyata. (See - I'm catching it, too - TOYOTA.)

...give people pineapples, you won`t get in trouble...
Priceless - wish I'd thought of it.
But why not try to sell them? (Do they have pineapples in Kuta, Lombok?)

Or are you from Okinawa? (Never saw any pineapples on Shikoku when I was there.)

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New Member
Sep 6, 2010
I was in Tokyo mostly. Living in Japan is almost completely opposite to living in Bali. I think Gilbert gives good advice in looking for a possible Japanese partner/investor. When it comes to buying property in Indonesia, I think you need to be as cynical as possible and question everything. There are so many things, if not addressed can become big problems.

few times went to Tokyo for new passport and stuffs.I don`t really like big city though.I just go when i really have to go.I used to live in Bali for more than 5 years before Japan,so this will be my way back home to the island.To be careful on everything is good,but to be sinical?well i might not agree with that point.you can blame me because iam Indonesian. Anyway ,thank`s for the advice,i appreciate that.

gilbert de jong

Active Member
Jan 20, 2009
Panji, Singaraja.
"it seems to me that you are just one of those bules who have been cheated here and there by locals..." Not yet, and very likely not going to happen either.

"about that 3 ha land,like i said ,i will devide the land into smaller lots ,build someting on it and sell the land and the building as 1 unit,how come it will remain mine ?again another sinical thought..." not sinical just plain logic...foreigner would need a Indonesian nominee to own land (you perhaps)
another form, the foreigner is setting up a company with an indonesian partner who on paper will own the 51% of the holdings (you again) You get it now???

"I hate bank system when you try to get the loan,you should pay some under table fees to make it smooth or else you won`t get anything and it doesn`t mean that i hate the whole system,we`re talking about the bank-loan,remember?" I remember...do you? for a loan to be accepted you would need to have good credit and collateral...if you dont have either, hell you can bribe away but you would still not get it, cause the application is going to the main office and will be looked upon by several risk-evaluation experts before a final yes or no is given.

"Maybe you`re right, but i don`t agree about business is business,friendship is friendship.For us Indonesian ,in good relationship with your friends you might get a good business chance..it sound naive for you as a western but not for us" So either you don't have friends (since you're looking for a partner here on a forum), or your friends can't see the light at the end of a very dark tunnel and already can foresee all the problems that could arise, and don't want to jeopardy the friendship or their money..

"a tip for you ,you won`t have any "healthy" and peaceful life with sinical and negative thoughts toward people.my friend said,give people pineapples,you won`t get in trouble..." Thanks for the tip :) not sinical or negative, just keeping it real...wich has kept me alive this far and in pretty good financial and mental health for that matter.

The pineapple thing I don't get it...? I do have rambutan,durian,kelapa,pisang,cengkeh but till now no land yet with pineapples

Eko K. Henryawan

New Member
Feb 21, 2011
Lombok Island..... Like a virgin

Lombok. When hearing the name of the island, we will imagine a beautiful and charming place. Landscape and culture featuring exotic blend of Balinese culture (Hindu) and Sasak (Muslims) really gives a very pleasant experience. Beautiful beaches, blue sea water and the charming scenic waterfall on the slopes of Mount Rinjani.
Whoever you are, I am ready to be happy to show the places that beautiful. Flexible time and travel expenses necessarily, the number one choice for you. You only need to contact me on 085 238 099 900.