... another angle

Maybe another angle to look at this argument might go like this ...

Imagine that you hear, or worse, see the victim of a fall from the bicycle ....someone had an unfortunate accident cycling along the beach, he lost his rhythm, the bike went down, and he suffered a fractured skull in the course. Now, most of us would immediately say ... "oh, if he had only worn a helmet, all would have been well!"

That is specious .... all things happen because of karma; a fall is always the consequence of some mental state that preceded it. If it is a person's karma to sustain a serious injury, no helmet will help him!

Now, owing to our general fearfulness and misunderstanding of how things work at the actual level, an incident such as the above might lead a government, like the Australian Government, to pass laws mandating bicycle-riders to be wearing helmets at all times ... which is the case in Australia. The millions of riders that would rather enjoy the light breeze around their heads and the sense of freedom are now forced to wear silly helmets, even in hot weather and when they are riding safely and slowly.

All that is the outcome of fearfulness and of following the lowest common denominator to obtain .... arising from specious argumentation ....
I understand people not wanting to vaccinate their kids is the parents choice to put their own kids at risk. What I don't understand is how you can put other innocent kids at risk? Say your child has whooping cough, and they pass it onto a baby who is too young to be vaccinated and that baby dies. How could a parent live with that? These parents might say they would keep the kids at home until they are well. But most of the time you are infectious before you show signs...

If you are not worried about vaccinating at home and passing on illness, why are you worried now?
the sparks of fear ....

I think this is all fear and more fear, leading to a total loss of clarity!

In Germany in some villages that are not totally beholden to the insanities of the pharma-lobby, a child that has German measles will hold a party, inviting all the other kids to the event. The idea is here that other children SHOULD catch the measles, so as to build up resistance ....

But we often RESIST ... and that creates many problems in turn ....

At any point in time there are countless viruses swirling around us ... what determines whether I "catch" something or not is dependant on my immune system, and my karma, of course. Sure, if you've been stressing that out with all manner of unhealthy living, it may become susceptible.

So a healthier attitude to holistic health issues might provide more dependable augury than a needle in the arm that may have serious side-effects later in life!
No vaccination, no problem

My three children have never been vaccinated and I am firmly against the concept.

We have lived in Bali and continue to travel there frequently, and whilst we take increased precautions with hygiene, I don't see any need to immunise. In fact, I believe they are at less risk of illness and disease because their immune systems have not been compromised.

Whilst in Bali, we take common hygiene precautions, take acidophilous capsules for intestinal health and use tea tree oil/ointment for cuts or abrasions. It's a simple, natural approach which has proved effective through many years of Bali life.
I don't get this talk about strengthening the immune system by NOT taking vaccinations, because that is exactly what happens when you take a vaccine. You actually introduce traces of the virus to your body and your immune system is starting to create antibodies to protect yourself against the virus, basically your body learns how to deal with this particular virus. That is how the immune system works - it cannot protect without first being exposed to the virus.