I went there last Sunday to check if the "bungee monstruosity" was there or not and I have to tell you that is no there anymore!!!!!!!!!!
We had a coffee and peanuts on one of the warungs (there is two), the first one has been reformado (sorry I don´t know the word in english, reformasi??? hehehe), enjoy the view and we went down, so many young people there and we were walking around the river
very dirty and rubbish and plastic everywhere
the wall for the pool is broken totally and still there (it seems they didn´t use "besi", because I don´t understand how can be broken so easily...)
Nice small bale to sit down and relax
There is many pancuran (natural spring) where local people enjoy mandi (bath), hehehe probably the only thing clean there.
According to the people they stopped to take rocks from the place.
I cannot avoid to feel sad and angry to see places like that, not better take care of, I think is a nice place just to go out and lancon lancon, when we went up many local people went down to walk around the area (two tourist) and on the top when we arrived there was a group of three tourists.
I don´t think is a big big deal to clean the place or prepare it better, after all many people will enjoy it.........
We wanted (ok ok it was me!!!!!!!!)to see the other side and go to the top of the water fall, so we went to Bladbathu to find a small road (many many cars and motorbikes around, cookfighting on the road, I was quite shock because I think I saw a man crying on the road...........uhhhhhhhh maybe I am wrong.....), finally we stopped in a place I was so surprise to see, on the middle of the small road a big or huge building of maybe 3 or 4 floors totally emthy and broken, not finish, just wall of cement and stairs going down, it seems is one of these many many projects in Bali people start and for one reason or another they stop the project, it seems like it was suppose to be a hotel, I think even had the whole for the lift, many many stairs going down, all full cement and besi everywhere, on the middle of nothing, just next to the water fall, we went down because we (me again) wanted to see the water fall from the top but it was not possible so we went back to the road and after 300 mts there was a cementery and a small path going down, again with some broken fundasi what shows that there, it was something before like a restaurant, warung o bungalows, hehehe we met a Duch man who I think was looking the same that us
We went down to the stairs and took a small path to the right and finally we arrived to the top of the water fall!!!!!!!!!!!
My husband never stop surprise how stubborn I can be (saya sangat kepala batu, head stone)...........
Anyway, reading Tintin and Johnny stories I think is funny how a simple thing like a water fall can give chances to know many things and see many things.............
Sorry about my english !!!
have a good day!!
...finally we stopped in a place I was so surprise to see, on the middle of the small road a big or huge building of maybe 3 or 4 floors totally emthy and broken, not finish, just wall of cement and stairs going down, it seems is one of these many many projects in Bali people start and for one reason or another they stop the project, it seems like it was suppose to be a hotel, I think even had the whole for the lift, many many stairs going down...
What you saw, begonia, were the ruins of the failed bungee-jumping business on the other side of the river.
I'm glad to hear that someone has finally removed the bungee tower, after all these years.

When I get a chance, I'll go and have a look for myself and report back.

Johnny, what really surprise me it is that even I think it was not a fail business!!!!!!!!! because the place I am talking about whas not broken, sorry it was a wrong expression, because that place it was only maybe 10% on construction, was not finish, so never was a business there, they stopped to built up just after built only the walls of the place, run out of money, problems with local partners if it was a foreigner investment, problems with the banjar............I am curious do you know if the idea and money was coming from a local person or from a foreigner??
did the bungee jumping ever had people? anybody ever jump from the bungee there???
Looking the place I am talking (the big hotel with 3 o 4th floors going down) I guess it was a quite "big" project but didn´t work at all.
I wonder if they didn´t have problems because it was quite close or beside a cementery...........
It's been about 12 years since I've been to the other side of the river. It sounds like what you saw was not the bungee place after all. From your description, it sounds like a project where the money ran out.
...did the bungee jumping ever had people? anybody ever jump from the bungee there?
Definitely! Saw them many times.

From memory, I think it cost around USD 40 for a jump, including transport from down South and a "free" T-Shirt. The locals found it difficult to believe that tourists would pay so much money to jump off a tower attached to a big rubber band. I never got any takers when I offered them a free jump.

Are you sure it was taken in Ubud? Because, i also ever saw a nice waterfall in Bedugul. I live in Bali, but never know about waterfall in Ubud, let me ask my balinese friend about this :)
There are coupe of rather small water falls in the immediate vicinity of Ubud, just south of Payangan, on the Ayung River. They fall directly in the river, so they can be approached only with a raft or kayak.
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There are coupe of rather small water falls in the immediate vicinity of Ubud, just south of Payangan, on the Ayung River. They fall directly in the river, so they can be approached only with a raft or kayak.

The waterfall in Kemenuh they were discussing in this thread a couple of years ago is in the very small village of Tegenungan. it is accessible by foot as a previous poster described. To reach the pool at the base of the waterfall is a walk down the hill but it isn't a bad walk or particularly strenuous and it is paved. The fall can also be seen from the top, just a few steps from the car park. It isn't a large waterfall and can be better described as picturesque (if it weren't for rubbish) rather than impressive or dramatic.

Tintin, I don't understand what you are saying when you say "they fall directly in the river."
Sorry, I was not clear. The water falls right into the river, therefore, in order to see these couple of small waterfalls you must be boating on the river, as oppose to the situation where, like in Kemenuh, or many others in Bali, you can walk to the pool at the bottom of it.