Indonesia Suspends Trading Indefinitely

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Aug 3, 2008
Roy , why the axe to grind with Jimbo ? Do you know what he makes , or what his retirement plan is worth ? Jimbo , like you ; we ( me , friends and the world ) are in a hard place . The numbers you used ( down 25% ascross the board ) reflect the state of most western pocket books . We are all hurting , Im a bit younger then you so I have alittle time to rebound ( I hope ) . There is a good lesson here for everyone who lives in a disposable culture , make do with what you have , you dont need the "new" one becouse your old one still works fine . Be happy for what you have ! Unlike Roy , I feel ya buddy and I hope things correct soon .


Active Member
Mar 27, 2007
Wise words balihi..

Get off your high horse roy - nobody's in a position to pass judgment another's personal situation.



Apr 24, 2008
Jimbo, a wise man said to me years ago,
"man has a brand new red convertible porsche, someone puts a scratch on it,
you have 99% perfection, but where does the human mind focus ?
on that scratch !

its good to adopt some philosophy on life.
i like this one,
The secret of contentment is knowing how to enjoy what you have' - Lin Yutang.


Active Member
Jan 11, 2005
Manchester and Makassar
Jimbo, your pleas of “I’m too broke to retire” are falling on deaf ears…mine anyway for certain.


Your opinion on anything that is Non Balinese has no interest for me especially when you comment on me and mine.


I like you analogy but in my case it is not 99%..if only. :D Tell your secret of contentment to someone starving and perhaps they will not agree :(


Aug 3, 2008
Chilli , as very smart taught me the secrect to life a long time ago , sadly it took me fifteen years to fully understand it ....Be thankful for what you have today -my wife ( the second best wife in the universe , a bow to Mark-it ) :p


May 11, 2007
seattle wa campuhan bali
HI all:
Have not written on this blog for awhile, been to caught up in the election and all, plus family goings on...etc. Oh yeah, and watching the crash first of the sub-prime mortgage crisis, then the Bear Stearn, Leiman Brothers, and others; the Banking institutions, Iceland drowning, currency plummeting, and soon stock derriviteves(spelling) to tired to look up the spelling.

The entire fiasco smells of one word; world wide greed. Cause and effect. I mentioned last summer 2007 on this forum about the impending world wide crisis. However, I recall a number of you guys thought I was simply to negative; and you guys said I sounded like the ole story "Penny, the sky is falling". I needed medication for my state of mind. Well... Unfortuately, the global recession is here. I saw this coming last year.

Of course, there is a bright side; silver lining. Buy less, be thankful for ones health and family, love everyone even your enemies, and in time the sun will shine brightly again.

Jimbo, I agree with Roy and Chilli, retire. You still will have money; however, time marches on, and one does not live forever. Your children will manage, just as you did when your parents died; and I am certain you were alot worse off when they passed away. I became self sufficient when I was eighteen years old; although my parents were alive. Your children will survive, they have an education which many young adults do not have. Their will always will be a reason for you not to retire....

I do not think Roy is getting on your case; he is simply putting in his own way, brother enjoy your family. If you passed away right now....what would they all do then??? Their lives would march on; or would they simply say we must follow our father.

I do not mean to sound so morbid, but really Jimbo, forget about the percentage of income you have lost, you still have enough to retire. You do not need the new car, and all the new gadgets know to man. Enjoy the simply things of life...what is most important in life, your family. If you were on your death bed right now, what would be your deepest regret? That you had so little time to spend with those that you love. Not the money you could leave them.

We all think are lives are so important, however, when we die their is always someone else who picks up the slack; whether it be our current job, etc. You took over for your parents when they died; and your children, I am certain are in alot better place then you were when your parents died. That is life. Since you have been such a good example to them over their life times, I am sure they will make you proud. They must make their own way in life just as you did.



May 11, 2007
seattle wa campuhan bali
Oh forgot to tell Balilife, thanks for the link to Buffett's article. And must admit Balilife I am in total agreement with your comments pertaining to this subject. Shock! lol I am certain you had a good laugh over that one.


May 11, 2007
seattle wa campuhan bali
:oops: lol yeah you are right again Balilife. Gosh don't know what has got into me, I'm so agreeable with you. Must be the alignment of the stars...or....perhaps my excitement of an Obama win. :p :p Only a couple of days before the suspence is over. wheee I'm soooo tired of the race. For those who want Obama to win, invision a victory early on election night; and I pray a big one. Balilife since you do not frequent that behavior, no problem, do whatever you do when you visualize your desires. Every pray, positive attitude around the entire globe is needed now to put Obama way over the finish line--- As so many of Obama's people reiterate--- we are cautious till the very end.

Good luck, and good night.


Active Member
Mar 27, 2007
I guess one way to look at it is that the campaign itself is a good test and good preparation for the whitehouse - it's a shitload of challenges and firefights.. If that is in fact true, then clearly obama will be the better president (well even if that isn't true he'd still be the better president), as his campaign has been as close to flawless as any.. Mccain's campaign however has been like a badger in an emu's crack..

After being in north america for the last 10 weeks, I do miss the US CNN 24/7 coverage of the election - there yopu basically have anderson, wolf and a bunch of others covering it 24/7 - unfortunately that includes old shitface lou dobbs, 'mr. Independent (as a testicle)', but still, if you're interested in the race there, it's good coverage.. Any other time, for any other news, I put cnn well behind the likes of bbc and even al-jaz..

But I miss wolf :( I had to get up at midnight to watch him last night and even that only went for 1hr, on th US CNN, situation room with wolf is 3hrs a day, rerun at least twice a day.. Jeez, I need a hobby..



Active Member
Nov 5, 2002
Ubud, Bali
No need to miss the Blitzer when in Indo! He's on CNN every morning here at 6AM...The Situation Room. However, since the clocks got turned back an hour yesterday for daylight savings time, it might be 5 AM here now. :shock: Monday thru Friday, or for us, Tuesday thru Satuday. Cheers!


Well-Known Member
Sep 3, 2007
Karangasem, Bali
BaliLife you got a nice turn of phrase there:
BaliLife said:
Mccain's campaign however has been like a badger in an emu's crack..
But I'm going to need some help with that one :shock:

BaliLife said:
I guess one way to look at it is that the campaign itself is a good test and good preparation for the whitehouse
Didn't help old GW much in my humble estimation... (twice!)

Why is it that the rest of the world seems to manage to elect some type of reasonable government or other with "only" 2 or 3 month elections and costs around the 2 figure millions?

The election process seems to always "big" the candidate up so much that the sobering reality after election day can never, ever live up to the hype. The follow on is that we (American citizens and the rest of the world that have to watch the show too) are always disappointed with the result in the short and long term.

I'm all for internet voting on all the governmental issues by all the people all the time - who needs representatives? Lets get back to the Greek ideal and have an internet Parthenon :idea:


Active Member
Mar 27, 2007
Thanks roy - I will definitely be up for that then - 4am sby time..

Markit, the point being that a badger would probably be hard pressed finding and once located, hard pressed navigating an emu's 'crack'..



Active Member
Mar 27, 2007
hi don,

it's kind of like a woman trying to pee standing up.. you manage, but it's challenging :lol:



Active Member
Nov 5, 2002
Ubud, Bali
Your opinion on anything that is Non Balinese has no interest for me especially when you comment on me and mine.

Jimbo, I guess you didn’t take my last post seriously, so, here are just a few recent quotes from you which prove to me that you are able to retire, if you WANT to. I might also remind you that you have solicited retirement financial advise in the past on this forum, to which I have responded in complete detail. Here are some things you have said:

“Oil companies are hell. I know I work for one in Kazakhstan.”

“As for my month off the company I work for is part owned by ENI the Italian oil giant and their guys get the same deal.”

Describing yourself in August of 2007 as:

“Senior Project Manager mostly working on Infrastructure/Civil Engineering Projects. They want me to look after the design and build of a new railway for an oil company.”

“It is precisely because of the responsibility that you cannot just hop on a plane and go whenever you choose. I am not in charge to make those decisions but answer directly to the president of the company I work for.”

Without spending wasted hours digging around on the forum, I also recall that you had a staff of several hundred workers when you were in SA.

With a few exceptions Jimbo, most of us on this forum are not fools, and are well aware of what the annual pay is for expatriate jobs such as you describe that you have had, here in Indonesia (Java) and elsewhere for 30 some odd years!

<REMOVED AFTER COMPLAINT - No-one should be called a liar, they should be reported to the MOD>


Active Member
Jan 11, 2005
Manchester and Makassar

You are such a sad individual to go back over several months etc to come up with all these quotes to try and prove a point.

As you constantly never tire of telling us all that only you can say anything about Bali because only you live there the same thing applies here.

You know nothing about me or mine or my personal circumstances or the provisions I have to make for my family and my children.

Frankly I do not care what you believe or why you want to make such an issue of it. You do this all the time with many members of the forum and get a bee in your bonnet that you cannot let go. It speaks volumes for what you so with your time.

Here is the bottom line for me. I do not want to correspond with you in any shape or form. I will not reply to you on this on any other platform. As far as I am concerned you do not exist.

Reply all you like I will not.


Aug 3, 2008
Good on you Jimbo . Roy is the forum bully if you ask me and a bit of a know it all too .
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