
New Member
Feb 22, 2012
I write this note to share my experiences and my Bali experience. I write in good faith and I try to inform you because the situation that I find here sometimes is surprising me.
I arrive in Bali and I toke amoeba in a luxury villa in the south after a life passed in “on site” installations all over the world taking nothing. Here I change several houses finding every time nice surprises.
Amoeba put me in bad conditions for one month but you can imagine the effect on a little children or a pregnant women.?

ask to the owner/ seller where is and how deep is.
The well area must be clean, far away from septic tanks, rubbish storage and chemicals storage.
Well casing must be above the land surface and protected.
A lot of information can be finding on the EPA website
If outside pump check for pump function and check the pump status. If you are lucky you can find a label on the pump with the characteristic or the model and check in internet the real performances. Here all the people declare to have very deep well but after I can see very small jet pump that have a low suction power (it means about 15 meter deep)
If it is a dug well you can open and measure it.
Ask to the neighbor about water availability and problem. Check also activity in your area: a small chrome plating or a Benkel can pollute with very dangerous chemicals the area.

Water tank and piping: see part one.
I forgot that installing 1 or 2 tons of water tank on a structure require a good and calculated structure.
Here is a seismic area and during last earthquake the one that I find in my house was oscillating as a crazy on the unique escape way of the house.
Water tank ( If it is Stainless steel ) and pump must be ground connected ( the yellow green cable) to avoid shower electrochock.

Septic tank
Ask to the owner/ seller where is and how big is
Check if there is a vent pipe and inspection opening.
Check and ask where the overflow is going ( if any)
Check the overflow place( if any)
Check if there is some inspection well on the drainage line.
Ask about the maintenance done.

These questions can save you from bad smells and huge problem in case of plugging.

SSECURITY : Due to the gas formation is very dangerous open and inspect a septic tank: there are explosion risk and asphyxiate risk!!

Please note that someone is discharging the grey water in a corner of the garden.
Some time the septic tank overflow is going in the romantic stream in your garden so your children can breathe nice bacteria...

Keep in mind that septic tank requires some maintenance to avoid smells and problem and if you discharge in an open stream you have to disinfect the outlet for the local law and to preserve the healt


New Member
Jan 19, 2012
I am totally agree with your advices. Both part of your information are very useful for health and fitness. Thanks for sharing this very very useful tips and advices.