cost of building a swimming pool ?


Active Member
Nov 5, 2002
Ubud, Bali
Dug, we just completed our pool at our new house this past late December. It was built by a local Ubud area Balinese contractor who works with my father in law on various projects. It is his 9th pool. It measures 7.0 by 4 meters, and is 1.6 meter in depth. It is fresh water and uses a run off filtering system which is cement bunkered below the bale. It is entirely mosaic tile, 3 variations of dark blue. It is lighted as well. The total cost of construction, start to finish was 73.6 million which works out to 1.64 million per cubic meter. The bale was another 5 million. If you want contact information for this contractor, you can drop me a PM. Good luck with your project. For us, having three boys 8 and younger, it was the best investment I’ve made...meaning they sleep like new born puppies every night!



May 11, 2007
seattle wa campuhan bali
Hi Roy: Great pool. Have a few questions. When you use fresh water do you have to use chlorine to purify the water? Secondly, when the water shuts off for a few days in Ubud or Campuhan do you use water from your tank (reserve) or is that even necessary. And lastly, I'm to lazy to convert your metric measurements, however, in feet how deep is the deepest part???

These are questions I had before we build a pool on Agung's property in Campuhan. Oh yeah, how much do you figure the cost will be monthly for electric and maintenance??



Will contact you for a bid from your father-in-law when we do build.


Active Member
Nov 5, 2002
Ubud, Bali
Hi Judy! In feet, it is 5.25 in depth for the entire pool. To accommodate very young kids, you will note the stairs at the far right end are both wide and long.

Once full, (which took over 24 hours), we only need to add a little more water once in a while. With our house we have the options of variously using “city” water, or from our well. In the last year we have noted that city water shut offs are very few and far between...not at all like the old days.

As for monthly maintenance, our gardener and house boy takes care of our
pool as a part of his regular duties. Chemicals are about 10,000 Rp a

Next time you are in Campuhan, give us a holler and you and Agung can come up and check it out. Be sure to bring your bathing suits! Cheers.


May 11, 2007
seattle wa campuhan bali
Hi Roy: Thank you for the invitation!! We will definitely take advantage of your hospitality when we return home and check out your pool. Probably will not jump in, stick a toe or two in the shallow end. Am a little bit like the balinese regarding pool bathing...that is bathing suits, etc..More private in that regard. Although I was a body surfer being born and raised in San Diego, CA, never felt confortable wearing a bikini in public---- fast forward bathing suit. In past lives must have lived in Bali, India, or other countries where women remained covered.

The idea of the gardener and houseboy maintaining the pool works for me as far as daily pool maintenance. I also would like to discuss with you my ideas of what I want in regards to designing my house overlooking the rice field. Perhaps you could give me a few people to check out. My brother-in-law will be the general contractor; however, as far as design and specialist in various areas I would like your advice. I have a vision in mind for the house gardens and pool; however, would welcome your advice. Will be back this summer for a short period of time and would love to met you and get your opinion on a few things.



Active Member
Nov 5, 2002
Ubud, Bali
Sounds good Judy. When you are close to your trip over, send me a PM and I'll fire back our phone numbers.

As for house designs, you will probably want to meet with my brother in law, Wayan Tagel. He is a well known architect in the Ubud area working in a style he calls the Bali International style, which is a style that incorporates classic Balinese architecture with classic European style. He also is in charge of issuing building licenses for the Gianyar Regency, which is another good reason to meet him. Cheers!


May 9, 2006
los angeles
Hi Roy,
Have recieved your PM ,and thank you for your info. I do have another question. How long did the contractor take to make your pool(assuming they worked day to day)? I'll be in Bali the latter part of May,would like to look at your setup,then perhaps a martini at Nuri's? I assume you do drink martinis? Say hello to Brian for me........... Thanks,Doug


Active Member
Nov 5, 2002
Ubud, Bali
Hi Dug,

Yes, it would be great if you would like to come over and check our pool out. The workers were not at our site every day. Total time from start to finish was roughly 6 weeks. Send me a PM when you get into town and I’ll send you our phone numbers.

There has been a long running rumor that I enjoy a good vodka martini as only Brian and his staff know how to make. :shock:

I’ll be sure to say hello to him for you.

OK Judy...looking forward to meeting you.


Sep 22, 2006
Houston, Texas
AAHH,,, She Finally gave in and let you put the pool in,, just the right spot for a second floor jump!!! Bet the boys are loving it, and the inlaws and the neibors and,and,,etc,,, :lol: ....Turned out great Roy, What a difference from the "batcave" bet its a big relief that its finished... I'm :mrgreen: Now just add a huge python like Gentry, that will keep a few out...


Active Member
Nov 5, 2002
Ubud, Bali
“AAHH,,, She Finally gave in and let you put the pool in...”

Having a little “total recall” memory problems there Froggy? :lol: The pool was Eri’s idea from the beginning.

We passed on Chris’s python and opted for one of his Lab’s puppies which the boys named “Snowy.” I guess that would be kind of like naming a dog in Texas, “Coconut” but that’s what the boys wanted. BTW, the puppy was Eri's idea too, and she even gets to sleep in the bedroom with us. Cheers


Sep 22, 2006
Houston, Texas
I keep writing a nice resonse , ,but the time I get too it , it makes me sign in again and all my writting is gone!!! Bert, you around???


Active Member
Nov 5, 2002
Ubud, Bali
Froggy, try writing on word (as a side benefit, your spelling will be improved) and then cut and pasting once you hit the post reply button. :roll:


Sep 22, 2006
Houston, Texas
Ok, one more time,,, Roy, I have the memory of an elephant (the ass end) But I do remember joking about the boys or a excited guest that may try doing a swan dive off the second floor. I wish you had some video of that awsome kitchen in action, MMMM, the food that you have been cooking up in there,,,, I'm :mrgreen: ......If you have a party try getting someone to download some, Us Ex-Expats would love too see anything, Frog


Active Member
Nov 5, 2002
Ubud, Bali
Froggy, I think your confusion rests with the fact that we re-dug the pool twice after the first pit you saw. Anyone jumping from the second or third floor now would be hitting grass, plants, or tile walkways...ouch!

Yes, the kitchen is the most busy area of the whole compound, that is for sure. The Executive Chef from the Shangri-La in Surabaya and his wife will be house guests in two weeks for a few days, so I’ll take some photos then. In the mean time, here’s an appetizer of Balinese chicken salad and sate with peanut sauce:



Active Member
Jan 11, 2005
Manchester and Makassar
Nice presentation. If the food tastes as good as it looks you will impress the chef. Mind you I have rarely had bad home cooked food in Indonesia so I think you will be on a winner.


Active Member
Nov 5, 2002
Ubud, Bali
Sorry for any confusion I created Jimbo, but this isn’t something either Eri or I created, but rather it’s a dish created the last time our friends from Surabaya were here.

In re-reading my earlier post, I should have made that more clear by writing:

“In the mean time, here’s an appetizer of his Balinese chicken salad and sate with peanut sauce:”


For me, I’ve never had any “bad home cooked food in Indonesia.” Both Eri, her mom and dad are masters in the kitchen, and it’s always worth the “pay back” twelve or so hours latter! :(

Their best dishes are always prepared in their typical Bali style wood burning oven and stove, while we use LPG 90% of the time.

For them, they love my Italian dishes of chicken cacciatore and lasagna which I take hours to make, and add my own version of Bali bumbu...which another twelve hours latter still means more.... :cry: