Driving in Bali as a Karmic Experience


Active Member
Jan 11, 2005
Manchester and Makassar

I also was due to have keyhole surgery for the removal of my gall bladder some years ago. They made the small incisions but has they cut the gall bladder they "dropped it" and I had to have the full operation to get it out.

Went from 2 small scars to one almost a foot long. Bummer


Apr 6, 2009
Markit said:
Shane come back, Shane (the original thread) come back, Shane come back..... :cry:
:lol: :lol:

I was actually just thinking that.

Re: your original thread..you do realise it's not just balinese/indonesians that drive like this? Try Thailand and other Asian countries . I bet Africa would be an interesting place to drive. The Czechs aren't that great either. The Lonely Planet guide can even pinpoint what road you might well die on in Czech (when there my guess was they were about 500 metres out on their estimation :lol: ).

Have you ever discussed their driving habits with the locals in Bali? This insight can be quite scary. My gf has some weird ideas on what's commonsense on the road. I think they honestly believe if people can see you they know what you are going to do so there's no problem??? It's quite ok to suddenly do a UTurn in front of oncoming traffic, signal left but turn right etc etc.

Expats who try to drive in Bali like a local can also be right pains in the arse too. One idiot drunk Aussie who couldn't ride a scooter to save his life lost control the other week straight up onto the sidewalk straight into my gf and slammed her into a wall. He picked himself up not even looking at my bruised gf sprawled on the ground and rode off back into traffic and disappeared. :evil: She also got hit by a taxi while on the sidewalk a few months ago. The taxi driver demanded money from her for scratching his car. On both occasions I wasn't with her but I'm now not sure if I'm safer walking with her or driving with her :lol:


Well-Known Member
Sep 3, 2007
Karangasem, Bali
You can always tell the Bule motorcycle driver - they always have there turn indicator blinking - for miles/kilometres and can't understand why they get run over when they finally decide to turn :lol:

Your gf sounds like she needs a Hummer


Apr 27, 2009
Unhappy in Singapore
aquaman said:
Try Thailand and other Asian countries . I bet Africa would be an interesting place to drive.

They rode horses in Africa beside South Africa. The only thing they're worried about is from most wild animals, NOT from local crazy idiot who havent driver's license. :lol:


Apr 3, 2009
Yes- "Where is the Admin?"

I flagged the porn attack last night and was surprised it's still here today. Tried to flag it again and got a "this has already been reported" message.

What's going on?


gilbert de jong

Active Member
Jan 20, 2009
Panji, Singaraja.
No matter what country one goes... one has to get used to different styles of driving/racing, the roads, when to use your horn, how to work the blinkers (left-right) etcetc...
However this being said, I do think depending on where one comes from, it can be easy or hard to adjust to the Bali traffic.


Well-Known Member
Sep 3, 2007
Karangasem, Bali
What really cracks me up is that whatever Balinese driver you are with they always think that all those other guys are terrible but that they themselves are just fine thank you.... :lol:


Active Member
Nov 4, 2003
Kuta, Lombok
I had a small prang on Wednesday afternoon. It was on the bypass near Surfers Paradise. The traffic was crawling along and some people were making an additional lane in an effort to get nowhere faster. A car carrying a bunch of tourists tried to squeeze in between me and another car to my right but just scraped along me.Leaving scratches and lots of his red paint. I pulled over and asked the driver to pull over to but he refused. So I said if he didn't I would take his plate number and call the police (talking through the window while the traffic is at a crawl)

He did then park but tried to put the blame on me and say the road there is meant to be 3 lanes wide. He was quite rude and I was quite angry and the damaged looked quite bad so I said again okay lets call the police to settle it. Suddenly he was another person all together. There was no way he wanted the police involved. he asked me to go to see his boss to sort it out- (The car was a business car with the name/address and phone number of the business on it) I wrote it all down as well as his name which I got from his KTP.

I havent done anything about it and wont bother now. The damage wasn't as bad as it seemed at first, the red paint all washed off there are just a few scratches.

But I am posting this again to reiterate - that if you as foreigner has an accident and it isnt your fault you do not have to just automatically take responsibility for it.

gilbert de jong

Active Member
Jan 20, 2009
Panji, Singaraja.
alright mimpi, good on you for standing up to some *ssh*le who tried to play the blamecard to you.
glad that the damage is not as bad as at first sight...if the scratches are not too deep, buy some 'compound' (sort of wax) little cup will cost you around 5000rupiah, and with that you can buff the scratches out.


Aug 29, 2009
Ah yes, the idiots that try to make an extra lane here. I never let them in. Just sit in the queue like rest of us.Had one a guy run into the back of me a couple of months ago, when I said I would call the police, he just jumped on his bike and bolted. All the locals around me got out of my way and said , go get him...alas the fool got away.


New Member
Apr 15, 2010
Hey there, just got a motorbike accident. I thought I'd splash my frustration here.

I was on bypass Jimbaran on pleasant traffic (70km/h, it was about 10pm). Thankfully is was not so crowded.

I was on the left lane while a dude on the right lane decided he would suddenly a 90 degrees left turn, effectively cutting my lane. I immediately ran right through him. Sliding a few meters on the porous asphalt.

I'm getting use to that kind of accident (2nd time). The guy know he did something plain stupid and tries to runaway. Thus, as my bike stops I stand up and run towards him, pushing him just on time before he could hit the gaz; falling on the ground.

There was a VIP convoy this evening and bypass was crawling with police. Nice. The was one just in frot of my crash. I guest it's what helped him to stand down and pull out to the side and me cooling down.

I was with my girlfriend and she was "damaged" much more than the bike. Great thing there was Clinic Jimbaran just the other side. The kind ambulance staff crossed the bypass and brought her there as I was trying to deal with this situation.

Took some time for an other police officer to come by. He took the depositions and looked at the bikes. It was going better than expected. I told myself, with such evidence it will be so easy get agreement and then walk away.

I know it's rarely that simple here. The guy understands his mess but said to have no money. He call's his boss. His boss -- aka not a boss just another friend -- comes an hour later and tries to pass the bill on me i as if I was an idiot.

Disgusting. There is great people in Bali, but this Javanese is a rotten one. Police was gone (in a rude manner... I'm not sure what my girlfriend said to him tho!) and this guy wanted to contest everything.

We ended up at the police cube in from of McDo; police officer not helping at all. The options are simple: get agreement or lose your bike until the thing is slowly settled in justice... and I hope it's not like immigration.

2am already. My wishes of accountability were fading away. I felt bad, really bad. Is there some real justice in this country or is it just a vague word to be interpreted at your expenses?

I did hit this rotten guy on the head. Glad I did. One officer did not.

He vociferated some stuff in Indonesian, banging the door. I couldn't care much. I am disillusioned. Never found those officers useful.

I was dreaming of responsibility, acknowledgment and common sense...

I ended up my frustrating time agreeing with the medical bill paid by them, but my girlfriend and I still have to recover and the bike to be fixed.

I'm feed up. Those street monkeys makes me go crazy.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 14, 2007
Ubud, Bali
Hi Datienshi, Sorry to hear of the drama, and I hope both of you and the bike get fixed OK. Han in there!


New Member
Jun 14, 2010
Kapal, mengwi - badung - Bali
Safe driving...

As Baliness, i need to say sorry 4 unpleasent to drive in these island.

Baliness people is naturally have a great ego. i notice that in my self.

Hope we can change it....
drive safely and more respect to other's

piece all


Aug 29, 2009
My favorite subject. If people here would/could be more patient and obey the road laws , things might move a little better. Having a police force that actually enforced the law would also improve things considerably.
As I have said before, the increase of children as young as @ 9yo riding motorcycles to school is growing at an alarming rate. Saw one the other morning ride straight past a copper...didn't even blink, mind you these little buggers never use a helmet...would mess up the hair style.As for the creeps that make an extra lane, I see them coming and move slightly to the left, blocks them from moving ahead.


Feb 16, 2010
The question about it is that, if they strongly believe in Karma, why do they still do unfair accusation with the others. Maybe they think Karma isn't much effective to other race who sometimes don't believe on it?..


New Member
Jul 2, 2010
so right

Markit's Karmic experience No.1

Very simple and practical Balinese logic, which goes something like this:

- As a Balinese, born and raised in Bali, I belong here.

- As a bule, you just came here, but I did not ask you to come.

- If you had not come to Bali, we wouldn't have met on the road.

Ergo, the accident was your fault, not mine, caused by your presence on my island. So now you pay. :lol:

Logic 101
Oh you are so so correct, this is bali logic totally and applies to everything.