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Just had dinner in Sanur with a fair amount of fireworks. Did it start already? Will it be as bad as last year? Did anyone else notice?
The fireworks. Last year they started several days or weeks before christmas new year and lasted at least for one week or more after new year.

A really rediculous amount of fireworks.

I hope this year will not be as bad.
We live in a local neighborhood in Denpasar and last year was a royal pain in the butt. The parents let their kids run around, like 5 year old kids, with arm fulls of fireworks just letting them off willy nilly. It went on for hours every night for a month at least, just too much. One kid had a nasty accident but that didn't deter others. We had bangers and other such thrown at us, in jest, when we drove past by youngsters who are just oblivious to the potential danger of these things.

Organized fireworks I don't have a problem with. Unorganized chaos with fireworks is a bit different.

Fingers crossed too that it isn't a repeat of last year, cotton buds ready.

Just had dinner in Sanur with a fair amount of fireworks. Did it start already? Will it be as bad as last year? Did anyone else notice?

Noticed that most shops/supermarkets [even baby shops] now have large displays of fireworks on sale. However yesterday was a good day in the Balinese calendar for getting married, so may be just celebrations for those. But in all honesty I think, yes, it has started. The Balinese love their fireworks.
OMG yes it has started and yes it will be as bad as last year but we are just going to have to get use to it. even though it a royal pain in the gluteus maxims but if you can't beat them why not go out there a join them, who know you might even get to know the bajar ( MAJOR IMPORTANT IN BALI ) so some good could can come out of it.
chill withe lokal and keep on there good books hell sit down and have some ark with them maybe, they will love that learn to speak Balinese or indo if you havent (ANOTHER MAJOR IMPORTAN IF LIVING IN BALI, ok I'm blabbing on im going to stop now.
yes it going to be like last year with the fire works
I love fireworks but that doens't mean I want to have fireworks going of 5 meters away from me while I'm having dinner. Or to have fireworks halfway January on a random evening in the middle of the week at 11 PM for no reason.

I think when new year has passed they sell left over fireworks at lower prices as they wouldn't last until next year.
I read somewhere recently that setting off fireworks "illegally" is now "banned".
I think this was in response to a few buildings burning down because of them and a few more injuries.
Personally, I haven't seen any effects of this new "law"/decree.

The police have also been ordered to stop very young children riding around on motorbikes (without helmets/licenses). They are supposed to be "arrested", the motorbikes confiscated and the "adults" who provided them could be charged for endangering public safety.
I've yet to see any evidence that this is occurring, too.

The parents of the 14 year-olds who recently crashed into a tree in Renon while driving a car at high speed might be charged for some kind of negligence.
The same for the parents of two other juveniles who were killed in a head-on smash on the same night.

I rarely, (if ever), see police patrolling the smaller streets to catch these kids. I see these very young children every day of the week. What makes me angry is that their parents or older siblings give them the keys in the first place.
The time for talk is over (IMHO) - it's time for education programmes and some concrete examples of those allowing them on the roads to be punished. (Significant fines, vehicles confiscated, even jail terms.)

Guess we'll all just have to wait and see how seriously the police take these tragedies on-board, and when (or if), they actually do something about preventing them in future.

I read somewhere recently that setting off fireworks "illegally" is now "banned".
I think this was in response to a few buildings burning down because of them and a few more injuries.
Personally, I haven't seen any effects of this new "law"/decree.

The police have also been ordered to stop very young children riding around on motorbikes (without helmets/licenses). They are supposed to be "arrested", the motorbikes confiscated and the "adults" who provided them could be charged for endangering public safety.
I've yet to see any evidence that this is occurring, too.

The parents of the 14 year-olds who recently crashed into a tree in Renon while driving a car at high speed might be charged for some kind of negligence.
The same for the parents of two other juveniles who were killed in a head-on smash on the same night.

I rarely, (if ever), see police patrolling the smaller streets to catch these kids. I see these very young children every day of the week. What makes me angry is that their parents or older siblings give them the keys in the first place.
The time for talk is over (IMHO) - it's time for education programmes and some concrete examples of those allowing them on the roads to be punished. (Significant fines, vehicles confiscated, even jail terms.)

Guess we'll all just have to wait and see how seriously the police take these tragedies on-board, and when (or if), they actually do something about preventing them in future.


In regards to the Fireworks enforcing, Kuta Beach its HEAVILY enforced but by hotel/restraunt security and they usually get somewhat violent and vicious however you are shuffled down the beach strip to Double 6 "out side the sign" or Kartika. The sign where they tell you to go is a sign that says they are banned and if you want to use them get local police permission..

Those things are horrible and dangerous, god knows why you would trust a 6 year old playing with them. We were relaxing on the beach one night/morning and some drunk western came down, lit the roman candle (real firework tube with 8 shots) didnt hold it properly, first one went off he dropped the cannister and 7 fireworks were then being shot all around the beach.. The friends thought it was HILARIOUS.

Thank god no one was hit by one of these stupid things!

The kids on the motorbikes? what a joke that is..

Apparently at my nieces school if they get caught driving before the age limit the school confiscates the motorbike from the child and the parents have to come pick it up at a later stage along with the child.. This is in Java
Those things are horrible and dangerous, god knows why you would trust a 6 year old playing with them.
Well, if they let them ride motorbikes, why not?

Apparently at my nieces school if they get caught driving before the age limit the school confiscates the motorbike from the child and the parents have to come pick it up at a later stage along with the child.. This is in Java
Not sure if Bali is advanced as Java, yet.

I nearly collected some more today. Or, they nearly crashed into me.
Don't you love it when somebody just missed being killed on the spot by fractions of a second, or maimed for life, but still smiling?
Sometimes smiling is a kind of coping mechanism here when people momentarily realise they did something wrong/bad, but got away with it.

Even more frightening is watching what bystanders do when confronted with a serious accident.
Usually, all the wrong things.

Mind you, to be fair, lots of educated westerners aren't much better in similar situations.
However, you don't normally see them "smiling" or laughing...

I remember last year *groan*

It was shocking, just terrible. You've just brought back to me, all that I groaned and bitched about last year. I had totally forgotten about it until I read this post. Oh dear, all booked for Christmas and New year and NOW I record the painful event! I remember they were doing something with the road whee I was staying. So, from sun set to God only knows what time in the morning we had the fireworks, at the same time, from 10pm until 5am we had the road works. Ye Gods, I shall never forget it!
All that said, I adore fireworks - it was a big deal in England and we used to celebrate Guy Fawkes night every year without fail. Still, the whole community would build a huge bonfire on common land and the fireworks would be an organized affair. We would have hot, roasted chestnuts, sizzling sausages, all kinds of yummy food. Happy memories - however, I never remembered the fireworks ever going on all night and through past breakfast the next morning! Just pray that good sense prevails!
We were lucky last year. It rained just before midnight. This year the noise will be worse. There is an alang alang (grass) roof on three of my buildings. New year consists of rolling out the hoses and hoping like hell there is no fire.
on a recent visit to Legian beach with friends i was amazed....and getting very annoyed at the amount of bangers being thrown everywhere scaring some people and almost hitting somebody in the face.
Fireworks are illegal simple as that.
Some people just want to spoil it for others....come NYE the oohs and ahhhs wont seem the same as so many fireworks are let off all year round.
Yes, I'm already fed up. Every night this week for at least 2 hours.:icon_evil:

I thought fireworks were banned?!
Where do these "poor" Balinese get the money for the fireworks from - they damn sure aint cheap!
Not as bad in the new neck of the woods but still feckin' annoying at 2am after just getting the toddler to sleep and some nugget with no respect for the neighborhood goes and lets off a barrage.
it certainly has started ..... and it is very worrying as it is mainly youngish and very young kids in the street here. I mentioned to one parent that there was no supervision and that it could be dangerous, and they just laughed at me. The kids are throwing them at each other!