
Jun 4, 2015
I think maybe and im saying just maybe this guy is getting a tongue lashing in the wrong,everyone on this forum come from different walks of life,different backgrounds,there are people in the world who have good ideas,some not so good,however not everyone knows how to go about raising money for what they think is a good idea,,seems to me this guy could be one of those people,he actually says that he is looking for max $400 per month for a year,thats less than $5,000,im not suggesting that anyone should agree to give it to him,but it might be a better idea if those who have experience in this field were to offer him some advice on how he should go about it in the proper way,instead of shredding the guy,i was of the opinion that the purpose of this forum was to offer advice to other members,perhaps im wrong,


Well-Known Member
Sep 3, 2007
Karangasem, Bali
Ok I've looked back over the posts and found a kinder more caring Markit in the first 4 where I did everything I could to actively encourage this shy Mimosa to share his idea with the group - 4 POSTS!

Not sure what you all want here but good luck with that.


Active Member
Aug 13, 2013
Ok I've looked back over the posts and found a kinder more caring Markit in the first 4 where I did everything I could to actively encourage this shy Mimosa to share his idea with the group - 4 POSTS!

Ha ha! That's pretty funny. Your second post says this:

Dude you are doomed and your idea with it.

That said, I'm on your side. One of the most annoying things about living in Indonesia is the time you have to waste finding and confirming information that should just be easily available.


Well-Known Member
Sep 3, 2007
Karangasem, Bali
"Dude" is my more caring, feely side.

I get messages all the time from an adoring public that, I guess, are scared of the rest of you lot, telling me how wonderful I am and how they want to have my children, play with my ding-a-ling and so forth. I always tell them to share with the rest of you assholes but somehow they feel safer in my gentle hands.

Go figure.


New Member
Nov 28, 2015
I did not that all adds in BA, English newspapers and millions of other directories around the world must be considered apriori as nothing more than just fishing programs for dosh, coz there is absolutely no difference between my add and their adds.
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