Driving in Bali as a Karmic Experience


Sep 17, 2008
Hi Mimpimanis,

I do agree Kasik ibu not that cheap but with Kitas you get the charges reduced.
You also mentioned Sanglah; international wing?? I don’t know if the deal with Kitas holder.
Prima Medica also no idea of their charges but you said that much cheaper than K/Ibu and this is good.



Sep 17, 2008
Hi Mimpimanis,

Just now I just received aquote from Kasih Ibu for a very, very, very, very simple hand operation.

In Bandung were I was up to 10 days ago they quoted me 3.500.000rp MAXIMUM.

Kasih Ibu for Kitas holder 35.000.000rp = 31.500.000 more. They MUST BE……………… :evil:

Without Kitas :?: :?: 70.000.000 perhaps :?: :?: :?: :?:

I will never go there for this kind of money I can fly back to Bandung to do it. I can’t believe it. :evil:

You Know in Bandung there is nothing like KITAS holder, all the same, maybe if you go to a dentist they will charge you a bit extra but not that much. I am amazes and the all thing it is very disgusting. It is exactly the same operation no more no less.

If i was you I would think many times b4 going to this Kasih Ibu. I can give you the name of a very good hospital in Bandung. Now you can even fly from Denpasar to Bandung with Airasia( they started about 4 months ago) very cheap. Just an idea, maybe for the future



Apr 27, 2009
Unhappy in Singapore
Kasih Ibu for Kitas holder 35.000.000rp = 31.500.000 more.
70.000.000 perhaps
:lol: :lol: :lol:

You can buy a round trip tickects from Bali to Malaysia to see a good doctor with cheap price than Bali

Roundtrip tickect - RP1,000,000
Malaysia normal hospital - MYR300-600 (consultaion+laboratorium)
Total almost USD300.- or little higher :mrgreen:


Active Member
Nov 4, 2003
Kuta, Lombok
If i was you I would think many times b4 going to this Kasih Ibu

I am not planning on having the operation at Kasih Ibu. Not after my last stay there. I cant fault the treatment I received but nor can I afford to be hospitalised there again at the moment.

You also mentioned Sanglah; international wing?? I don’t know if the deal with Kitas holder

I didnt even realise they had an international wing. I have been there quite a bit the last weeks as my brother in law was there after surgery at another hospital. I have been seen at the public hospital in Lombok before, so assumed that I would be able to be treated in Sanglah. However Prima Medika is also an option I want to look into.


Jul 10, 2008
I could fault the treatment at Kasih Ibu.

In my first week in Bali, a friend of mine crashed a motorbike and broke his shoulder on Jl. Oberoi. He was taken to Kasih Ibu, and me still in "brand new to Bali party mode" walked in with a large Bintang to see him laying on the table screaming in pain while the doctors and nurses didn't do much of anything. Me being very drunk at the time and brand new to Asia (I wouldn't behave like this now), started shouting around orders to the doctors and nurses. To my surprise they followed everything that came out of my mouth to a T. Completely astounded, I went to go buy another beer, as I knew I was in for a long night. When I returned with fresh beer in hand, they asked me "Ok, mister, what now?" It doesn't make you feel very confident in their ability to care for a patient, granted this was the night shift, but still unsettling.

They kept him in bed and didn't actually do anything for his shoulder besides x-ray it and give him morphine and help him pee in a bottle.

The total bill for what they did: rp 90,000,000

They could have at least paid for my beers that night. :roll:


Sep 17, 2008
Yes, they have international wing in Sanglah, and look very nice and new. I have been told that some doctors practicing in the “normal” hospital and then they go to the international wing = same doctor but you have to pay more.
You can be treated in the Sanglah without any problems; will cost you MUCH LESS, maybe the same doctor as in Int/wing but less décor. I might try myself if I decide to have it done here in Bali.
Going back to Bandung’s Hospital: My friend had a knee operation done for 10.000.000rp and this was NOT a simple operation.

Let me know of your outcome if you will.


Well-Known Member
Sep 13, 2005
Boston, MA, USA

Two questions.

1) If you friend really broke his shoulder, the doctor, after the x-ray and the morphine, must have still fixed the shoulder, bukan?

2) Rp90,000,000 !? You must mean Rp9 million, no?


Jul 10, 2008
Nope, they x-rayed it, gave him morphine, and put him in bed for 3-4 days, and gave us some BS about giving it time to see if it would heal itself.

That was no typo either, 90 million, although I forgot to mention that it included a few days stay, in which they did nothing except fluff his pillow and wait to see if the shoulder would get better.

To this day, one year later his entire right arm is limp and he has not regained feeling in it. I think that if he had gone to a more competent hospital that actually tried to do something instead of just wait to see if it would heal itself, he may not have lost sensation permanently like this.


Apr 6, 2009
Calitobali stupid question maybe but has your friend sought further medical advice eg neuroligist he obviously has nerve damage. Not something to muck around with stuff the expense.


Jul 10, 2008
Yes, he went to BIMC after being released from Kasih Ibu, it's a long story as to why he didn't pick BIMC in the first place, I was pushing for it, but not everybody agreed, like I said, long story and not very interesting either, so need to ask why. When he got to BIMC though, they looked at it again and asked why nothing was done for the arm, and said that things looked really bad, and that he should probably go to Singapore, as the damage since left untreated was beyond their abilities. He ended up just going back to America and trying to get treated there, but he's not hopeful of regaining feeling in his arm.

So all in all, my impression of Kasih Ibu is that they have some really expensive morphine.


Sep 17, 2008
Hi Mimpimanis and of course all others

This just come in from PRIMA MEDICA http://www.primamedika.com/index.htm

Good Morning,

Easy for us if you have KITAS,
1. You need consultation with orthopedic about your case, dr Ronny
( orthopedic ) already to meet you .Please to contact our front office
for appointment . Cost for that Rp 250 .000 ( KITAS Holder ).Exclude X
ray Examination for diagnosis.
2. If doctor planing to repair your finger , he need general anesthesia
and stay one night in hospital, Cost assume Rp 10.000.000 ( ten millions
Rupiah ).

let call our doctor for deep discus.


What can I tell you……………..NO comment :evil: .

If you think that this operation usually is done under LOCAL anaesthesia and DON’T have to stay in the hospital over night (day hospital) the price will go down even more, probably like in Bandung.

I am much happier now :)



Active Member
Nov 4, 2003
Kuta, Lombok
Thanks lumumba - A more realistic price for me too but still one I can not afford right now.

It sounds like you are going ahead. If so I would be very interested for your feedback on Prima Medika, afterwards.


Sep 17, 2008
Not really decided on Prima Medika I still sort of shopping around, my operation it’s not very urgent.

Apparently what is pushing the cost up it’s the anaesthesia, General even more :roll:

Of course I’ll post my feedback.



Well-Known Member
Sep 13, 2005
Boston, MA, USA

As you know, general anaesthesia is never 100% safe. For a hand operation, local anaesthesia is the norm. I had both hands operated on (one at a time, over a period of several years) for Dupuytren's contracture, and each time, it was with a local. Each procedure lasted about one hour.


Sep 17, 2008
Hi tintin,

For a hand operation, local anaesthesia is the norm
I couldn’t agree with you more

Dupuytren's contracture
Exactly what I have.

I will never do it under General Anaesthesia.



Active Member
Nov 4, 2003
Kuta, Lombok
I will need a general anaesthetic for my operation I am sure... I don't think I could face it without one. My mum had two emergency hip replacements in the space of a week...under an epidural, she was awake and chatting throughout but then she was a stronger and braver woman then me!


Well-Known Member
Jan 10, 2009
...doesn't that letter say that the doctor needs a general anaesthetic...
What...to perform an operation? Or afterwards?

Have you ever wondered why doctors all over the world are referred to as "medical practitioners"? Does that mean they're not fully qualified yet?

Not a notion that inspires much confidence in me.

And what can you say about many Indonesian "doctors" and their money-spinning hobbies, like running a "practice" at night to top-up their drinking money or pay off the instalments on their BMW's? That's after they've done their duties as "lecturers", "specialists" in whatever hospitals they're affiliated with, (if they don't own them).

I went to a hospital on the By-Pass near Kuta a few years ago to get a quote to remove a ganglionic cyst on my wrist. Well, what a circus that was!

They informed me that I would have to have an "operation" - I shouldn't eat anything 12 hours before, blah blah. Being the prospective patient, and hearing this, I was rather surprised when a bunch of "surgeons" and "specialists" suddenly appeared, almost with scalpels in hand, at the ready.

The way I saw it, I was there for a "quote". Then I asked them about the costs, if I agreed to get it done there. Various estimates: "public" or "VIP suite"? The cheapest was about Rp 7,000,000 not including the doctors, drugs, "insurance", whatever. They would be added later, if I survived.

Hang on there, Dr Wayan. If I have this now, what about what's in my stomach at the moment? My only conclusion here is that that "hospital" employs a bunch of money-hungry charlatans with absolutely zero ideas regarding "ethics", or "patient care".

Needless to say, I declined letting them come anywhere near me. My cyst was removed by my doctor in Australia under a local anaesthetic. Took about 30 minutes, or so. Before that, I had X-rays and an Ultra-sound scan. The whole lot cost me about AUD50, (Rp 400,000), using the government public Medicare system.

Much of the medical profession in Bali leaves a lot to be desired. Where is "accountability", for instance? Hundreds of incompetent rogue doctors continue to "practise", every day (night) of the week with impunity. How come?

Does that mean that the good doctors don't care about standards and malpractice? Looks like it to me. Otherwise there would be a campaign to de-register all the potential killers out there.

The saddest part for me is seeing night-time doctors' warungs full of Balinese patients. Many of them are actually sick. Often, the "treatments" they get are about as useful as blowing in the wind, or an ashtray on a motorbike.

No wonder Balinese only go to a hospital or doctor as a last resort. Unfortunately, that's often too late, even if they're lucky enough to strike a doctor who knows something and even cares.

Hmmm. Food for thought.



Well-Known Member
Sep 13, 2005
Boston, MA, USA

Two hip replacements in the space of a week !? That IS a brave woman.

While at the hospital, 2 month ago, the guy in the bed next to me had just had ONE hip replacement, and he was in hell. The next day of his operation, a therapist with some nurses came to get him up and put him in a chair …the poor guy thought he was going to die with the pain.

Then, two days ago, a good friend of mine got the same operation in a top Boston hospital. I hear from his daughter that it took them almost one hour to get him out of bed and into a chair yesterday, and almost that much time to get him back in bed. He was pushing the button of his morphine supply like a mad man, and they had to add to it some oxycodone…

So, I would say, seriously, your mother deserves at least a Bronze Star. I hope this is now just bad memories for her, and that she is jumping around like when she was 20 years old.

And talking about practicing. On August 10, after some procrastination on my part, I gave up, and got an operation by the Chief of Surgery at my local hospital, who was supposedly a specialist in the laparoscopic version of this procedure. It was supposed to be 2 small 1.5 cm incisions and one 10 cm, and 3-4 days at the hospital. Well, in the statistics, I was the one out of ten thousand: the surgeon f****d it up like a beginner, and the first trocar he stuck in damaged a big vein. He had to open up big and I ended up with a 22 cm button hole, 13 day in hell at the hospital, and yes, 4 blood transfusions…and I am still slowly recuperating 2 months later, whereas I should have been jumping like new after 6 weeks only.

And to top it all, it would seem this operation was not really necessary and could have been avoided with a little more time and imagination. Of course, when you have a hammer everything looks like a nail: my doctor was a surgeon, and what do surgeons do? They cut open. Well, although this fiasco has been partly my fault for not doing my homework first to understand the problem, and also not getting a second opinion, I'm suing the S.O.B. :x :x :x :x :x :x :x :x


Active Member
Nov 4, 2003
Kuta, Lombok
Two hip replacements in the space of a week !? That IS a brave woman.

Yes she fell at home and had an emergency hip replacement the next day - Sunday. Because she was so frail she couldn't have a general anesthetic so had it done with an epidural. The following Saturday, still in hospital she had another fall and broke the other hip.

One had to be replaced about a year later again as there was a problem with it.

I hope this is now just bad memories for her, and that she is jumping around like when she was 20 years old

She never really got over it ended up pretty much housebound and in a wheelchair if she did get out. She died a few years later of lung cancer.

I'm suing the S.O.B.
Good luck.