Indonesia Suspends Trading Indefinitely

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Apr 17, 2007
Sanur, Bali
BALIHI said:
Good on you Jimbo . Roy is the forum bully if you ask me and a bit of a know it all too .

Sorry..hardly fair and I must disagree with you. Roy has his own manner and sometimes, Roy, you need to pull your head in and keep it a bit to yourself, and admit you are wrong every now and then.

I've had a run-in with Roy, but hell, that's the real world and I hold no grudges or ill feeling.

Quite the opposite in fact. Roy is intelligent, very well read, knowledgeable and highly articulate and I mostly enjoy what he brings to this forum..which would be a far lessor place without his input and intelligent discourse. If being those things makes one a know it all, then so be reminds me of the accusations bought against Obama for being 'elitist', which was another way of saying he was too big for his own in other words. I find that sort of thing highly offensive. Ignorance is not an evening out process.

Maybe he went to far with Jim and I'd agree that a backdown and an apology is in order, but as for the rest..........


Aug 3, 2008
SG seems to me that Jimbo posted his read on his personal finance a week ago , Roy grooms the back posts for 7 days just to come up with ammo to support his disbelief of Jimbos statement ? Truth is unless Roy was Jimbos banker , he would have no clue to Jimbos well being . Seems like another personal attack to me ; and out of left field . To compare Obama to Roy is a bit of a stretch to me ? Stalin and Roy is a bit closer .


May 11, 2007
seattle wa campuhan bali
After reading the comments from Balihigh about Roy's response to Jimbo's retirement.....My, oh my, Jimbo, I'm truly shocked by your remarks to Roy. He simply was giving you his opinion; and I think in his heart, offering his philosophical views without judgement. I think you have deep issues which reside within; which caused you to react with such a surley tone. You sound very disturbed by his opinions. Come on, Jimbo, what is really going on with you? More than you are willing to write about?

Obama just gave his first press conference. He hit it out of the park! :lol: 8) That's my guy.

Thank heavens he gave the press conference and not Mc Cain.

Oh Roy, could you repeat how much it cost to build a house very similar to the one you just finished last year? I am trying to figure out the cost and send the money to Bali as soon as possible with the dollar improving against the rupiah.

As I said, when we build I will be contacting you, if you do not mind. Your expertise would be greatly appreciated----supplies, quality, workers, design.

With the current rupiah exchange I want to send the money over to our bank account as soon as possible; look forward to your response.



Active Member
Nov 5, 2002
Ubud, Bali
On another string, Jimbo asked for specific financial advice regarding retirement funding. This was on the string titled “Money Matters.” This is very recent, with his initial post dated September 30, 2008.

It is here for reference:

In that string, Jimbo wrote the following in one of his post’s there:

“I am cash rich right now and I have just opened 4 extra bank accounts all paying at leaset 6% and with new legislation on the way for bank guarantee's of 50,000 GB pounds. I have one small pension, another to come and then the main government pension. So I would seem to be doing the right thing for now.”

In that same string, I offered Jimbo a good deal of sound advice formulated from my corporate experience in the past.

Earlier on this string, and just a month after writing the words quoted above, Jimbo writes:

“Negativity is a fact as my pension is down 25%, my cash assets vis a vis the dollar are down 25%, my house value down 25% and no sign in site of any upturn. It makes it hard to be optomistic.”

The pension that he mentions as now being down 25% was earlier described as “one small pension” with the majority of his retirement funding being parked in banks…which means, their value has not been affected, nor depleted, due to the current financial crisis.

Jimbo goes on to say in this string that he may well have to work for another year, thus delaying his retirement. Putting the personal benefits, like spending time with one’s family aside, any retirement planner would say, given accuracy in Jimbo’s initial statements about his current cash position, that delaying retirement for one more year would have very little, if any, effect over the long run of his retirement. As I urged Jimbo in that “Money Matters” string last month, I would repeat the same now…consult with a professional retirement planner.

I am also acutely aware, again as a result of my past corporate experience, that the act of retirement is frightening. While any young “wiper snapper” climbing the corporate ladder would jump at the opportunity to retire early, it is human nature for employees with long service of employment to have reservations and outright fear of the unknown, and this often cloaks the appeal of retirement in a shroud of uncertainty.

I apologize that Jimbo has personalized my comments here on this string. I had hoped that he would have considered my comments here along with my previous comments on the “Money Matters” string in total context, and find the time to consult with a currently active retirement planning professional. As he had recently solicited this advice earlier, and included some specific personal financial information within that solicitation, I felt I had every right to address Jimbo in the very frank and direct manner that I took here. Given Jimbo’s reaction to what I wrote here, he obviously doesn’t see it that way, and for that I apologize.

Judy, let me get back to you later, as I have to run out for a while now.
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Apr 17, 2007
Sanur, Bali
BALIHI said:
To compare Obama to Roy is a bit of a stretch to me ? Stalin and Roy is a bit closer .

Please read through my post. I was not comparing Roy to Obama, I was comparing the accusation of a know it all simply because he, as far as i can tell from his 3000 odd posts, world wise and smart. It was the same accusation leveled against Obama and it was as offensive then as it is now.

But Stalin? For heavens you have any idea of mid-20th Century Russian history?


Active Member
Nov 5, 2002
Ubud, Bali
Judy, our house cost out at about 1.6 million per square meter for materials and labor. That covered five bedrooms, four full baths (all tiled) and with Kohler fixtures, polished granite first floor, imported veneer maple wood flooring for second and third floor, but no kitchen or dinning room, as they are in a separate building.

Our project was over a six year period and today would be more around 3 million (or more) per square meter based mainly on material price increases, and not so much labor costs.

I think your idea to send funds over here now to be banked in IDR is sound based on the present exchange rate. Of course, the IDR could get even weaker to the dollar, and if you look at the last three month chart below, one could assume the trend will continue. If I knew for certain, I could make a small fortune, as in just the last two months, the IDR has weakened 21% to the US dollar.

I’ll send you a PM with our phone numbers so you can contact us on your next trip to Ubud. Cheers!


Aug 3, 2008
SG said:
But Stalin? For heavens you have any idea of mid-20th Century Russian history?
, Yes I have a fair understanding of who stalin was and his place in Russia , and I think Roy would also lay waste to forum members he didnt see fit ! :twisted:


Active Member
Nov 5, 2002
Ubud, Bali
BaliHi, since you’ve been on this forum for only three months, making 29 posts during that period, it was simple to review all of them in little time. Nowhere in your posts is there any discussion about Bali, so, why are you here?

What is apparent in many of your posts is a lot of criticism of several forum members, obviously including myself.

If you have a personal beef with someone on this forum, why not take it up with them via private messages and lay off the personal attacks in public?


Apr 17, 2007
Sanur, Bali
BALIHI said:
SG said:
But Stalin? For heavens you have any idea of mid-20th Century Russian history?
, Yes I have a fair understanding of who stalin was and his place in Russia , and I think Roy would also lay waste to forum members he didnt see fit ! :twisted:

So you think he'd arrange for men to turn up late at night and take them to a prison where they'd, a few days later, get a bullet in the back of their heads. Shortly after their families would suffer the same fate or be shipped off to some far work camp. Really? You can see a parallel?

Good god....


Apr 24, 2008
BaliLife said:
Well let's not give him idea's SG, afterall markit's coming over soon :lol:


and so is Don............... :|

..... just to lighten the mood as its been a powerful week, first the elections and now the executions, im drained. time for a laugh.
thought for the day.
The two banks , The Blood bank and The sperm bank will emerge as one bank. it will be known as The Bloody F****ing Bank.


Active Member
Mar 27, 2007
The two banks , The Blood bank and The sperm bank will emerge as one bank. it will be known as The Bloody F****ing Bank.

:lol: :lol: :lol:

As for don, let's hope he makes it to bali before he becomes even more insane and gets imprisoned for planning to bomb the whitehouse :|



May 11, 2007
seattle wa campuhan bali
Hi Roy, thanks for the information. I'm not very good at calculating--that is--converting square meters to square feet. So in plain english in todays rupiah the cost per square meter is 3 million rupiah per square meter. And the current exchange rate from dollars to rupiah would $3million equate to $330.00 as of friday. Therefore based on that premise how much at the present exchange rate as of Friday (per say) would it cost to build a similar (quality) design at l000 sq feet minus kitchen, dining room, and offering room?

That part of the math problem I'm not certain of. how many square meters === a square foot?????

I am so busy with a couple of projects right at the moment I just don't have the time to research my answer. Soooo, could you give the answer to your lazy student! lol :lol

p.s. I'll be calling you inthe near future.


May 4, 2008
Ouchie Balilife,
Just because I tend to focus on certain topics in this forum, doesn't mean I don't read the other topics. Bombing the White House would be insane and it wouldn't bring about the change I'm interested in.
I couldn't help noticing one on your posts in the pornography law topic, when making reference to an Imam with four wives, who makes them wear the hejab- the kind of guy who masturbates over his six year old niece but is still "much respected" in his community.
IMHO, your thought processes are demonstrably insane (even downright sickening) when compared to my own.
After all, I'm only delving into various conspiracy theories and tossing them into the forum just to see what other people think. While you on the other hand truly are twisted.

The Don

Bert Vierstra

Active Member
Nov 5, 2002
Sumatra said:
After all, I'm only delving into various conspiracy theories and tossing them into the forum just to see what other people think. While you on the other hand truly are twisted.
The Don

Don, aka Harry, if you toss them, please mention its a toss, and its not really your opinion ok?


Aug 3, 2008
Roy said:
What is apparent in many of your posts is a lot of criticism of several forum members, obviously including myself.
...As you said I have 29 posts , im not going to waste the time reading them to see who I criticied . But from memory It was three members , Sanurian for running a fellow member out of town , thorsten for joining in on Sanurians band wagon and you . Who elected you king and ruler of this forum ? If anything I criticed the behavior of you three regaurding your treatment of other members , not that I didnt like what youall had to say or how you wrote it or that the setence stucture of your post was had to follow . Futhermore ; you (Roy) repling to Jimbo on another string a week later after reviewing all of his prior posts to prove a point (which you didnt ) Is alittle crazy ; dont youall in the forum think thats alittle wierd ? Roy I must say "I'm sorry " your not like Stalin , more like Dick Chaney !


Active Member
Nov 5, 2002
Ubud, Bali
“If anything I criticed the behavior of you three regaurding your treatment of other members , not that I didnt like what youall had to say or how you wrote it or that the setence stucture of your post was had to follow.”

What you don’t realize is that of the members on this forum have personal relationships with each other…or at least have personally met at one time, or several times, even before this forum was initially started six years ago. Additionally, those members who have been around for a while on this forum have also developed a “forum relationship” for lack of a better word.

In my view, someone who has only been on this forum a total of three months, never posting a thing about Bali, (but oddly claims to have long ties to Bali), is hardly in a position to criticize other long standing forum members who have made significant and meaningful contributions to this forum. This has already been pointed out to you by several other members of this forum, so you might consider it to be good advice. The old English/American phrase that applies is, “mind your own business.”

Additionally, there is a member’s only section which is only readable by forum members. That venue is the area where your personal commentaries of the writings of other members belong. Injecting your personal criticisms within a topic string only disrupts the string and takes it off course. You might want to think about that as well.

As a final note, you might want to consider using spell check and compose your posts on a word program before posting here. The vast majority of posters, including the Indonesian and other non “English first” posters consider it respectful to present their posts with proper grammar and spelling.


Aug 3, 2008
Two things roy , 1) please stop the pm's , I have nothing to say to you that cant be said in the public forum (Bert can you block his Pms to me ) . 2) If you dont like my spelling , or my post struture , team up with your freinds here on the forum and badger me into leaving like you guys have done to others . 3) did you miss the "gathering photo" , I guess you where busy with other forum members on your side of the island , maybe hanging with Jimbo ? 5) Did the Chaney crack make you mad or something ? I
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