
Hi all,
As a fly on the wall option I'd like to let you know that we've now finally got our online shopping feature coded and loaded to our site. Many pitfalls with regards to online options for Indonesia seeing as they don't work with PayPal which is a core element of many online shopping options these days.

We wanted to do something a bit extra so we took all options for EMS, Registered and standard postal rates and coded the complete configuration of all costs for every incremental weight option as outlined by each of the services departing Bali (Indonesia) to each country serviced as per the paperwork given to us by the Kantor Pos. Now I understand that prices can change which will mean an editing of the fees but that is relatively straightforward a task now that the whole matrix is coded and placed in the template for the store.

As mentioned no Indo banks work with PayPal as a direct option so we're leaving that as something to address in the hopefully not too distant future by setting up an admin base either in Singapore of Hong Kong and then logging on/controlling everything via proxy servers from Bali to those locations, I
d like to be able to have things closer to home but until things change banking wise in Indo I'm not sure how long that would take. Currently we are not employing any locals, just the nominated partner who has his regular job so a lot/all of the work is currently being carried out by yours truly.

The whole coding and setting up of the store was a bit costly using a company in the USA. Also looking to change the main aesthetic to match that of the Blog.

If anyone is interested in checking that out please do so. The website and store is linked from my signature below.


Peter Ka

Mar 31, 2010
Two points. I would only offer one shipping method. EMS. Second. You collect CC info. Most buyers these days are wary of online shops doing that. Best to have a third party do that.


Hi Peter,
Thanks for the feedback. We were thinking of going just EMS but given the costs on multiple orders as the weight increases the fees can become the deciding issue for a sale or no sale. I also like to option of choice, it is there of someone wants this. Also in a world where choice is king I thought if we didn't include an option for choice we would get more negative feedback than good.

As per the collection of CC info. Yes I understand, we're looking to allow people to create their own accounts with the store and that way they will benefit from promotional offers available only to members. As with anything I find the collection of data, any data, to be a double edged sword. If people don't wish to create accounts that is also fine. With over 60 million people now using PayPal that is also an option. Even further, you no longer need to have a PayPal account to effect purchases through their system, so that way a trusted third party, PayPal, can therefore also serve as the CC collection entity. In time I'm hoping that buyer confidence will change towards our company but that will take time.

Personally I actually think eMail accounts, especially those we do business with, to be more valuable than CC details. A CC card can be cancelled in the case of erroneous use, and the perpetrator sometimes traced. With eMail accounts, as I am now experiencing, I have been hacked and am involuntarily spamming people in my address book from one of my business email addresses. The damage that this does in a business sense I feel is far greater reaching than the illicit use of CC details/information. Any illicit spending can be stopped and recuperated if you bank with an FDIC affiliated banking entity.

Our society is fraught with danger on this issue but it is down to the buyer at the end of the day.

Thanks again.
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Apr 2, 2010
Just a few comments

1) Took me a while to find the actual store, after clicking through a few pages I found it under "liquid style" kind of confusing for first time customers who are keen to buy something.

2) The store looks like a totally different website, as far as branding goes thats a big no no. I like the pagelines template and the logo you or who ever designed a lot better than the store layout design. It just looks a lot more professional. Not sure why it wasn't tied in the design.

Did get the website up and running yourself?

Did you have a look at the free e-commerce wordpress plugin? I've used it before, seems to have all the features yours does.

Did you have a look at some of the wordpress templates with e-commerce features already installed in them?


Thanks for the feedback, appreciated.

The original coding of the store started back before I had the main website together, and to answer that question yes, I put the website together using the Page Lines template. I've actually broached that situation now with the designers to mirror the aesthetic of the website so it all looks seamless. Hoping that will take effect soon. I looked at the templates from WordPress but wanted to go white collar. If there is a problem with the website or the store in our scenario then the other continues to run. I guess it is also that autonomy which is responsible for the somewhat differing aesthetic at this time.

I will address the links issue and make it clearer as to the location of the store but there is a huge Blue sign on the home and every other page, at the bottom, that links to the store.

Cheers again, appreciate your time taken to check it out.


Well-Known Member
Sep 3, 2007
Karangasem, Bali
Since you asked...

Looked at both, first the blog and I find that very cold and uninviting - but on a standard with what is considered "cool" esthetically modern today. Not sure I agree, when you look at most business sites they are through the bunch trying to be "inclusive" and welcoming people in and "cool" is by definition "exclusive" and trying to appeal to a minority so that may be a small problem.

Moved on to the site and I fount that very good and quite operational. Not very cheerful and happy but very white and again "cool" all the way down to the models miserable faces - they just don't look happy wearing your kit - is that good? I think not.

As to the kit, well I hope your bank manager is generous because frankly I see no point in paying $33 for one of your tee shirts when it can be bought almost anywhere else in the world for a fiver at most, just because it has your (let's be honest, totally unknown) logo on it. In what world is your logo worth $28? And you only have a choice of 10 types. Looked through all the other duds too and your womens fashions are also the same - frantically expensive and the models look like they hate wearing it. But the backround is very Balinese...

Advise: skip the blog and site remake and invest your remaining dosh in developing some products that really look like they are unique and only buyable from you. The Balinese connection is good but you haven't taken it far enough and used some real Balinese skill in making a good product range - just gluing your logo to a teeshirt aint enough. Ask Hardys the jewelers or many other people that produce cloths for their home markets here on the island. Oh, and don't be surprised when Uluwatu (the upmarket lace and cloths makers) come calling with a cease and desist order for your tshirs or did you source them there?

As always your humble Markit


Mate thanks for the feedback, very much appreciated.

You knocked the nail on the head with regards to a few points.

1) The models: Noted, I've been on about this for quite some time. I do all the photography and as such that shows, from a lacking in knowledge of fashion shooting aesthetics. Will look to get on that asap in the coming days.
2) So far there have been no banks involved. I've been selling Tees and other clothing from Bali for the past two years and you would be surprised at what people who follow a brand, aesthetic or movement will pay. When you know just how little the larger brands pay per item, be that shorts, tees or hats etc due to the minimums they have to order things work out super cheap.
3) Our prices when you look at it are not that far elevated from those in Europe or the USA. I try to stay away from $5 bargain bins but some people love to shop there :icon_rolleyes:
4) Again, very astute. We're looking at deciding on what our 'look' will be and how that will separate us from the others. It's no easy task and one that should have been done, in hindsight, a while back.

Cheers for the punches, much appreciated and good to get honest feedback.



Well-Known Member
Sep 3, 2007
Karangasem, Bali
Thanks for taking the advice in the way it was meant - many here on the forum don't understand that.

I am a firm believer in the benefits of truth - however much it may hurt. I always figure if it's worth writing about, then tell it the way you see it.

You'll do good.



Feb 13, 2011
more honesty

Good on you mate for having a go!

As a writer and a (sometime) copywriter, I think you should concentrate on what you do best and that is your absolute knockout photos. Less words, more photos.

9/10 people are not going to read all that text on the first page - their click-finger is too eager to find some product!

And to be brutally honest the punters are not going to care about you and what you've done: what they care about is whether what you're selling appeals to them.


ps if you wanted me to go through your copy for you we could do a contra on a couple of photos!


Hey Phil,
Advice taken mate and changes made. I still have that other info page there but as a sub tag, this way if people want to see that they can always navigate there.

Have added some more image based navigation options.

What images were you on about mate?



Feb 13, 2011
ok, that's a thousand times better!


i think you've got a lot going on here: lots of ideas, lots of stories, and right now they're sort of getting in eachother's way and you're ending up with a whole that is less than the sum of the parts.

Pare it down, see what is the bare minimum you can get away with, and then, if you have to, if a need becomes apparent, you can always add it later on.

Think of all the great successful brands: their message is always pretty simple and pretty pure eg Nike let's do it.

Unfortunately I'm really busy now (finishing a novel!) so am only giving you 5c worth (rather than the full 20c) but would love to touch base later next week if you're interested


ps maybe we should pm from here - this is probably getting boring for other people!


Jan 28, 2011
good on you for having a go, i only looked into the shop and product range and you have a lot of upside if you really want to get creative,

your board shorts look really good and your surfwear is good too however you need to get more creative with tshirts, and caps they are just boring.

your biggest opportunity could be in the ladies fashion chicks dig funky surfwear and will pay for it but those dresses are just boring, get some creativity into your designs and think about casual wear with a bali beach slant?

as i said earlier i think you have the basics in place keep your logo on your products (some tees) maybe show 1 tee with the logo but offer differeant colors but get some more creative design into your range.

good luck


Cheers Tango,
We are currently going about a big revision on the designs etc, incorporating imagery and other such. Based on the feedback from this site which is greatly welcomed we've realized the issue of designs and models need to be seriously revamped.

Working on that, and developing a drop dead aesthetic too, takes time but we're getting there.

We found a I.T company that works in Bali and Australia that put our shop onto the internet that managed to get us paypal and all other usual types of payment method already loaded into the site .
we just provided our Indonesian bank details and they did the rest.
I'm sure they have an office in Bukit


Nov 28, 2011
Hi all,
in the hopefully not too distant future by setting up an admin base either in Singapore of Hong Kong and then logging on/controlling everything via proxy servers from Bali to those locations, I
d like to be able to have things closer to home but until things change banking wise in Indo I'm not sure how long that would take. Currently we are not employing any locals, just the nominated partner who has his regular job so a lot/all of the work is currently being carried out by yours truly.


Hi Mark, Suggestion,
1. Register a limited liability company (Pte Ltd) in Singapore - you can have 100% foreing equity, so no sleeping partners, nominees etc.
Costs less than S$5k in fees (if you want residency you'll need capitalisation of @ least S$100k).
You actually don't need office space or staff, just a 'Registered Office' address - the lawyer setting up the business can provide that.
You WILL need a resident director, but the lawyer can be that (he doesn't need equity)
The process can be done in a week

2. Whit that Open a bank a/c (we use StanChart, but any of them would do HSBC, DBS, OCBC, except the branches of Indon banks!!). You'll probably need an initial opening deposit of about S$5k, but you can withdraw most of that the following day ;)

3. Point your PayPal a/c to there. You might have problems with Paypal vendor verification which needs a credit card, or at least did when we set ours up 4-5 years ago

We also have a freelancer in Medan who does all our coding for our website (nego from abt $11/hr) We did go through 2 guys in the US, serious pain in the ass they kept trying to divert the project to areas they wanted so they never actually delivered the job we wanted - but don't go with hourly rates - you don't know how many 'real hours' he puts in - a project basis lets you set targets & gives an incentive for the coder to complete 1 project & move on to the next.

PM me if you need any assistance


Nov 28, 2011
Thanks, Gil,
Did I forget to mention that:
in Sg "revenue generated from 100% overseas activities are 100% non-taxable" (ie: not made & exported from Sg, or the result of any activity IN Sg)

gosh, silly me!