
New Member
Sep 1, 2011
Hello forum members,

I've been to bali 2 times and I really like it there. On my second trip there (2009) I decided that I want to stay there for longer and start a business there. I searched a lot but unfortunately there was no real opportunity at those times that made sense to me. I wanted to avoid the saturated businesses (like running a shop, bar or export crafts). So my trip kept what it was originally meant to be - a 3 weeks holiday :)

Now, nearly 2 years later, I am confronted with a potential opportunity. I am in IT-business here in Europe as a freelance programmer. A customer requires data collection and data processing work done on a regular base because he is not pleased with his current provider any more. Now because my freelance fellow and I wrote the software he also asked us to look around for a proper source. Normally this type of real time stock data collection would be a typical task to outsource to e.g. an Indian BPO. Generally, it is really simple task with little training but requires quite a bit of human power. That brought me to the idea of eventually going to bali and doing it from there. After a first research I could not find any severe things that should eliminate bali as a potential location, but I would be very thankful if you could help me with those 2 questions:

1. I don't want to annoy here anyone with a further PMA/KITAS question, but my problem is that my customer needs the new data already in the beginning of october, so according to the mentioned PMA setup time of 10 weeks I would not be able to start in time and cannot take this opportunit. Is there a way to rent an office and hire staff before the company is fully established? I already contacted 4 balinese notaries but still got no answer.

2. Does anyone here have experience with IT-based business from bali concerning infrastructure?

I would appreciate your help,


New Member
Sep 1, 2011
Hi guys,

maybe this will be helpful for someone in this forum who will have the same problem. I got an answer from a lawyer pointing out that it is possible to start operationally doing business before the PMA is ready as soon as you have received the Tax Registration number of the company.

Anyway, as I wrote I would be glad to get in contact with anyone involved in the IT-business in this forum to discuss some initial technical questions regarding infrastructure and staff in Bali.


gilbert de jong

Active Member
Jan 20, 2009
Panji, Singaraja.
Hi guys,

maybe this will be helpful for someone in this forum who will have the same problem. I got an answer from a lawyer pointing out that it is possible to start operationally doing business before the PMA is ready as soon as you have received the Tax Registration number of the company.

Anyway, as I wrote I would be glad to get in contact with anyone involved in the IT-business in this forum to discuss some initial technical questions regarding infrastructure and staff in Bali.


On Bali everything is possible, just not to sure if it's also legal...the fact a lawyer says it is possible, doesn't make it legal :icon_wink:
sorry can't help with the IT-part...but I wish you luck and hope all works out for you.


Well-Known Member
Sep 3, 2007
Karangasem, Bali
I think it's a grand idea and hope you have all the success in the world - as you said it is possible to get the thing started with just the ongoing application as basis for your taxable status - I'm sure the Indo government won't refuse the money.

Only concern I can see in the whole thing is very basic and that has to do with your workers. Coming from an IT background myself I do understand that most of the deadlines are adrenaline driven and therein lies the problem. The Balinese tend to take off of work quite a lot for ceremonies and such like. Bear this in mind when picking your staff with perhaps a liberal mixture of Muslims and Hindus together and you will hopefully avoid standing alone in your premises on Kuningan or any other of the large festival days.

Good luck!