Free speech and the internet


Well-Known Member
I will be happy to see Trump leave the Whitehouse, but I think censorship is wrong and surprised that he has been banned on social media.

Surely this is a step in the wrong direction.
I disagree..

More than happy to see him leave.
He used twitter as a medium to convey his sick (and false!!!) message for too many years.
If " All persons shall be equal before the law" (Article 3) - the Constitution that was promulgated on 23rd May 1949" (I believe 14th amendment; US Constitution)
is correct than he should be treated like any other dumb **** who's running around in town with a megaphone while screaming false messages like "don't trust senator o'Connor he wants to kill you" What would happen? At least they take away his megaphone. That's what they did to Trump now too.

I hope on top many people will sue his ass. Plus people will avoid his hotels etc.
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The problem with freedom of that idiots will abuse it and use it to spread disinformation, blatant lies and subversive B.S..
The Orange Idiot being the latest mega example.

The problem with freedom of expression is that idiots will abuse it and use it to spread disinformation, blatant lies and subversion B.X.

The Mainstream Media being the latest mega example. Last four years we had to deal with their bullshit as they painted a picture millions of retards around the world ate right up without a second thought.

This is just the beginning of the censorship, more lies, and more disinformation. Trump leaving the White House won't change a thing. With the Dems in control, it will only get worse from here.
Trump leaving the White House won't change a thing. With the Dems in control, it will only get worse from here.

Mate, I am French.

We (Europeans) don't give a shit about Trump, and even less about Dem vs Rep.....

Point is freedom of expression not US politics.

Now, of course if one watches FOX news, all is said....
Mate, I am French.

We (Europeans) don't give a shit about Trump, and even less about Dem vs Rep.....

Point is freedom of expression not US politics.

Now, of course if one watches FOX news, all is said....

well you should care. We are inching towards a Globalist society. If your allies in the USA are corrupt (like he Democrats are) that will have a negative impact on your life in France believe it or not.

Fox News is not the only corrupt news. Essentially all mainstream media is biased, subjective and corrupt these days. If freedom of expression dies in America, it's coming for you next.
I think American freedom of expression (first amendment to the constitution) is as overrated as the right to own guns (second amendment). Taken to the extremes, as Americans typically do, both contribute very little to civilized society and in fact are destructive. Western Europe has managed just fine with liberal free speech laws, albeit not the anything goes, wild west cowboy show like the US. In fact, the only time you see legal cases in Europe is when the tabloids publish lies about public figures, so the system works fine.
I will be happy to see Trump leave the Whitehouse, but I think censorship is wrong and surprised that he has been banned on social media.

Surely this is a step in the wrong direction.
He is a threat to peace. Over years his disgusting posts were published without kicking him out. Late but finally they kicked this sick psycho out
The problem with freedom of expression is that idiots will abuse it and use it to spread disinformation, blatant lies and subversion B.X.

The Mainstream Media being the latest mega example. Last four years we had to deal with their bullshit as they painted a picture millions of retards around the world ate right up without a second thought.

This is just the beginning of the censorship, more lies, and more disinformation. Trump leaving the White House won't change a thing. With the Dems in control, it will only get worse from here.
How can it go,worse?!
How can it go,worse?!

How can it get worse? I don't know, maybe pick up a history book and look at Germany under Hitler, North Korea under Kim Jong Il (and Un), Cambodia under Pol Pot, Vietnam under Ho Chi Min, Russia under Stalin, China under Mao....the list goes on.

Those are just a few examples of how it could get worse from here.
How can it get worse? I don't know, maybe pick up a history book and look at Germany under Hitler, North Korea under Kim Jong Il (and Un), Cambodia under Pol Pot, Vietnam under Ho Chi Min, Russia under Stalin, China under Mao....the list goes on.

Those are just a few examples of how it could get worse from here.

Mmmm, you need to take a few lessons in history and psychologie.....

First of all, there is a huge difference between FORCING people in obeying a certain regime, and in MANIPULATING them to believe your propaganda and then willingly following you.

Trump manipulated people with the MAGA thing, fake patriotisme, populism, racisme, etc...
And obviously it worked well as in the last election, even after having seen during 4 years that the guy was mentaly deranged, still 75 million idiots voted for him.

Google "Edward Bernays - Propaganda". A good start in your course.

Another nice case study is the use of F.B. Search "The Cambridge Analytica story"
Mmmm, you need to take a few lessons in history and psychologie.....

First of all, there is a huge difference between FORCING people in obeying a certain regime, and in MANIPULATING them to believe your propaganda and then willingly following you.

Trump manipulated people with the MAGA thing, fake patriotisme, populism, racisme, etc...
And obviously it worked well as in the last election, even after having seen during 4 years that the guy was mentaly deranged, still 75 million idiots voted for him.

Google "Edward Bernays - Propaganda". A good start in your course.

Another nice case study is the use of F.B. Search "The Cambridge Analytica story"

Well here is where we disagree. In my opinion, it is the left doing the manipulating which will then transition into the forcing, just like what happened with several of those aforementioned dictators. Very rarely does a dictator simply take over a country by force. Sometimes it happens but more often than not, it is the people that vote in socialism which quickly degrades into communism/authoritarianism. That is what is currently happening in the U.S.

Let's be real here. China and the U.S. are the top leading powers in the world. China, well we already know their record on censorship and human rights. Now, if the USA goes the same route, it doesn't bode well for Europe or the rest of the world. That is what the left is pushing for and that is what I fear.
The problem with freedom of that idiots will abuse it and use it to spread disinformation, blatant lies and subversive B.S..
The Orange Idiot being the latest mega example.
But unfortunately, they are only stopping one side's disinformation, blatant lies and subversive B.S. Free reign for the rabid left - people, media, politics.
Why is it that with Yanks EVERYTHING on ANY subject always need to come back to a Left / Right debat ?

BTW @JackStraw , ever been to Europe, read European papers (France,UK, Germany), had a look at European history ?

If not your arguments don't weight much...
Why is it that with Yanks EVERYTHING on ANY subject always need to come back to a Left / Right debat ?

BTW @JackStraw , ever been to Europe, read European papers (France,UK, Germany), had a look at European history ?

If not your arguments don't weight much...

Whoever said I was a yank? I am Italian but I just have a strong interest in American politics since it does have an effect on us. And yes, I've read plenty of books on European history and if you don't think leftism has anything to do with European history and the downfall of several countries in Europe and around the world, than you are sadly mistaken.
Whoever said I was a yank? I am Italian but I just have a strong interest in American politics since it does have an effect on us. And yes, I've read plenty of books on European history and if you don't think leftism has anything to do with European history and the downfall of several countries in Europe and around the world, than you are sadly mistaken.
I presume you have been to the USA ,ya a beautiful country ,but a fair percentage of the population are very strange imho ,wandering around with guns ,radical Christians of various shades , some areas worse than somalia .
Some Americans are very well educated and well traveled , but the rest ,mainly herr trumpff supporters ,are as "thick as a brick" , imho .
A scary country .
First visit 40 years ago and even then it seemed this was a country at war with itself, so wide were the social divisions. It seemed a great many people had little knowledge of anywhere outside the United States and perhaps no knowledge of the many nefarious activities of the CIA and it's engagement with and encouragement of extreme right wing and oppressive governments throughout Central and South America.
I presume you have been to the USA ,ya a beautiful country ,but a fair percentage of the population are very strange imho ,wandering around with guns ,radical Christians of various shades , some areas worse than somalia .
Some Americans are very well educated and well traveled , but the rest ,mainly herr trumpff supporters ,are as "thick as a brick" , imho .
A scary country .

I agree it is a scary country indeed and really, not my style at all. Some beautiful natural parts for sure but the culture there is all messed up.

I did go to America two years ago and was so excited to go to California, the land I heard so much about in the famed movies of Hollywood. Boy was I shocked when I got there only to find out the streets are littered with literal shit, drug needles and homeless encampments as far as the eye can see.

Granted, I can't speak for all of California as I only went to Los Angeles and San Francisco but I just couldn't believe how shitty is it was. And I thought California was supposed to be the role model for freedom, progressive politics and open-mindedness? Maybe they should focus less on exporting entertainment and more on their own people because it looked like they were suffering badly.
Back to the topic of censorship, I really don't see any problem with private media companies blocking public dissemination of obviously malignant information on their platforms, especially when it is false, extremist and incites violence. After all, shouting 'fire' in a crowded movie theatre is not protected by first amendment free speech, so already there are limits. And there is no constitutional right to post whatever you want on Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, etc or indeed on this board, right @admin? These free services are run by private (ie non-government) media companies and all have their content rules and conditions of use, to which users agree when they sign up. If you want to exercise your free speech in the US, you can. Just get up on your roof or stand on the corner of Fifth Avenue and Broadway in NYC and shout pretty much whatever you want, no problems. Or go on publicly funded television channels and create your own content. Lots of whackos there saying and doing all kinds of crazy stuff.

Maybe I'm in the minority, but I really don't see this as a slippery slope issue about constitutionally protected free speech, rather just the exercise of common sense (finally) by non-governmental commercial media companies who are merely enforcing rules already agreed to by all users. Sure, there may be some selective enforcement (though this often cuts both ways, as we saw initially with Trump who if he were not president would have been banned from Twitter long ago), but if that's the case and it bothers you, then go find another platform that you like. There's bound to be one somewhere.
The internet is a utility just like water, electricity, trash and streets and needs to be regulated not by the market but by government.

I'm sick of all the calls for "light" or "hands off" government from either stroke, left, right or middle. Or that the "market" will regulate it or the wealth will trickle down!

I call Bullshit on all that!!

What the world needs is a benevolent, socialist government giving everyone a UBI (Universal Basic Income), complete medical health coverage and free education!

The money is there so tax the mother feckers and fecking use it!