Free speech and the internet

I'm convinced that war (Ukraine) was intentionally caused by the USA. (There that's me banned from then internet!). And that Covid came out of a lab (funded by the USA) in Wuhan China. (That's me banned for sure from any government job, ever) and that the Israelies should keep on killing Palestinians until the last hostage is either free or dead and then should turn around and fecking kick Hezbollah's skanky ass until they are done with. (That should just about get my fatwa running nicely).

Problem is many people think the same but are widely ignored by the main stream media for financial and political reasons, which we all know of - Hi Saudi Arabia!, hi CIA, hi CPCC! hi Blackrock, Macdonald Douglas, Ratheon, Lockheed, et. al. AND it's time to start eating the rich - recipes for Bezos burger, Koch (pronounced cock in it's original German) brother stew, Buffet munchies, Rothschild risotto and Trump (poor boy in the crowd) tagliatelle.

Feck em all! and I hope the they meet the same fate as Hamas will - feck em!.
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I'm convinced that war (Ukraine) was intentionally caused by the USA. (There that's me banned from then internet!). And that Covid came out of a lab (funded by the USA) in Wuhan China. (That's me banned for sure from any government job, ever) and that the Israelies should keep on killing Palestinians until the last hostage is either free or dead and then should turn around and fecking kick Hezbollah's skanky ass until they are done with. (That should just about get my fatwa running nicely).

Problem is many people think the same but are widely ignored by the main stream media for financial and political reasons, which we all know of - Hi Saudi Arabia!, hi CIA, hi CPCC! hi Blackrock, Macdonald Douglas, Ratheon, Lockheed, et. al. AND it's time to start eating the rich - recipes for Bezos burger, Koch (pronounced cock in it's original German) brother stew, Buffet munchies, Rothschild risotto and Trump (poor boy in the crowd) tagliatelle.

Feck em all! and I hope the they meet the same fate as Hamas will - feck em!.
It does seem like perhaps you are a little jaded. Have a cup of tea, a Bex and a good lie down. Then when you next get up you can show us your sunny side.
I'm convinced that war (Ukraine) was intentionally caused by the USA. (There that's me banned from then internet!). And that Covid came out of a lab (funded by the USA) in Wuhan China. (That's me banned for sure from any government job, ever) and that the Israelies should keep on killing Palestinians until the last hostage is either free or dead and then should turn around and fecking kick Hezbollah's skanky ass until they are done with. (That should just about get my fatwa running nicely).

Problem is many people think the same but are widely ignored by the main stream media for financial and political reasons, which we all know of - Hi Saudi Arabia!, hi CIA, hi CPCC! hi Blackrock, Macdonald Douglas, Ratheon, Lockheed, et. al. AND it's time to start eating the rich - recipes for Bezos burger, Koch (pronounced cock in it's original German) brother stew, Buffet munchies, Rothschild risotto and Trump (poor boy in the crowd) tagliatelle.

Feck em all! and I hope the they meet the same fate as Hamas will - feck em!.
100% for the Ukraine war being originated by the US (just read Brezinsky's The Grand Chessboard)
Not impossible for Covid, knowing that the US "subcontracted" some tests that were not allowed in the US for safety reasons.
Disagree with you on Palestine / Hamas / Israel.
You need to see what the Jews did to the Palestinians since 1947 (and even before).
Netanyahu is a war criminal worse than any Arab leader. He is responsible of a genocide (trying to eliminate / displace a whole population based on religion, race, or ethnicity)
And the US seem to be proud to assist in that genocide !
30.000 deaths, 70% women and kids.
Personally I hope that one day Israel is eradicated from the world map.
I recommend to watch the 3 episodes of this serie :

And before somebody answer " it's Al Jazeera", you can fact check with the BBC serie "End of an Empire" 2 episodes concern Palestine.
The facts matches.
100% for the Ukraine war being originated by the US (just read Brezinsky's The Grand Chessboard)
Not impossible for Covid, knowing that the US "subcontracted" some tests that were not allowed in the US for safety reasons.
Disagree with you on Palestine / Hamas / Israel.
You need to see what the Jews did to the Palestinians since 1947 (and even before).
Netanyahu is a war criminal worse than any Arab leader. He is responsible of a genocide (trying to eliminate / displace a whole population based on religion, race, or ethnicity)
And the US seem to be proud to assist in that genocide !
30.000 deaths, 70% women and kids.
Personally I hope that one day Israel is eradicated from the world map.
I recommend to watch the 3 episodes of this serie :

And before somebody answer " it's Al Jazeera", you can fact check with the BBC serie "End of an Empire" 2 episodes concern Palestine.
The facts matches.
Why would anyone doubt for a minute a documentary made by Aljazera and paid for by Quatar government about their historically great good friends the Jews?

Personally I hope that one day Israel is eradicated from the world map.
Statements like that show your undeniable free thinking attitude to the subject so please share more of your delightfully open minded information with us.

I'm just a simple soul but I found the show you offered to be a carefully crafted load of bullshit, but what do I know?
Clearly I'm in the best of company. What are Bex powders pray tell?
Bex was a pain relief compound popular in Australia through most of the last century until it was banned in 1977 following evidence that it was addictive and habitual use caused kidney disease. However the slogan A Cup of Tea, a Bex and a Good Lie Down had become a popular response to people with problems. Not that I am saying you have problems but if you do try A Cup of Tea, a Bex and a Good Lie Down.
Why would anyone doubt for a minute a documentary made by Aljazera and paid for by Quatar government about their historically great good friends the Jews?

Statements like that show your undeniable free thinking attitude to the subject so please share more of your delightfully open minded information with us.

I'm just a simple soul but I found the show you offered to be a carefully crafted load of bullshit, but what do I know?
that post was a 100% waste of bandwith....

But hey, to each his speciality !
Bex was a pain relief compound popular in Australia through most of the last century until it was banned in 1977 following evidence that it was addictive and habitual use caused kidney disease. However the slogan A Cup of Tea, a Bex and a Good Lie Down had become a popular response to people with problems. Not that I am saying you have problems but if you do try A Cup of Tea, a Bex and a Good Lie Down.
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I would love to try some Bex! It's probably stronger than anything you can get here!
Returning to Markit's disenchantment with the US, I have just been reading about the 1000 day civil war in Colombia (1889 - 1892 ) during which time the US supported the Conservative government against the Liberals. "The fundamental issues were these: the conservatives favored a strong central government, limited voting rights and strong links between church and state. The liberals, on the other hand, favored stronger regional governments, universal voting rights and a division between church and state. " (

Ironic that the US forever asserting its role in standing for freedom supported conservatives who were denying freedoms.
Returning to Markit's disenchantment with the US, I have just been reading about the 1000 day civil war in Colombia (1889 - 1892 ) during which time the US supported the Conservative government against the Liberals. "The fundamental issues were these: the conservatives favored a strong central government, limited voting rights and strong links between church and state. The liberals, on the other hand, favored stronger regional governments, universal voting rights and a division between church and state. " (

Ironic that the US forever asserting its role in standing for freedom supported conservatives who were denying freedoms.
All of the US based/caused misery were mainly down to the auspices of that benevolent world enhancing company Dole and it's need for cheap labor to pick its fruits, both bananas and pineapples. Most of the south american companies were trying to nationalize their production for the benefits of their workers and taxes that Dole felt no need to pay. Extreme poverty, illness and fascist governments were the result. How dare they try and make their own countries live-able?
All of the US based/caused misery were mainly down to the auspices of that benevolent world enhancing company Dole and it's need for cheap labor to pick its fruits, both bananas and pineapples. Most of the south american companies were trying to nationalize their production for the benefits of their workers and taxes that Dole felt no need to pay. Extreme poverty, illness and fascist governments were the result. How dare they try and make their own countries live-able?
This so true about Dole! It shows the power of money ( Doled) out to politicians making the rules to allow these atrocities to happen to there own land, and people! Even now in the US, there is no control over what is allowed in food production. You go buy a fruit juice and if you read the ingredients, there is only 10% real fruit in the drink! All the processed foods on the store shelves, have a list a mile long of additives that no one can even understand what they are! How can this be normal today? No one knows what animals are fed or how many antibiotics are fed to them! A young man brought me a slice of processed cheese, and had no clue that it wasn't cheese. Everyone has become so numb as to what is real food! This is an outrage! That our governments allow this to happen? But with lobbying and politicians getting paid off, this toxic food situation is normal!
Why can't even with such a huge overpopulation of humans, food be healthy and not full of toxins, and artificial ingredients?
This so true about Dole! It shows the power of money ( Doled) out to politicians making the rules to allow these atrocities to happen to there own land, and people! Even now in the US, there is no control over what is allowed in food production. You go buy a fruit juice and if you read the ingredients, there is only 10% real fruit in the drink! All the processed foods on the store shelves, have a list a mile long of additives that no one can even understand what they are! How can this be normal today? No one knows what animals are fed or how many antibiotics are fed to them! A young man brought me a slice of processed cheese, and had no clue that it wasn't cheese. Everyone has become so numb as to what is real food! This is an outrage! That our governments allow this to happen? But with lobbying and politicians getting paid off, this toxic food situation is normal!
Why can't even with such a huge overpopulation of humans, food be healthy and not full of toxins, and artificial ingredients?
The answer is : because people have become LAZY !

Nowadays it's prefab food, thrown in the microwave and eat it in a styrofoam box while playing on the phone.
Cooking ? Forget it ! Call UberEats or similar and have some luke warm junk food delivered 30 min later.

If there was no demand, there would be no market.... The market simply delivers what the customers want. They want shiite, we'll get it for them !

BTW, that's probably why most of Americans are looking so "healthy"
The answer is : because people have become LAZY !

Nowadays it's prefab food, thrown in the microwave and eat it in a styrofoam box while playing on the phone.
Cooking ? Forget it ! Call UberEats or similar and have some luke warm junk food delivered 30 min later.

If there was no demand, there would be no market.... The market simply delivers what the customers want. They want shiite, we'll get it for them !

BTW, that's probably why most of Americans are looking so "healthy"
So True! Many love their Big Mac's! But there are also many that are growing their own garden's, farmer's market's on the rise, and many learning how to improve their diet's to eat healthier! I don't know about Europe, probably better eating habits. Social media has a strong influence on how people think! from what I've seen here, it seems to be, not such a healthy diet. Mountains of GMO white rice, with a little chicken mostly! Sugar in everything, it seems vegetables are not very popular either. I think there is a high rate of diabetes here! I do like in Asia that there is a daily market to get fresh foods everyday! This is catching on in America, but not daily! I wish there was a stronger effort from the people, to get the Government to restrict corporations from putting so many additives, chemicals, artificial ingredients, etc. in the food supply. Stop the lobbying, Greed, and corruption!
The answer is : because people have become LAZY !

Nowadays it's prefab food, thrown in the microwave and eat it in a styrofoam box while playing on the phone.
Cooking ? Forget it ! Call UberEats or similar and have some luke warm junk food delivered 30 min later.

If there was no demand, there would be no market.... The market simply delivers what the customers want. They want shiite, we'll get it for them !

BTW, that's probably why most of Americans are looking so "healthy"
I don't disagree that much of the fast food demand relates to laziness however, I question the assertion that "the market simply delivers what the customers want". Much of the demand is created by the expenditure of billions of dollars worldwide that use deeply researched methods to influence consumer purchases. Often you see junk food presented as healthy products while they are loaded with salt, sugar and preservatives. So much fast food is often fried to create a taste that many find delicious while being unaware of how essentially dangerous this fast food is regarding health. So much advertising pushes products with a theme that the key to being really good parents and having happy children and families is buying sweet tasting rubbish and sugar laden drinks. There is also the pernicious approach aimed at influencing children by offering all kinds of trinkets and creating a sense of excitement relating to products. Once the children are hooked many parents take the easy way out in child behavioural management by essentially bribing their children to be well behaved with promises of more of the stuff.

Here is a link to a Sydney Morning Herald piece that highlights major junk food brands which deliberately mislead children.
I don't disagree that much of the fast food demand relates to laziness however, I question the assertion that "the market simply delivers what the customers want". Much of the demand is created by the expenditure of billions of dollars worldwide that use deeply researched methods to influence consumer purchases. Often you see junk food presented as healthy products while they are loaded with salt, sugar and preservatives. So much fast food is often fried to create a taste that many find delicious while being unaware of how essentially dangerous this fast food is regarding health. So much advertising pushes products with a theme that the key to being really good parents and having happy children and families is buying sweet tasting rubbish and sugar laden drinks. There is also the pernicious approach aimed at influencing children by offering all kinds of trinkets and creating a sense of excitement relating to products. Once the children are hooked many parents take the easy way out in child behavioural management by essentially bribing their children to be well behaved with promises of more of the stuff.

Here is a link to a Sydney Morning Herald piece that highlights major junk food brands which deliberately mislead children.
This reminds me of the advertising here in Indonesia, showing pretty boys and girls with bleached teeth and skin, making people think that bleaching the skin and teeth is a sign of beauty. What a crazy world we live in? White people want to get a tan for brown skin, and Brown skinned people use bleach to make their skin white! And the tobacco advertising shows how being Macho, like the Marlboro man, makes you cool, and sexy!
This reminds me of the advertising here in Indonesia, showing pretty boys and girls with bleached teeth and skin, making people think that bleaching the skin and teeth is a sign of beauty. What a crazy world we live in? White people want to get a tan for brown skin, and Brown skinned people use bleach to make their skin white! And the tobacco advertising shows how being Macho, like the Marlboro man, makes you cool, and sexy!
There is certainly irony in the desire of Asians to be white or whiter and for white people to become brown. While for some, or these days perhaps many, Asians and white people being white as an Asian or brown as a white person may be a matter of indifference but for generations colour has been intrinsic to do with the notion of having an elevated social status. Being white as an Asian indicated that they do not belong to a peasant class that has to labour in the sun. For white people, tanning indicated belonging to a higher class that can afford to take trips to leisure locations during the winter months and come back with a lovely tan.


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I don't disagree that much of the fast food demand relates to laziness however, I question the assertion that "the market simply delivers what the customers want". Much of the demand is created by the expenditure of billions of dollars worldwide that use deeply researched methods to influence consumer purchases. Often you see junk food presented as healthy products while they are loaded with salt, sugar and preservatives. So much fast food is often fried to create a taste that many find delicious while being unaware of how essentially dangerous this fast food is regarding health. So much advertising pushes products with a theme that the key to being really good parents and having happy children and families is buying sweet tasting rubbish and sugar laden drinks. There is also the pernicious approach aimed at influencing children by offering all kinds of trinkets and creating a sense of excitement relating to products. Once the children are hooked many parents take the easy way out in child behavioural management by essentially bribing their children to be well behaved with promises of more of the stuff.

Here is a link to a Sydney Morning Herald piece that highlights major junk food brands which deliberately mislead children.
Clearly advertising has it's influence. But parents are supposed ro know what is good or not for their kids ?

Yeah, yeah, I know...common sense has become a very rare commodity at every level of society....

In the West the fact that often both parents work plays a role. Mom can not start cooking at 4 pm to have a nice dinner ready.
Clearly advertising has it's influence. But parents are supposed ro know what is good or not for their kids ?

Yeah, yeah, I know...common sense has become a very rare commodity at every level of society....

In the West the fact that often both parents work plays a role. Mom can not start cooking at 4 pm to have a nice dinner ready.
Yes this is true about parents supposed to know what is good for their families, but here they learn that rice is number 1, then add a little something to the side is enough. There is no education about different methods of cooking. Or what is healthy! I wish there was more of a connection between Thailand, Vietnam, China, etc. and here. From what I've seen about Bali cooking, it's all based on a mountain of GMO white rice! Everyone I talk to have a bankrupt mentality, and base their life on that attitude! Whether it's food or anything, a person needs for life here. If I mention green curry with shrimp they look at me like what is this? The only way it seems to eat something different is to go to a restaurant. The locals here, don't have a clue about delicious food, or a variety of flavors and spices! It's a shame when we live so close to all these different countries with delicious foods, India, Thailand, Vietnam, Cambodia, Laos, Etc!
Yes this is true about parents supposed to know what is good for their families, but here they learn that rice is number 1, then add a little something to the side is enough. There is no education about different methods of cooking. Or what is healthy! I wish there was more of a connection between Thailand, Vietnam, China, etc. and here. From what I've seen about Bali cooking, it's all based on a mountain of GMO white rice! Everyone I talk to have a bankrupt mentality, and base their life on that attitude! Whether it's food or anything, a person needs for life here. If I mention green curry with shrimp they look at me like what is this? The only way it seems to eat something different is to go to a restaurant. The locals here, don't have a clue about delicious food, or a variety of flavors and spices! It's a shame when we live so close to all these different countries with delicious foods, India, Thailand, Vietnam, Cambodia, Laos, Etc!
Agreed !

As you know we eat 80% Western / French food at home. The Miss has become pretty good at it, and appreciates most of it.
But when it comes to rice for her, only white plain rice. I tried to introduce her to Basmati or Pilaf rice.... no way...

At least she agrees that the dry noodles and other stuff that you simply add water to, is shiite !

over 6 years here, I never even tried the local "gastronomy"....The view and the smell of it is enough.
Agreed !

As you know we eat 80% Western / French food at home. The Miss has become pretty good at it, and appreciates most of it.
But when it comes to rice for her, only white plain rice. I tried to introduce her to Basmati or Pilaf rice.... no way...

At least she agrees that the dry noodles and other stuff that you simply add water to, is shiite !

over 6 years here, I never even tried the local "gastronomy"....The view and the smell of it is enough.
I don't get it, you don't like noodles? How about potatoes? What about bread, not only white bread? Cassava, green jackfruit, taro? Well you are lucky if you never have eaten Balinese food! I don't quite get it. What do you eat? Have you tried to introduce her to Quinoa, millet, barley, oats? Thai green curry?