Seminyak LeaseHold


Active Member
Nov 4, 2003
Kuta, Lombok
Mat - I have asked family that live in the mountains and they too say Rp200,000 is too little. if she could get more than that in a kampung warung she should be able to get more especially as she is an english speaker. In case you doubt what I say my family are from Sepang... a good 45 minutes drive up the mountains from Lovina.


Dec 18, 2008
mimpimanis said:
Mat - I have asked family that live in the mountains and they too say Rp200,000 is too little. if she could get more than that in a kampung warung she should be able to get more especially as she is an english speaker. In case you doubt what I say my family are from Sepang... a good 45 minutes drive up the mountains from Lovina.
I agree Mimpimanis too little, and no doubts about what you say. But it's a fact that is what she has been earning in the past, and now finds it impossible to find a job over 300,000 a month even for long hours. She is now looking for a job which does not involve working or travelling at night because at those times she is often subjected to sexual harrasment at work and on the way home which she and myself find unacceptable. I suppose it doesn't help she is dating a westerner. [the gossips can be cruel]
Truely though if anybody knows of any work at a fair/ minimum wage in the area let me know. She and I would be most gratefull. She only needs to work up to mid november as I will be there for 6 months from then. So anything in the tourist or seasonal work would be great and as I say she is charming with good English.
I' ve seen your web site of your place in Lombok looks lovely, so I may well mail you and book some time during my stay as I have promised her a trip to Lombok and Java during my next visit also I need to reserch suppliers for my next container to the UK.


New Member
Dec 25, 2008
It's quite common for females in particular, from lower economic demographics, that are dating western men to "conceal" their actual salaries. This may be done for a number of reasons, the most obvious of which I'm sure you can guess.

This is not necessarily what's happening in this particular case, but you should be aware that it happens and it happens regularly.

The salaries supposedly being offered are very low indeed.

Troy F.


Well-Known Member
Aug 14, 2007
Ubud, Bali
troy said:
........ to "conceal" their actual salaries.

And sometimes the "salary" is supplemented with a meal allowance - for example to a monthly salary of Rp350,000 may added Rp150,000 for meals.


Jul 10, 2008
Yea, that's extremely low, I can't really judge the situation because I don't know the individuals involved, but I really can't believe that she is working 7 days a week for 200,000 or that there are no jobs that will pay higher, especially if she speaks english. Maybe on your next trip you can help her find a better job or something.


Dec 18, 2008
I have the facts here, she worked at two shops, one paid 200,000 a month, the other 300,000 no food allowance. A restaurant and a hotel paid 245,000 and 300,000 a month, both of which gave her a little food [but not enough for the whole day]. All these places are either in Lovina, Anturan or Banualit and I know them. She thinks it normal and is very keen to find a job for a little more. She sewed T shirts from age 11 and often works in a brick factory in any breaks from other jobs as well as making balinese cake to sell. Not forgetting home cleaning and praying commitments. I really admire her keeness to work. Puts me to shame. :wink:


Jul 10, 2008
I just asked a friend from the Lovina area. He said no way is that the going rate. He said he alot of his friends work in stores or hotels, also have no formal education and can't really speak a lick of english and the minimum is about 600,000. And they only work 6 days a week, the typical Indonesian work week. Help your girl find a better job dude, they are out there, especially if she has English skills.


Apr 16, 2008
Sanur/Sunrise Dam Gold Mine
Sorry, i should say more than that.
The previous 11 post where as gil said, about mats gilfriend and how underpaid she is or isnt. IMHO, most indonesians are under paid regardless, perhaps exploited.
My point is , this post is about a Seminyak Leasehold perhaps worth quite a bit of money by the sounds of it, and we/us are disscusing an indonesian nationals wage. :roll:


Active Member
Nov 4, 2003
Kuta, Lombok
The reason we are discussing it is is because Mat suggested that the OPs salaries he was planning on paying his staff were too high - based on his girlfriend's earnings.

And the OPs reaction

Thanks for the reply. In what area does your fiance work? Is it the Seminyak area? I would love to find out that I have over estimated something. :twisted:

Much better to point out that her salary is much lower than usual rather than have another employer offering similar low salaries to more Indonesians.