
I have heard rumours - and I believe my agent offers this service - that there is a method of extending a 60 day VOA (i.e. a 30 day VOA which has already been extended) WITHOUT leaving Indonesia.

It is expensive - Rp. 1.5M from memory - but I am dubious as to whether this can be done. I think it is bending the rules but agents can organise to get some sort of stamp as if you have left the country (and a new VOA put in your passport).

Anyone come across this?
It's a common practice but definitely in the gray areas. I wouldn't personally want to have this in my passport as anyone with knowledge of it could easily request additional 'ceremonial fees' at any time!
I am sure possible, but of course not recommended! With flights so cheap to Singapore or Malaysia, why wouldn't you just leave the country.
Yeah i heard of this kiwi guy that was doing it, some how they got onto him and he had to pay a fairly big bribe, around $3000 NZ dollars or else he was going to get locked in the imigration detention centre or wat eva they use and deport him after spending a few months in there. . He had overstayed by at least 6 months. .

On the other side I know an Aussie guy who overstayed by a few months without evan updating his Visa but he knew the right people, turned upto the Airport with $100 US and got escorted through like a VIP lol .. .

So it all just depends really, personally i wouldnt risk it though . .