
Well-Known Member
Aug 14, 2007
Ubud, Bali
The Socialbakers site reports Facebook users by country.

US is first with 153,167,600
Indonesia is 2nd with 39,204,200
India is 3rd with 32,669,120

But Indonesia's growth has flattened to 0.08% in the last month, while India's growth is still powering along at 7.36% in the month.

So India looks set to move into 2nd place in 3 or 4 months.

For the full report, see Facebook Statistics by country - Socialbakers


Oct 12, 2010
Facebook - telephone numbers

Was just horrified to learn that somehow Facebook access your phone directory and unless you change your security settings all of your contacts telephone numbers are there for the world to see.

Couldn't believe it until I went and checked - terrible privacy invasion of all your friends without them knowing.

If you are on Facebook and haven't checked this, you should protect others privacy and go to Account - then Edit Friends, then follow the instructions on the right hand side of the screen. If you've got an Iphone and use Facebook on it you need to un-check something on the this too, to make sure it doesn't sync them again.


Well-Known Member
Sep 3, 2007
Karangasem, Bali
I hate facebook - Best Woman in the World (BWW) spends every waking moment talking about flowers and tai chi with Oriental weirdos in their pygamas and insists that she's only been on for 5 minutes.

Installed a thing called RescueTime on all our PCs and blew her socks off with how long she actually spends at it (5-6 hours/day). Course she doesn't spend any less time on it now just insists that I get the same thing for porn... She refuses to understand that porn is a health issue and that FB is just wasting time. :icon_rolleyes:


Well-Known Member
Jan 12, 2009
Not content with only having half the planet on its site, Facebook now wants your unborn children.

Sometime in the past week, Facebook flipped the switch on allowing you to add your unborn baby to your list of family members via the “Expected: Child” option on Facebook profiles. Apparently too many parents were creating “illegal” fake profiles for their yet unhatched offspring — setting their fake babies’ ages to 13 instead of negative whatever, the minimum Facebook allows.
Also, I dare you to come up with a bolder customer acquisition strategy than getting them hooked while they’re still in the womb!

From Techcrunch: Facebook Wants Your Unborn Child | TechCrunch