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  1. kayoticlaudia

    Extending AFTER 60 day VOA without leaving

    :icon_wink: hhhmmmmm..... Wonder if this should be made public.....
  2. kayoticlaudia

    Cost of electricity on villa. Help!

    Electricity is not cheap anywhere on this planet but 3 million is over the top! If I have both bungalows rented out and my daughter trying to create a winter wonderland in the master bedroom I have max 2.4 million. This includes running a very old fridge, freezer chest, charging laptops and...
  3. kayoticlaudia

    looking for plastic jars, small bottles

    There is a factory on Java producing plastic containers, jars, bottles and more: Bogor Jl. Mercedez Benz, Cicadas, Gunung Putri, Jawa Barat 16964, Indonesia Tel. +62 21 8676688 Fax. +62 21 8677788 Email. [email protected] I might be interested too!
  4. kayoticlaudia

    Gekko crap....Crap!

    ....fighting the same battle..... But I've observed over the years that the gekkos poop in the same spot. So no furniture was ever placed in that spot. Thus I was never bothered till now after extensions put in and someone decided to put my work table in another spot. The best solution in...
  5. kayoticlaudia

    "It's a wise child that knows its own father" - a clever Greeks once wrote.

    Before 1811 surnames were not a requirement in the Netherlands...... Just a little bit of history.... Some had surnames but many did not. And it was common that surnames changes - ie when the son of a baker (Baker) became a fisherman (Visser).
  6. kayoticlaudia

    VOA Extension

    It is certainly not legal and basically you are not extending your VOA but getting a new VOA - ie you are leaving Indonesia and returning without physically leaving the country. It saves the cost and hassle of flying out of the country.
  7. kayoticlaudia

    Infuriating Mr Fixit

    That is taking jam karet to another level..... By now the effects of heat, humidity and pollution would have made that rubber crumble so I'd say: Karet rusak!
  8. kayoticlaudia

    Pagerwesi (today)

    Oh that explains why my fiance wanted to go home to Buleleng..... Nice information!
  9. kayoticlaudia

    Computer help offered and asked for.

    You're never too old for flattery..... Trust me! Maybe you just don't get all excited like before.....:icon_biggrin: Thanks for the information..... in one month I'll check that! I wish we had a phone line to our place, but no luck. Applied for one but since we are the only ones up on that...
  10. kayoticlaudia

    Computer help offered and asked for.

    Wow..... are you computer expert? How can I check the internet speed? In Bali I use Telkomsel Flash and on a good day ie no clouds, no wind my modem (that thing you stick in the USB port and uses a SIM card) shows I have 3G and if extremely lucky the light is a nice dark blue color. But it...
  11. kayoticlaudia

    Computer help offered and asked for.

    Trying to figure out the 54 kbps - isn't that extremely slow?? And at 85k what is the GB limitation?
  12. kayoticlaudia

    Table manners anyone?

    .... what a helpful thread!!! Now I know where my family and I get the habit of eating so fast!! Generations of bule in Indonesia and you adapt their ways....... I have to add though that when I lived in Munich I worked for an architect (millionaire) and his table manners were not very...
  13. kayoticlaudia

    Postage costs from Bali (small items under 1kg)

    I pay for about 340g by registered airmail letter Rp 100 000 Registered lets you track the shipment.
  14. kayoticlaudia

    VOA Extension

    Double... not really if you add the time you save multiplied by what you could be doing instead, then add the expenses for travel, water needed whilst waiting..... Might even be less....!
  15. kayoticlaudia

    What is the difference between a house and a villa?

    ok.... my Balinese friends have confirmed this: house with pool = villa. That is how they see it!
  16. kayoticlaudia


    OMG.... I actually went back to the beginning of the thread and now see some of what is going on...... - my sister is married to a Balinese - Mixed marriage still going strong! - my parents - Dad Dutch Mom German - this certainly qualifies as a mixed marriage!!! Germans and Dutch will know...
  17. kayoticlaudia


    nicely said......
  18. kayoticlaudia

    Another travel rant about Bali

    Oh now that you say that makes me realize that the "touting" is harmless compared to the SPAM emails, the thousands of fliers and brochures in the mail, and the people who knock on your door selling stuff...... (just had one and had a hard time getting rid of him). Oh and the 100s of those that...
  19. kayoticlaudia

    Another Hollywood film to be shot in Bali

    oh crap....... so close to home..... not good.....
  20. kayoticlaudia

    Another travel rant about Bali

    Hmmmm ..... I don't like this development in Bali either, but the rant was a bit exaggerated in my opinion! The funny thing is that even my Balinese fiance gets hassled in Ubud. It makes me smile when they first try to sell a massage or transport to me with no success and then try it on my...