
Well-Known Member
From Bali Discovery:

A revival in Australian tourists visiting Bali is being marred by drunken bogans, according to the Australia-Indonesia Business Council.

National vice-president Ross Taylor said cheap flights, a strong Australian dollar and a lull in terrorist activity have encouraged Australians to flock to Bali over the past 18 months.

But Mr Taylor said a marked return of Australian tourists over the summer has led to an increase in anti-social behaviour on the Indonesian island.

"It's disappointing to see the few that really give Australians a bad name, with loud, drunken and aggressive behaviour," he said.

The number of Australian visitors arriving in Bali jumped by around 60 per cent in January and February compared with the same time last year. Mr Taylor said one Australian dollar now bought almost 8500 Indonesian rupiah, compared to 5500 rupiah five years ago, and that the number of flights to Bali had increased dramatically.

"Perth alone has 54 flights per week flying non-stop to Bali in just three hours," he said. "That's a huge capacity by any measurement."

Mr Taylor urged people to remember that Bali was a gracious and religious society.
"There is no place for drunken yobbos in Bali," he said.

What the hell is a "bogan" and a "yobbo". I thought you folks down there spoke English.
What the hell is a "bogan" and a "yobbo". I thought you folks down there spoke English.

Here's the Urban Dictionary's definition of yabbo:

yabbo http://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=yabbo#http://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=yabbo#
A person considered to be obnoxious, stupid, or useless.
"I can't believe that guy tried to rob the bank right after cashing a check with his name on it. What a yabbo."
Yabbo is a very common word in Oz but bogan was a new word to me and I am an Aussie. Basically it seems to be the same thing as a yabbo. A yabbo is sort of an Australian redneck.

And we do speak English but our brand of English has some very unique twists and twangs in it.
Wow, Wikipedia has entries for both words: yobbo, bogan.

The term bogan (pronounced /ˈboʊɡən/, rhyming with slogan) is Australian and New Zealand English slang, usually pejorative or self-deprecating, for a person who is, or is supposed to be, of a lower-class background and whose characteristics exemplify, often crudely, this background. The speech and mannerisms of a bogan, according to the stereotype, are such as to indicate poor education, a preference for cheap clothing, and uncultured upbringing. 'Bogans' tend to reside in outer metropolitan areas or large country towns.

Similar concepts exist under other names in other countries, such as chav, scally or pikey (England), ned (Scotland), scanger and spide (Ireland), tokkie (Holland), Proll (Germany) and white trash, redneck, hick, hillbilly (North America), or baianão (Brazil).

The term has recently been applied to real estate, aka "boganvilla", to describe large houses on small blocks of land in outer suburban areas, similar to the term "McMansion" in the United States. This term plays on the plant name "bougainvillia", considered a weed in northern parts of Australia because of its prolific growth habit.

The term's popular usage emerged in Melbourne's outer-western and -northern suburbs in the late 1970s and early 1980s as a non-pejorative term, used by fans of Heavy Metal and Hard Rock music to describe themselves, and was used almost interchangeably with "head-banger". Bogans typically wore "acid wash" jeans, sheepskin moccasins, and band T-shirts; had "mullet" style haircuts; and lived in the suburbs. The usage of the term has since changed to indicate someone generally suburban and poorly educated, and has little relation to the original usage which was specific to Heavy Metal and Hard Rock fans. Also, the usage has changed to include females. Female bogans were known as "mocca chicks" for the sheepskin moccasins which were customarily worn as footwear.
In ozzie, with the advent of mining booms, a new term is becoming common. CUB. cashed up bogans. They can be seen hooning around the streets of their lower class suburbs in flash expensive cars, at all the nightclubs and buying "big boys toys".
In ozzie, with the advent of mining booms, a new term is becoming common. CUB. cashed up bogans. They can be seen hooning around the streets of their lower class suburbs in flash expensive cars, at all the nightclubs and buying "big boys toys".

Also don't forget the 'bevans' these are the same as bogans but like hotted up older cars.:icon_lol:

But yes they are returning to Bali in greater numbers unfortunately. What can you do we live in a free world.....very embarassing.:icon_evil::icon_e_sad:
I believe the correct spelling is "yobbo". Bogan and yobbos are different things. A yobbo is basically someone who is loud and usually drunk. A bogan is a complete lifestyle - music, style of dress, car etc.
same but different i guess!!
I got a good laugh out of the defenitions too!!

A bogan is to Bali as a tosser is to Mojorca/Ibiza and trailer park trash is to Mexico.We all have citizens that we wished would just stay at home.
Anzac here howdy,

In Australia there are rules for people who drink in excess it's called - NO SERVICE!

Also if someone is very drunk the police here normally assist that being helped home or if a public nuisance locked up.

So if this behaviour is to slow down because it will never be stopped maybe some bars need to implement rules and regulations about drunk's and not just Aussie bogans – EVERY RACE has its fair share of drunk’s!

Also if the Indo’s are sick of it maybe the police should step up their responsibilities they could even make some money along the way.

I bet if they cottoned onto fines for ‘being too drunk in the street’ there would be allot more incentive for them to make it safer from these drunk’s.

Correct Spicy, 2 totally different types, sort of....:icon_rolleyes:


I think the boom has come and gone now I'm an engineer in Perth and we have gone from way too much work to letting people go contractors/staff not too mention there are 38 'for lease' signs out the front of offices in the CBD so why if there is a boom on there is so much space with companies folding/moving out of Australia.

China is now boycotting our ore and all the major Petro-Chem projects are now done O/S mainly because of our expensive rates but also our arrogance!

So these CUB's will be slowly disappearing but the media will be say the BOOMS are still going on now that the Aussie government just slapped that resources tax on the mojor mining and oil companies we can expect almost all our new project to go overseas and clients like China and Europe will seek resources at a much more competitive rate elsewhere

But still the prices here in Aussie land go up! I would not be surprised if Australia will crash – heavily! I hope so we need a kick in the arse because we have had our heads up our arse for way too long.

That new resource tax sounds like a real election killer for the government.

Yep there is a election coming but I don't think they will get in they rose cigarette taxes to we are now paying $16 Aussie 131,994 IDR for a pack of 25 that’s why we Australians are (I think) the third most taxed country in the world.

Won’t be getting my vote I won’t be in Aussie land.

with reference to the drunken yobbos floating literally around kuta, legian etc. This has been going on for years and years, and getting worse.

I was on a Garuda flight in the 80's with a football team from a western sydney suburb. It was frightening, they drank all their duty free, one smashed a bottle and was trying to attack a flight attendant. The only good news was, when we landed the police were in full force, and they culprits were deported immediately. It was the talk of the island for ages. :icon_razz:
Living in the south I avoid Kuta like the plague, especially after sundown. I'm a bloke, like a few beers but am married to a cracking Japanese lady and the attention is just off the scale. I don't mind the stares when it comes to the locals, that's kind of accepted in the gist of life here but I never thought the worst would come from a seemingly civilized culture. Not wanting to get into altercations with the pricks who like nothing more than to heckle the missus, just looking through me as if I wasn't there, ruins her evening and really pours shame on the regular folks from that nation.

I really can't understand why people feel they should act differently in another country than they would at home. Hardly what you could call goodwill ambassadors!

2c Spent
I suggest those yobbos to stay out of the street or they'll be spotted by media and be the first as a response for this news report.
BTW, is there a law in Bali about walking drunk in the streets?