
Well-Known Member
Must be a first for the Jakarta Post to apologise to its readers for reporting ALL 14 convicts were executed in Nusakambangan...then retracted to only 4.

"The Jakarta Post made a serious error of judgment on Thursday night when it decided to run on its front page a headline story for the Friday edition with the title “Firing squads kill convicts”. The lead paragraph claimed that 14 people had been executed and the caption to the photo also said that Zulfikar Ali, the brother of the woman in the photo, was among the 14. We learned later that four were actually executed and the other 10, including Zulfikar Ali, were spared, but the paper had already gone into circulation, as had the electronic version of the paper. The failure to conduct verification before running the story is completely unprofessional and a serious violation of the main principles of good journalism. The Jakarta Post sincerely apologizes to all our readers, particularly to all those affected by the story, for this major failure."

It appears not only were they mis-informed so were the many morticians standing by to clean and formalin the bodies....and the convicts themselves.

I posted the Jakpost report on many forums in Canada and UK that I belong. Now I have to explain why Indonesia is so cruel, and why the Attorney General shouldn't be tried for human rights violations for conducting this barbaric execution party.
I agree but cannot find what the Indonesian Gov't gets from this charade. The International community are appalled at this show of inhumanity but the AG prattles on about Indonesian sovereignty and 'Law'...is he some satanic cleric?

The same can be said about the current court case being televised about the cyanide poisoning of a girl (Mirna) in a restaurant. I cannot understand the language but the actions in the court are akin to a carnival act...or a circus show....with the judges acting as the clowns.
Bad reporting of a terrible situation for anyone and their family to go through: https://au.news.yahoo.com/thewest/w...ecutions-a-complete-mess-lawyer/?cmp=st#page1

I haven't read much about the Mirna case but my reading of the Neil Bantleman case is that Indonesia wants to show that they are in control of their own country and will not be pressured by any outside influence. Similar to these executions, it seems the more various groups and governments condemn these actions, the more Indonesia digs their claws in, whether they are in the wrong or not.
Anybody who deals with drugs in Indonesia knows that there is the death penalty for such crime. If you take this risk you should not cry for amnesty.
Anybody who deals with drugs in Indonesia knows that there is the death penalty for such crime. If you take this risk you should not cry for amnesty.

If only it was that simple!
The Indonesian justice system is corrupt and judges are being investigated almost daily by KPK....so a fair trial is questionable. Someone, with money, can say you are a drug mule and whoosh....off with your head!

The AG recently halted the execution because clemency appeals had not been completed...but he authorised the death penalty of three whom the President, apparently, hadn't even received the clemency appeals, including Freddy Budiman...below is an editorial (Jakarta Post) which does bring suspicion into play.

"The suspected involvement of members of the state apparatus in drug trafficking rings in the country, as shown in the recent arrest of soldiers and police officers for drug possession as well as aiding and abetting a drug syndicate, is nothing new. But the confession of convicted drug trafficker Freddy Budiman before his execution last week should not be taken lightly.
As told by Commission for Missing Persons and Victims of Violence (Kontras) chairman Haris Azhar, Freddy claims to have paid a whopping Rp 450 billion (US$34 million) to National Narcotics Agency (BNN) officials and Rp 90 billion to individual police and customs and excise officials while running his illicit business.
The problem is the key witness, Freddy, is now dead, impeding any investigation into the alleged flow of money to the state apparatus or institutions in the drug trafficking case. But this should not give the police an excuse to sweep the scandal under the rug. To prove Freddy’s revelation was simply an attempt to discredit the state institutions named, a credible investigation is needed.
On the other hand, Freddy’s account shows that the country’s war on drugs may have been undermined by certain individuals mandated to eradicate the crime. If we intend to transform the country into a hell for drug users and traffickers, we must overhaul the way we fight drugs."
Well said Davita,to add to this,if the death penalty is such a deterrent in the importing and distribution of drugs in Indonesia,then why are there 116 prisoners still on death row ,most of whom are there for drug offences,there will always be a temptation in the drug business for certain people because of the vast amounts of money they can make,so you kill a couple of them and there is 10 more waiting in the shadows to fill their shoes,

As for last years executions those infortunate Australian guys were bringing drugs out of Indonesia not into Indonesia,in my eyes they should never have been sentenced ,in fact the Indonesian government should have paid their airfare home to Australia as a thank you,
As for last years executions those infortunate Australian guys were bringing drugs out of Indonesia not into Indonesia,in my eyes they should never have been sentenced ,in fact the Indonesian government should have paid their airfare home to Australia as a thank you,

Agreed but another F***up, but that time by the OZ authorities. They were the one's who reported intelligence to the Bali police...why they couldn't wait till they arrived on Australian soil has never been explained.
Anybody who deals with drugs in Indonesia knows that there is the death penalty for such crime. If you take this risk you should not cry for amnesty.

Indonesia goes to great lengths to get their citizens of the death penalty list abroad. Hypocrites.
Indonesia goes to great lengths to get their citizens of the death penalty list abroad. Hypocrites.

Really...I thought that 3 of the last 4 were Indonesians.

What is hypocritical is the RI Gov't pleads for clemency for its citizens, when executed abroad, but appears not to heed the same pleas at home.
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Also i see on todays Jakarta post that they are now going to open an investigation in the claims made by Budiman at his last hearing back in May when he stated that he had paid huge amounts of money to police and others during his drug dealing years,

How convenient to investigate it now,what happened during the time between May and now,they had more than 2 months to do this,but i guess this works better for them because he is no longer around to state his case and name names ?,in the article they even say that the things he said were the words of a desperate man who would say anything to save himself,so we all know where this investigation will go,,absolutely nowhere,,

Isin`t this a bit like closing the gate to the paddock after the horse has already bolted,
Also i see on todays Jakarta post that they are now going to open an investigation in the claims made by Budiman at his last hearing back in May when he stated that he had paid huge amounts of money to police and others during his drug dealing years,

How convenient to investigate it now,what happened during the time between May and now,they had more than 2 months to do this,but i guess this works better for them because he is no longer around to state his case and name names ?,in the article they even say that the things he said were the words of a desperate man who would say anything to save himself,so we all know where this investigation will go,,absolutely nowhere,,

Isin`t this a bit like closing the gate to the paddock after the horse has already bolted,

Exact same thing with the two Aussies executed in the previous round. They were caught exporting drugs from Indonesia and before an investigation could be completed into their local Indonesian drug sources/network (rumored to involve government/police officials), they were killed. Dead men tell no tales...
Are you out of your mind? As soon as you have drugs in your luggage it does not matter if you come or go
Are you out of your mind? As soon as you have drugs in your luggage it does not matter if you come or go

Who are you talking to...without a quote, reference or name....nobody can respond to your question.
According to an article in the Jakarta post the police will launch an investigation into the allegations made by the late Freddy Budiman who alleged he had help from the police and various other departments while running his drug business,

However the article states that they will only be investigation the police connection,and that they will be investigating themselves,so no need for concern as im sure they will get to the bottom of this REAL fast ,,
According to an article in the Jakarta post the police will launch an investigation into the allegations made by the late Freddy Budiman who alleged he had help from the police and various other departments while running his drug business,

However the article states that they will only be investigation the police connection,and that they will be investigating themselves,so no need for concern as im sure they will get to the bottom of this REAL fast ,,

I get the satire you intend Nydave and I agree...not only the police but the narcotics agency (BNN) and the military (TNI) are implicated.

But something must be going on because it's now reported that the defamation suit against the whistleblower Haris Azhar (Co-ordinator of Kontras, commission of victims of violence)) has been dropped due to public pressure...re:(The National Police, TNI and BNN have accused Haris of breaching the 2008 Electronic Information and Transactions (ITE) Law by circulating defamatory information on internet.)

He was the person reporting what was said to him by Freddy Budiman and they tried to shut-up the messenger by using this defamation law.
Remember the lady who criticized a hospital to a friend and was charged under this law....scary thoughts to comprehend when we are writing on forums.