
Well-Known Member
Mar 13, 2012
As a Canadian I'm used to having annual medical check-ups under the Health Service and, generally, excepting special items like prostate PSA (Rp 700,000), it is free. It is conducted by a GP and, unless he finds something wrong, no further test.....no special tests etc.

I now live in Bali and, as I haven't had a medical for a couple of years, I went to Siloam today (Sunset) and had one of their many medical package plans.
So, I'm writing this to tell others how impressed I was with the testing and the cost.

I had an ECG; an Echocardiogram; an X-ray; complete Blood Count (Lipids) and Urinalysis; Kidney and Liver function test. Diabetes test. Prostate PSA exam.
I was presented with a complete file report of the tests and interviewed by a Cardiologist who went thru' item by item before signing off.
My total bill came to Rp1.903,000.
This compares with a similar test I had in Phuket 2+ years ago which cost me US$375.

My only criticism is I had to wait a while for the Cardiologist....maybe because it was Monday and he was pretty busy with others ahead of me. The Siloam is in Lippo Mall so there are a few coffee shops, bookshops, Electronic city and a supermarket in which to waste time.

edit: I should add that a new Celebrity Gym is soft-open on the top floor. They have a promo which may expire soon....Join for Rp225,000 and sign for 1 year @ Rp350,000 a month... they throw in 3 free instructor sessions.
My wife joined today and now says this promo finishes tomorrow 14 Jan.... after that the price goes to Rp600,000 a month.
I'll repost on the thread of GYM!!!
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Well-Known Member
Mar 13, 2012
Thanks Markit...unlike my attempt at bahasa Indonesian I passed today. In fact..... the Cardiologist said I had a heart like a BULL.
Ok! Ok! ...I hear the groans already from other forum members..are those 2 starting again with their polishing bulls balls stories!!! No.......we are NOT!

However, I did trick you pal...my wife doesn't even know of this forum...but I did email her your pics of the bulls and their owners.
She said "What's this?"
I told her that Hindus revere cows and bulls and that is how they respect them.

Later, in bed, I felt this hand around my back and thought...I'm goin' to get sooo lucky!:couple_inlove:......but I was cool.

"Wassup?' I said "Oh! just seeing if you have a tail like a BULL" She giggled and turned over.

Funny funny Lass! I think it's time to remind her that I have the power of deportation!


Well-Known Member
Mar 13, 2012
Do they require KITAS to sign up a medical package like this?

No...it is available to all who pay up-front...they also take credit cards.
There is a brochure available in English on racks in the entry hallway (part of the mall). There you can find all the packages from "The Diamond (most complete)" which costs Rp3.830,000 all the way down to simple single checks like Pap smear for ladies and Prostate PSA for men.
They also offer pregnancy and delivery packages, cosmetic surgery, dentistry and opthmalmic exams.

Siloam has become a very big private hospital in Indonesia and they just bought out BMIC in Bali...it would appear to me they are maybe attempting to emulate the kind of tourist medical check-ups etc that other asian countries have done very successfully.