
Feb 17, 2013
I've been living here for the past 30 years. I've seen the price of Bintang beer rise from 2,000 rupiah in the year 1983 to 22,000 rupiah in the year 2013.

Now I'd like to brew my own beer. I do however need a good sterilizer, because the beer brewing equipment must be free of bacteria. Does anyone know where I can buy a good sterilizer ?


Well-Known Member
Apr 2, 2010
Regarding the prize increase, 30 years is a loong time; how much were the costs for an average car in Australia / Europe 30 years ago?
Re the sterilizer: buy it in your home country & ask them to send it to you.....maybe you can buy a sterilizer somewhere in indo too but how can you be sure that it's really made for this and not for other scopes :)?

Peter Ka

Mar 31, 2010
Just use liberal amounts of chlorine and rinse with aqua gallons (which make very good fermenters). I would more worry about how to get quality malt extracts or grains to Indonesia for a decent shipping price and import costs.


Jul 10, 2008
I have made beer before in Bali and always just used well sanitized aqua jugs. Never had a problem with it being unsterile or becoming contaminated.

I agree, your biggest problem is going to be sourcing quality ingredients. What I made, technically couldn't be classified as beer since it had no hops, barley or malt, just sugar and yeast and whatever I decided to flavor it with. Most batches turned out tasty and very drinkable though, and you end up calling it beer for convenience, but it isn't.

Experiment, you can get around 12% alcohol fairly easily and fill up close to 30 large bintang bottles for a whopping 60k for ingredients.
Feb 15, 2013
Mate, when I first came to Bali, there used to be a restaurants in Kuta called Dayu II, where I used to get a nasi goreng for (wait for it..... ) Rp. 150,- , and kalau pakai telor, Rp. 200,-, fish and chips were Rp. 300,-, and a night in a bungalow where the Hardrock Hotel is now was Rp. 15.000,-. Petrol was Rp. 100 per litre, and a large bottle of beer in the Hotel Indonesia in Jakarta was Rp. 600,-. (And I was young, and handsome, and still had hair).


Well-Known Member
Sep 3, 2007
Karangasem, Bali
I've been living here for the past 30 years. I've seen the price of Bintang beer rise from 2,000 rupiah in the year 1983 to 22,000 rupiah in the year 2013.

Now I'd like to brew my own beer. I do however need a good sterilizer, because the beer brewing equipment must be free of bacteria. Does anyone know where I can buy a good sterilizer ?

I love this! Been here for 30 years and the first time he feels the call of the Balipod is when it's Beer time!


Feb 17, 2013
Ingredients : no problem, even strawberries can be used
Equipment : sanitize with bleach

I just found out that bleach is very effective for killing bacteria and/or other nasties.


Feb 17, 2013
Lots of things have changed in the course of 30 years. I used to go to the old Bali Beach Hotel in Sanur to send a telex to friends overseas. Even a fax didn't exist on the island of Bali ! Nowadays very few people know what a telex was...

I never locked my door in those days. Nobody would enter my house while I was away. Once I even forgot that I left money on the table. Three days later it was still there....

Ah, the good old days. It isn't "my" Bali anymore...

I remember how difficult it was to master the Balinese language with its three different levels. In those days I always used High Balinese when speaking to the lower caste, which made them laugh. It was more embarrassing though when I used Low Balinese words when speaking to the high caste people. They corrected me and told me how rude I was !

Anyway, that happened thirty years ago.

Indonesian is much easier to speak, although not THAT easy. Whenever I meet foreigners who claim to speak Indonesian, I show them an Indonesian newspaper and ask them to translate a press article. Usually they don't pass this exam !

Well, enough rambling on. Have a good day in paradise !


New Member
May 12, 2013
North Bal, i NE USA
All you need is some bleach to clean and sanitize things. Use steam to sterilize your bottles.
As mentioned early the real problem will be finding the right ingredients. Does anyone have a source for malt and grains? I've been brewing in Indonesia for the last few years, but always with ingredients I've brought with me from the states.
The price of Bintang has gone up a lot. I believe ten years ago a large bottle was around 9,000 which made it reasonable now it's expensive, glad I like Arak and have a good quality where I live.
Interested to know if there are any other brewers out there, beer, meed, etc..

Jack Rossi

New Member
May 31, 2013
I know a gentleman that produces beer brewing kits for bar and restaurants, 50L or 100L a day of beer. If you are interest i can drop him an email.
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