
Sep 25, 2009
Ubud Watch
The following message was received from the Police (MABES POLRI) via text message (my translation): "If you find a crying child on the street who shows you an address and asks you to take him/her there, take that child to the nearest police post or office and DO NOT attempt to deliver that child to the address. This is the newest method used by criminals to rob, rape and kidnap victims. There have been many victims, and the Police want to deliver the children to these addresses. Help save someone from this terrible experience -- please share this message with your friends, family and groups."


Active Member
Aug 13, 2013
Sorry, I should have written more in my first post.

This is a hoax. Please check the links I posted earlier.

I think what happens is one trickster/troll starts the ball rolling and then it's taken up by concerned, albeit gullible, citizens.


Well-Known Member
Sep 3, 2007
Karangasem, Bali
I always feel that going on the Bali Expats Farcebook site is like a weekend at Disneyland where "reality" seems to just flow above all the people there leaving them completely untouched.

It's really a great exercise in humility for me because when I start thinking I might know a thing or two about living in Bali and go there to find it's all wrong and that the world is a warm and cuddly place peopled by "expats" that have lived in Bali for 6 months and have read and memorized things their predecessors, also of 6 month duration, have said and regurgitate it with their own personal "bend" on what was originally wrong in the first place.

I started out feeling like I should really try and help some of the deluded who asked real and important questions but found I would surface from a discussion hours (if not days) later having chewed my table edge to a nub with 1200 people howling for my death or at least expulsion from the forum.

Many here may agree that this is a just and right solution to the "Markit" problem but I will maintain as I'm carried of with pieces of table around my lips "I was only trying to hellllppp!"
Aug 31, 2014
In the short period that I was a member there I saw people threatening to have people's legs broken, death threats, highly personal verbal attacks, defamation, libel, people contradicting their own posts, outright lies and stupidity, so much for the first day.
Someone (Taz Q) made a very jokey and FaF list of FAQs, some of which were absolutely spot onhe was hounded off the forum for not taking it seriously, a few examples.

No matter what anyone says, foreigners cannot buy land on Bali.
No matter what anyone says you cannot work without some sort of permit.
Trust me, nobody can tell you in advance how long the queues will be at Immigrasi at midnight 29th July 2015.
Eat Pray Love is a work of fiction, not a factual guide book to base your life on.
Julia Roberts does not live in Ubud.

I think a copied it all somewhere.
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Well-Known Member
Sep 3, 2007
Karangasem, Bali
Length of this, length of that. Mere stepping stones on the path to true tropical debauchery.

Are you smuggling cheese? I will wait for you. I'll know you by the faint but wonderfully tart whiff of Limburger.
Aug 31, 2014
Last time I got pulled over at Singapore for the suspected Limburger smuggling, all they found was my pair of Gordon Strachan's socks, the ones he wore when he scored against Germany in Mexico in the World Cup. Never been washed since he wore them, I carry them with me everywhere a wee piece of Scottish History. How's yer neet Marky?
Aug 31, 2014
Neet = night. a general observation. we were slummin on the Waterfront at Batam and bored with more than one of the pussy posse suggesting we shoulda made the effort to get to Bali for the weekend but midnight Friday is not a very good time to be planning yer travel.
Once we are clear here its Chiang Rai next for almost a month so it looks like planning for Christmas on Bali now, except we need to travel via Madura and Kangean Islands first as well.
Mince tatties an neeps on the menu today.