
Jun 4, 2015
Hi all,check out the Jakarta Post dated 6/28 /15,,
There is an article about expat life time ownership of property here in indo,sorry guys I have no idea how to attach it on here,you will have to get the paper online or whatever,


Well-Known Member
Mar 13, 2012
I have yesterday's (28 June 2015) Jakpost in front of me and cannot find any thing you refer...are you sure of the date and, if correct, lead me to the page.
Sunday Jakpost never has much news anyway....mostly about fashion. Front page is all about how Indonesia's Ayu Gani won 'Asia's next top model contest.'


Jun 4, 2015
Sorry guys Jakarta Globe im in Ny so maybe also the date is incorrect it might be showing the date the email came to me,


Jun 4, 2015
The email came to me on the 28th which is the 29th with you guys,so must be todays paper ,I get it each day to my email,


Well-Known Member
Mar 13, 2012
Is this the one...it's an opinion piece...I don't believe anyone in RI listens to any opinion....particularly regarding foreigners.

Quote 'Indonesia’s confidence and maturity as a big nation are partly reflected by how it welcomes and treats foreign citizens visiting and staying within the archipelago. Courting them with respect and protecting their rights are what Indonesia should be doing to bolster our image as an open and democratic nation, and bury forever a notion that we — at least some of us — are xenophobic.

In this case, allowing foreigners to own land and buildings everywhere in the country is an example of confidence and maturity beside economic and financial benefits that local people will enjoy in the process. It’s time we squash unfounded fears that foreigners could have a hidden agenda or that they will take over our country just because we allow them own a property here and there.

However, strong legal certainty that guarantees protection to foreigners wanting to buy properties is the key if we want to encourage investment. While the current administration of President Joko Widodo intends to be more open to foreign ownership, as almost always in Indonesia, it’s not very clear how the government wants to regulate the sector and how it will implement the regulation. Premature and opposing statements have already made by ministers and officials.

Meanwhile, there is also a fear the next government will overturn the regulation. This is not without precedent in this country.

The whole issue of foreign property ownership emerges because we want to persuade foreigners to spend their money in Indonesi to help our teetering economy. How can we expect such a thing while we cannot provide certainty and consistency in regulating the sector?

They want to buy a piece of property here because they want certainty of their investment in the first place.'



Jun 4, 2015
Nope that's not it,i just googled it also,here is the heading,,,Foreigners will have the lifelong right to USE property,says Agrarian Minister,,,and as I look closer it,it says Jakarta Globe,on 08,39pm june 28th 2015,,its a very long article ,,sorry about the confusion about the name of the paper,,its the Globe,,google it and you will find it online,i was reading it from my phone at first and it comes thru very small but when I googled it I found it no problem


Feb 8, 2015
It still appears to be about the luxury apartments as I read it - not applying to land transactions?
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Steve Rossell

Apr 18, 2015
I noticed in one article on the subject that excluded any "foreign" "ownership" of a ground floor space in an multi storied apartment development.


Well-Known Member
Sep 3, 2007
Karangasem, Bali
Steve there seems to be a bit of a feeding frenzy at the moment and there are several different versions flying around some with "landed" and some with "luxury apartments" that seems to be the 2 main version.

Interestingly all the news organs seem to be trying to "trump" each other with the newest of the new without having thought much about what they are writing - Update Foreign Ownership of Property (Luxurious Apartments) in Indonesia | Indonesia Investments

This is the most recent I've seen and makes a massive deal out of foreigners being able to finally own property leasehold, which they've been able to do for quite a while now.

What will finally come out, if anything, is edge-of-the-seat for many.


Well-Known Member
Sep 3, 2007
Karangasem, Bali
Yes, well just so long as you guys have it all sorted for me by the time I get there in late 2018!

Susan it's "sorted" now - in fact just send your money and tell me what kind of wallpaper you want and your house will be finished by the time you get here. Promise!


Feb 8, 2015
Susan it's "sorted" now - in fact just send your money and tell me what kind of wallpaper you want and your house will be finished by the time you get here. Promise!

Thank you Markit,

Will you take Greek euros?
I'll just be needing two bedroom with indoor ensuites, a pool at least 13 metres long, a rainwater harvesting system and some composting toilets. OK?


Well-Known Member
Sep 3, 2007
Karangasem, Bali
You'll save a pack of money if you combine the composting toilet with the rainwater harvester and swimming pool. It's very "Eco" and all the rage in Ubud.


Feb 8, 2015
You'll save a pack of money if you combine the composting toilet with the rainwater harvester and swimming pool. It's very "Eco" and all the rage in Ubud.

and with all that saved money I could afford to go to Yoga Barn and get my Chakras realigned - win win!


New Member
Jun 29, 2015
Victoria Australia
love to fully understand the whole "leasehold"/"freehold" property ownership in Bali ....AND how to put a profile avatar on here !!!!! lol :) PS agghh ha....got it ! ;-)
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Well-Known Member
Sep 3, 2007
Karangasem, Bali
love to fully understand the whole "leasehold"/"freehold" property ownership in Bali ....AND how to put a profile avatar on here !!!!! lol :) PS agghh ha....got it ! ;-)

Welcome aboard and to Bali, at least mentally. Best thing to do is PM our leasehold/freehold guru Davita and ask as many questions as you want - the more detail you ask for the better really. He's who we all go to for the fundamentals.

Or is that just "Mentals"?

Or possible "fun"?


Well-Known Member
Mar 13, 2012
Welcome to the forum.

Like Markit suggests.... for fundementals best go to those trying to be helpful even if they aren't guru, mental or think they are funny. For cheese...well....read the forum.

Here is a copy/paste from BaliRealty which explains...sorta. btw my emphasis!

Freehold Title (HM or Hak Milik)
Freehold title is the strongest and fullest title that can be obtained. Freehold title may only be held by Indonesian citizens, or by Indonesian legal entities that are entirely owned and controlled by Indonesian citizens. It is therefore impossible for a foreign individual to have direct freehold ownership of land in Indonesia.

All Indonesian companies, no matter if they are PMA (foreign investment companies) or not, cannot possess freehold title over land and are compelled to use other titles such as Hak Guna Usaha and Hak Guna Bangunan.

Building Rights Title (HGB or Hak Guna Bangunan)
A Building Rights Title (HGB) gives the right to construct and own buildings on a piece of land that someone else owns. Such title is granted for a maximum period of 30 years, and can be extended for another 20 years. HGB title is granted to Indonesian citizens or legal entities (including PMA companies), and can also be used as collateral or transferred to a third party.

Right to Use Title (HP or Hak Pakai)
Hak Pakai title is the government approved method for foreigners to purchase the exclusive use over a Hak Milik land which is registered in a separate certificate of title in the name of the foreigner.

Hak Pakai title is granted for an intitial term of 25 years, which can then be extended up to a further three times giving a total tenure of 100 years.

Hak Pakai is a registered proprietary interest in the Hak Milik land rather than an unregistered interest. A foreigner is permitted to hold only one Hak Pakai title in Indonesia at any time.

Hak Pakai is transferable or renewable if sold to another foreign purchaser.

Leasehold (Hak Sewa)
Right of Lease (Hak Sewa) is similar to Leasehold. Leasehold rights are normally granted to tenants of both residential and commercial premises. Acquiring the leasehold of property is straightforward with the lease being in the name of the foreigner or Lessee. Lease periods vary but between 30 to 50 years is common in Indonesia with extensions normally agreed in advance.

i.e. Lease is a contract of tenancy, which isn't registered