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  1. Nige

    help with a kos

    I know a friendly agent who will organise a VOA without leaving. the cost over all is cheaper than a visa run, although its illegal. And now and then immigration clamp down on these people.
  2. Nige

    help with a kos

    Thats a new one on me. A TOURIST VISA??? the $25 visa??? how can it be extended beyond 60 days?
  3. Nige

    Looking for tips how to treat your security guard

    I agree all of the above about wages. I had a friend, she employed a security guard. He didnt sleep on the job. He waited for her to go to sleep, then went home to sleep. As her routine was quite regular. He always managed to get back to "work" before she woke up. Her maid used to...
  4. Nige

    do I need a return ticket

    Most companies now issue E-tickets, I've always used that as a reason to not having one. Even with AirAsia. Maybe I've been lucky so far
  5. Nige

    Jero Wacik hints at new airport location

    I remember reading s few months ago about a railway line along the west coast completed by 2014!!! it must be true coz I read in the paper (online I think) lol I also heard a very long time ago the the plan for the second airport would initially be domestic, plus small shuttle flights from...
  6. Nige

    If it is true that Bali is running out of water ...

    And considering there was no dry season last year
  7. Nige

    do I need a return ticket

    The tourist visa is for 30 days. you must visit the immigration office a few days before it expires to extend it. its not initially valid for 60 days. Of course theres a fee, i think its 250,000 but as the form is in indonesian you will need an local agent who will charge you for the service
  8. Nige

    To alang or not to alang?

    You can fit them with mattresses, cushions, curtains, whatever it takes to make you comfortable.
  9. Nige

    liquor shortage in Bali!

    I agree! Two Islands refers to Australia (where the grapes are grown) and Bali (where the wine is fermented. More info at
  10. Nige

    Internet: home or cafe

    Ignoring all this discussion of what you should know or no know, and simply answering your question - many fo the expats around here (but not all) have internet services in their homes.
  11. Nige

    Flying Tomorrow :)

    Hi Ilu Glad to meet a share a drink and knowledge when you arrive Nige
  12. Nige

    Flying Tomorrow :)

    Hi Mariella The whole thing was very interesting, the day before, a friend roasted a pig, so we had a feast and a few drinks, then we went to a small bar near the beach and got drunk waiting for oga oga, this is when the locals make several effigies then parades them around the village finally...
  13. Nige

    Flying Tomorrow :)

    OK Now its 5 hours before my brother n law takes me to the airport, just said good bye to some friends, I don't think I will sleep now as I really want to sleep on at least one of the flights. Patatje I'm not sure how or what my pay status will be. I'm doing it out of interest, but I will...
  14. Nige

    Flying Tomorrow :)

    Hi Guys Well the time has come. Doing my last bit of packing, then catching my plane to Tokoyo then to Singapore and arriving in Bali 21:30 on Wednesday after almost 23 hours in the air. I know it seems the long route but I have just finished a contract in Moscow, I spent Christmas and New...
  15. Nige


    I'm looking forward to opening it. If its half as good as COD2 & 3 it will be awsome. It will be a hard decision on my first day to sun bathe or set the system up and play
  16. Nige


    Thanks Bert. I can safely pack my Xbox.
  17. Nige

    Best phone card for calls from Indo to North America?

    Hi Obviously you guys have access to the internet, have you heard of SKYPE, internet to internet calling anywhere in the world is free or internet to landline is 0.17eur a minute, its simple to download and is free from, You do need more than a dialup connection and if you...
  18. Nige


    I'm packing ready for my indefinite stay in Bali, I've just bought my favourite game for the Xbox (Call of Duty 4) I can't remember from my last visit what the TV format is. is it PAL or NTSC? Can anyone advise. Looking forward to meeting some of you. I'll be in Lovina from Wednesday evening...
  19. Nige

    Bali weather report ...

    When is the rainy season. Different web site give different months
  20. Nige

    I need a big favour

    Thanks FreoGirl Thats exactly what I will do