
That's highly likely...I read somewhere recently that all airlines have agreed to include the airport user fee into the tickets, like most other airports in the world. But when...and how much....was not decided, as all RI airports currently charge a different fee.

If I can pop in here quickly with my $0.02c worth

Things like this (differing fees per location) can be addressed by what is known as a 'Web Service'
That is, the central body that 'authorizes' the differing data per location also publishes the latest set of data onto the Internet
Interested parties attach to that service and get the up-to-the-minute cost/charge/rate from the central service

One simple example is BSBs for Banks
Or Postcodes


There is no excuse for being uninformed, in this way
The Internet does a whole lot more than just emails and online sales
It truly is the "Information Super Highway" that Bill Gates touted many years ago


Jul 22, 2012
Perth, Sanur
In about 25 visits to Bali over past 17 years I have never been asked a question at immigration . It has never been necessary for me to ask them any questions.


I went to Immi today to pay - there are 3 visits for VOA extension (1 = apply, 2 = pay, 3 = pick up passport)

It was, again, Rp355.000 - Rp300 for extension and Rp55 for fingerprints and photo?? (I am guessing the 'split' here)
I said I was done last time
They say we do it each time for this and pointed to my paperwork
OK - I did it

They ask questions
Today the fingerprint guy was talking in a quiet voice
I had to ask him to repeat each question
So that's his technique
But it was all OK, as usual


Well-Known Member
Mar 13, 2012
In about 25 visits to Bali over past 17 years I have never been asked a question at immigration . It has never been necessary for me to ask them any questions.

During the last 17 years a folded currency note of value inside a passport usually produced tight lips.:icon_wink:

Today and tomorrow....not so sure...:black_eyed:


Well-Known Member
Jan 10, 2009
I presume that you went to the immigration office in Singaraja.

The inconsistencies between different offices have always bemused me, but I guess that's "Incredible Indonesia" for you.

I have had a retirement KITAS for many years here. The last few years, I've paid extra for a MERP (multiple entry-reentry).
Imagine my shock and surprise when I had to go to Australia recently and my latest MERP wasn't in my passport.
It was late on a Saturday night, my flight due to leave in about two hours.

I had a big interview with the officials, who said I had to go to the immigration office to "fix" this.
What!? It's Saturday night, Wayan. Maybe my old age worked for me, because they let me fly out in the end.
Amazingly, they didn't ask me for any money, or cigarettes.

The person who has been doing all my visas for years is now a retired immigration official. Never had a problem before, so obviously somebody screwed up.
Usually, I just go to the ex-official's house, (not the immigration office), and everything is dealt with there (apart from having to do the fingerprints/photos stuff.)

In Australia, I went to an Indonesian consulate to try and get a two-month tourist visa (rather than just fly back to Bali and line up for a VOA).
That was OK, except that they wanted me to have a plane ticket out of Indonesia. I opted for a VOA instead, and unfortunately, I wasn't flying Garuda (where you can do your visa on-board).

Back in Bali, the airport officials pulled me aside again. Basically, they took all my KITAS stuff away from me (blue book, plastic card, etc).
The next problem was how long would it take to renew my KITAS from scratch? To be on the safe side, I decided to extend my VOA, just in case.

Of course I vented my displeasure about all of this to the retired official. Everything was fixed for the VOA extension, apart from me having to go to the immigration office near the airport for fingerprints/photo.
I had to wait nearly three hours before my number came up.

OK - so that part of my new process was finished. Next was waiting for the approval from Jakarta to arrive for my new KITAS. It actually came quite quickly (maybe 10 days).
I was sweating on it because I'd already booked/paid for my flights and hotel in Singapore and was worried that maybe, if the approval didn't arrive before my VOA extension expired, I'd have to go to Singapore twice.

To this day, after living in Indonesia nearly 20 years, I still don't understand the "logic" of why we have to leave the country to pick up our visas.
The money I spend in Singapore, KL, Bangkok, Darwin, wherever, is money that I don't spend in Indonesia. WTF?

The other thing is that are several extremely reliable agents in Singapore who can pick up your papers in the morning, go to the Indonesian Embassy and have everything finished later in the afternoon of the same day.
The price for this service varies with what kind of visa has to be processed.
In my current case, the official KITAS price is Rp 1,500,000 and I pay the agent an extra Rp 500,000 to do all the running around. Definitely beats going to the embassy and being told it will take at least three days, blah blah...unless you use an "agent".

Sorry for the length of this post. I thought it might be of some interest to somebody, and I've got it off my chest, so to speak.



Well-Known Member
Mar 13, 2012
@ post 25
Good post JohnnyCool and thanks for sharing.

May I ask for some clarification...you say you didn't have a MERP stamp in your passport when you went to Australia 'recently'. Was that since the new rules were introduced last July?

I'm told, in future, there will only be one Kitas stamp and NO MERP stamp as the MERP is now mandatory for Kitas holders anyway, and they come in combination and expire at the same time.
I'm waiting for my new Kitas to be issued on 5 December so cannot yet confirm.


Well-Known Member
Jan 10, 2009
May I ask for some clarification...you say you didn't have a MERP stamp in your passport when you went to Australia 'recently'. Was that since the new rules were introduced last July?
No, davita. My last KITAS (with the missing MERP) was due for renewal in December, 2014. I went to Darwin last month.

I've also been told that the MERP is now mandatory. Just my "luck", or lack of it.



Well-Known Member
Mar 13, 2012
No, davita. My last KITAS (with the missing MERP) was due for renewal in December, 2014. I went to Darwin last month.

I've also been told that the MERP is now mandatory. Just my "luck", or lack of it.


Thanks...then my information in post #26 may be accurate. I've not found anyone yet who has confirmed the new procedure. I'll know, and post, when my passport is returned.


Well-Known Member
Jan 10, 2009
My (retired) Immigration official told me that it is now the case.

I'm picking up my new visa in Singapore this Tuesday. When I get back, the other fun starts (passport goes back to Jakarta - then wait to get it back).
At this point in time, the only way to know for sure if the mandatory MERP works would be to exit Indonesia at least twice and see what happens.
I'm pretty certain that there won't be any problems, but Indonesia being Indonesia, keeping my fingers crossed.


Well-Known Member
Jan 12, 2009
Anyone know if the MERP will be for 5 years if on KITAP? It does make sense to combine the two and I am sure most people would be happy to pay a little more to get it all done in one go.

Dick Rector

Feb 26, 2011
Sanur Bali Indonesia
Anyone know if the MERP will be for 5 years if on KITAP? It does make sense to combine the two and I am sure most people would be happy to pay a little more to get it all done in one go.

As far as I know it is valid 'only' for 2 years, Silly roles they have! And it seems you have no choice, have to take it when going to a Kitap. I am in the process at the moment.


Well-Known Member
Mar 13, 2012
A friend told me last night that the maximum MERP he can obtain on KITAP is 3 years.

Your friend is lucky. According to my agent it is still 2 years MERP even tho' the 2nd Kitap is indefinitive. Makes no sense to me but I'd guess all this is under review since we have a new gov't and, at first light, looks like they may think more progressively...time will oot!


Well-Known Member
Aug 14, 2007
Ubud, Bali
Anyone know if the MERP will be for 5 years if on KITAP? It does make sense to combine the two and I am sure most people would be happy to pay a little more to get it all done in one go.

According to my agent, the Singaraja Immigration office will only give 1 year (their interpretation of something) while Renon gives 2 years.


Well-Known Member
Mar 13, 2012
Today is the first day for the VOA free for those 5 extra countries (Australia, China, Japan, Russia, S. Korea)
A disadvantage for some is that it isn't extendable like the paid VOA. I guess a quick trip to/fro Singapore will give another 30 days...but to save 2xUSD35 doesn't seem worth it. Maybe it will be better to get a Tourist Visa from the home country and prevent all the hassle.


Well-Known Member
Oct 13, 2010
Today is the first day for the VOA free for those 5 extra countries (Australia, China, Japan, Russia, S. Korea)
A disadvantage for some is that it isn't extendable like the paid VOA. I guess a quick trip to/fro Singapore will give another 30 days...but to save 2xUSD35 doesn't seem worth it. Maybe it will be better to get a Tourist Visa from the home country and prevent all the hassle.
Someone should have told Immigration as people are still being charged for VOA today?


Well-Known Member
Oct 13, 2010
The head of maritime service ask for visa free for cruise ships, not seen anything from immigration about removing VOA at the airport for Australians. Anyone have any info from immigration about change to the rules on VOA apart form ASEAN agreement?