
Feb 14, 2010
The reelection of US President Barack Obama has brought new hope for Bali’s tourist industry with the expectation that more Americans will spend their vacations on the island.

Bagus Sudibya, a prominent figure in the industry, was hoping that Obama’s victory would tighten bilateral political, business, social, cultural and tourism relations between Indonesia and America.

“The majority of people in the industry are very optimistic and hopeful with President Obama winning the election,” Sudibya said.

The US has always been a major tourism market for Bali, in addition to Australia, Asia and Europe.

“Tourists from America and European countries are considered ‘quality tourists’ who spend long vacations in Bali. They are also repeaters and faithful guests,” Sudibya explained.

Obama’s victory could have a significant impact on Indonesia in general. His visit to Bali last year provided a positive image of Bali as a place secure enough to be visited by an American president.

In November 2011, Obama visited Bali to attend the 19th ASEAN Summit in Nusa Dua. The success of the summit and the visit of Obama to Bali had improved Bali as one of the world’s top tourist destinations and drew more American tourists to the island.

“The visit of President Obama last November and hopefully in November 2013 will become an important bonus for Bali and will speak volumes to the world,” said Sudibya, who is deputy chairman of Indonesian Tours and Travel Agencies Association (ASITA).

“As the leader of the world’s most powerful nation, President Obama will always draw international attention. Everywhere he goes, the attention of media and people around the world will follow him,” he added.

Bali?s tourist industry gears up after Obama?s win | The Jakarta Post


Jul 21, 2006
Western Australia

The US has always been a major tourism market for Bali, in addition to Australia, Asia and Europe.

“Tourists from America and European countries are considered ‘quality tourists’ who spend long vacations in Bali. They are also repeaters and faithful guests,” Sudibya explained.

Bali?s tourist industry gears up after Obama?s win | The Jakarta Post

So where does that put Australian and Asian tourists? No one can put their foot in their mouth quite like a Balinese 'prominent tourism industry figure'.

They still haven't quite grasped the concept of quality destination = quality tourist.

(and who came up with this 'quality tourist' crap anyway? From my experience of those tourists who might be considered 'quality' tourists, they are up there with the most revolting and unpleasant demographic of all)
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Active Member
Feb 6, 2009
Glad to be in the Quality Group. I wonder what quality other nationalities are? Medium?


Well-Known Member
Mar 13, 2012
And no mention of the quality tourists from Africa and the Middle-East...yet there are many staying in the Kerobokan know...that big nearly-white building where breakfast is free!!!


Well-Known Member
Sep 3, 2007
Karangasem, Bali
My all time fav was this quote: "His visit to Bali last year provided a positive image of Bali as a place secure enough to be visited by an American president."

Yeah, along with his air cover, armoured car(s), hundreds, if not thousands of bodyguards and the entire Indonesain army elite guarding him...

Did anyone catch him in KuDeTa or maybe slumming in Ubud (looking for the beach)?


Well-Known Member
Sep 13, 2005
Boston, MA, USA
The US market has always been a small component of the Bali tourism, compared to the rest of the world. Over the last 5 years, it represented approximately 5% of the arrivals, compared to Europeans, which were 23% of the market.


New Member
Apr 13, 2012
Kansas, USA
I don't know if Obama re-election will help or hurt Bali tourism. Will we be escaping to Bali to get out of the America he is ruining? Oh, we wish we could come to Bali, but we won't be able to come because we won't have any money left to pay for our trip there. Our meager vacation funds will be taxed away from us to pay for all HIS trips and all the other wonderful things he will be doing to totally ruin the United States of America! But everyone needs to keep in mind --- if the United States of America falls, it will ultimately change the rest of world and then what? No one will be wondering if tourists will come. We'll all be wondering how to survive day by day!


Well-Known Member
Sep 3, 2007
Karangasem, Bali
Hey BJ, America was ruined one hell of a long time ago - Obama is just sweeping up the left over dust. And I guarantee you the US aint near as important to the rest of the world as you all like to think, sorry but thats the truth.

Let's keep it small and comfortable, like.... Bali.


Super Moderator
May 26, 2004
Legian, Bali
Hey BJ, America was ruined one hell of a long time ago - Obama is just sweeping up the left over dust. And I guarantee you the US aint near as important to the rest of the world as you all like to think, sorry but thats the truth.

Let's keep it small and comfortable, like.... Bali.
Now I need the "like" button. :applause:


Jul 30, 2006
You'r so right Markit. Who need the US?
Wonder why my homecountry Sweden is doing so well? In the eyes of the republicans we are communists. We have free healthcare for all, free school lunch for all kids, free schooling all the way to University. We haven't been involved in a war for almost 300 yrs. We pay 30% incometax up to a certain amount and then more if we are really wealthy. (Ofcourse lower taxes would be heaven for me personally today but not the day I get old and need healthcare.) All things the Republicans consider to be a dangerous and communistic way to run a country. We have a right wing goverment and still manage the above. Equal rights for all citizens is a fundament to a good and healty country and has nothing to do with "the red danger". Long live Obama.


Well-Known Member
Sep 13, 2005
Boston, MA, USA
Allow me some obvious observations, Ranbutmerah.

1) You must have been away from Sweden for a long time. "Free this, free that"? Lady, nothing is "free" in this world, you have to pay for it somehow, as there are no miracles. Sweden is the highest taxed country in the world, where the tax revenues as a % of the GDP is about FIFTY %!!! As a comparison, those of the US and Switzerland are only about 30%. It's just a question of PRIORITIES, as you cannot have guns and better as the same time.

2) This being said, I heartily agree with your assessment of the Repukes. Watching the election returns on TV was the most exacting things I have seen on television in a long time. During the campaign, they were ALL so arrogant and delusional: Romney had not even prepared a concession speech in the event he would lose the election! He had to scramble to do so at 2.00 AM! Too funny.

3) As for Obama (for whom I voted while pinching my nose), he certainly has social policy ideas which you and I would agree with. However, on all other fronts, he is simply continuing the established policies of his predecessors: at home, a march toward Fascism, and abroad, a continuation of US Imperialism.

4) Finally (sorry if I shock you), I have been several times in Sweden in my youth, and, even with its "social benefits," which are excellent, you could not pay me enough to live there: it's much too cold, gloomy, and booooorrrring. :disgust: Just saying.
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New Member
Apr 13, 2012
Kansas, USA
1) The reason Sweden is a free country now is because US and British and others took care of the Nazis and Japan.
2) Does paying 30% of your earned wages make you happy to know that you help out everyone else that doesn't want to work for a living? What happens when the "takers" overtake the "givers"? Taxes keep rising and the "takers" take so much that the "givers" give up. Then where does the money for all the free stuff come from?
3) How can we trust a President that abandons his citizens in Bengazi while watching the massacre on live-stream video and then lies about it all?
More things to think about...


Jul 30, 2006
I'm in Sweden most of the time now a days and work full time. Pay 30% tax on my income like I said. This talk about 50% for us with an average income is so wrong. If your income is over $US 68.000/yr , you pay more but NOT 50%. When I said free I didn't mean free as it doesn't cost anything, we pay for all the benefits in our tax it doesn't matter if you'r on social welfare or you'r a wealthy person, it's all the same.
Totally agree that it can very cold in Sweden, like right now during winter time. Spring and summer is lovely.
Sorry if I shock you as well but I have been numerous times to the US but not lived there. First husband was American and my son has dual citizenship. Still lots of friends and family there.


Well-Known Member
Sep 13, 2005
Boston, MA, USA
Hi Rambutmerah,

Regarding the taxes. I wrote that the tax revenues of the Swedish Government is about 50% of its total GDP of the country.

Not that I pretend to know better than you, who actually live in Sweden, but according to YOUR own Government statistics, individuals pay BOTH national income tax and municipal income tax. In 2010, individual income tax rates in Sweden change between 54% and 61%, 57.77% being the average tax rate. There is also a VAT of 25%. Your corporate tax rate is about 25%, which is pretty good. For example, in the US, it can reach 39%!

PS. But Romney, who is a multi-millionaire (his worth is estimated at about $250 million), only paid in 2011, 14% of his TOTAL revenues!!!!


Well-Known Member
Sep 3, 2007
Karangasem, Bali
The Swedes are destined for extinction anyway - apparently you need the presence of at least 2 lawyers for both parties before you can have sex. Ask Assange.


Jul 30, 2006
Out of the tax I pay 70% is government tax and the rest 30% is municipal tax. Must say that I don't understand the figures you'r quoting. This is something I haven't experienced. I also work in Norway where I pay 36%. In both Sweden and Norway I get quit a large sum back every year after the equivalent to your IRS has gone trough my income declarations. This yr a total of $US 8000. Must say I can't complain one bit.


Well-Known Member
Sep 3, 2007
Karangasem, Bali
I wish the management would do something about the disgusting and filthy language used in this thread!

"Work" and "taxes" phew!


Well-Known Member
Sep 13, 2005
Boston, MA, USA
Out of the tax I pay 70% is government tax and the rest 30% is municipal tax. Must say that I don't understand the figures you'r quoting. This is something I haven't experienced. I also work in Norway where I pay 36%. In both Sweden and Norway I get quit a large sum back every year after the equivalent to your IRS has gone trough my income declarations. This yr a total of $US 8000. Must say I can't complain one bit.

What I was saying, first, is that the Swedish Government, your Government , gets a revenue in taxes equal to about 50% of its total GDP. I believe that is clear enough, and I cannot explain it better.

Then, I also said that BOTH national income tax and municipal income tax add up to (2010) a TOTAL tax of 57.33%, ON THE AVERAGE for a Swede. So, if you had too much of a withholding in the first place, like $8,000 last year as you said, it has nothing to do with your actual tax rate. I am not a tax expert in Sweden (hardly in the USA), but you are certainly not either in your own country.

Why don't you Goggle? Like, for example, Sweden Tax Rates

Anyway, this is a website about Bali, not Sweden. Sorry.