
Well-Known Member
Jan 12, 2009
It is interesting the reaction in the Australian media when a terror attack is found in Australia itself. In Melbourne a planned attack was found yesterday and the police have "urged" people to go about their business. Seven arrested as police foil planned Christmas Day terror attack in Melbourne
"The community should be concerned but should be reassured that we have got on top of this particular issue.

"We do not cower before terrorism - we enjoy Christmas and we enjoy New Year."

Premier Daniel Andrews said the threat had been contained.

He urged Victorians to go about their business and that there would be an increased police presence in the city.

Of course it is in Indonesia, you better rethink your plans to travel to the country.


Well-Known Member
Sep 3, 2007
Karangasem, Bali
In all fairness you wouldn't expect them to ask Melly citizens to leave but it's easy to ask people to change their travel plans...

The real question is where can you go to be safe now days? Christmas market in Berlin? Boardwalk in Nice?

We need another solution to this "terrorist" problem.

What do you think of finding 12 or the Berlin killer's nearest family and running them over with a truck?


Well-Known Member
Jan 12, 2009
Well the bombs were planned for some places in the city and note that the police didn't say avoid unnecessary trips there. The city retailers would be upset with that especially leading up to Christmas.

You have to admit there is a bit of a double standard.

I wish there was a solution to this madness and now we will have an Exxon CEO as Secretary of State. I wonder where his interests will like when making foreign policy. You can't make this up.


Jun 22, 2016
Apart from an actual terrorist attack, people should also think of the consequences i.e. the capacity of hospitals, first response, medevac, crisis management etc. Time and time again Indonesians have shown a distinct lack of skills in those fields, hence the travel warnings I think.


Well-Known Member
Sep 3, 2007
Karangasem, Bali
people should also think of the consequences i.e. the capacity of hospitals, first response, medevac, crisis management etc. Time and time again Indonesians have shown a distinct lack of skills in those fields, hence the travel warnings I think.

What does this actually mean? Consequences, capacity, "people should also think".

Are you saying that if "Indonesians" thought about the "consequences" they would react to bomb threats differently and this would change the world reaction to the threat?

Can you point to one, single terrorist attach where the "authorities" have said - "No worries, it's all good, the 30 dead people and 49 injured are all being taken care of just fine and dandy" anywhere?


Active Member
Sep 7, 2006
The ABC, in their extensive coverage, reacted by refusing to mention the word Islamist (Islam, Muslim) in any of their reporting.


Well-Known Member
Sep 3, 2007
Karangasem, Bali
The ABC, in their extensive coverage, reacted by refusing to mention the word Islamist (Islam, Muslim) in any of their reporting.

Real defenders of democracy and courageous fore riders of enlightenment. I'm astonished at how cowardly the media all really are.

Adolf's Wehrmacht/SS would put 10 villagers against the wall for every solder that was killed.

Not advocating similar treatment but it sure did brake the enthusiasm of the locals for killing Germans and it also thinned out the ranks of new recruits to the resistance.

Anyone have a better plan?