
i thought I might find this information on the forum with a "search" but couldn't.

Can anyone tell me whether there is a way to pay the water bill without driving all the way to a PDAM office? I made the mistake of trying that this afternoon and finding they were closed. I'd not thought about it being Friday afternoon.

I can pay my listrik bill and my phone bill through internet banking but can't seem to do the same with PDAM. Any suggestions?
Thank you no.idea. I don't seem to be able to pay it through Danamon but I'll ask them the next time I'm in the bank.
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Unlike the big national entities (PLN, phone operators, pay TV operators, etc) PDAMs are separate entities for different areas. So, while a few may have provision for paying via ATM, many don't. If you are in such as area, one possibility is to find some "agent" who will pay on your behalf for a small fee.
I pay mine through the nearest BPD - a small local community bank. Branches everywhere. They charge small commission, but worth it for the convenience.
Watch the PAM meter readers though - after 2 uncharacteristicall high bills, I pounced on the reader in the street and asked him why. "Um ... if busy, we, er, make up reading ..."
I found that it was amazing how quickly 'mistakes' can be rectified once you have given them a photograph of your meter reading.